Elections Black gop governor nominee was a black nazi and watcher of tranny porn

I don't have any trans friends. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy here. Care to explain why protecting trans people while simultaneously using them to embarrass people makes any sense?

I also have no idea who this guy is so I don't give a shit about him. I'm just merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to trans and gay people for that matter. They're very defensive of them but very quick to use their existence as a club to insult others. Very odd.
I guess because he hates the LGBT but faps to tranny pr0n 🤷‍♂️
I don't have any trans friends. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy here. Care to explain why protecting trans people while simultaneously using them to embarrass people makes any sense?

I also have no idea who this guy is so I don't give a shit about him. I'm just merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to trans and gay people for that matter. They're very defensive of them but very quick to use their existence as a club to insult others. Very odd.
Its embarrassing not because leftists think there's anything wrong with enjoying transgender porn in and of itself but because Robinson is running on anti-trans rhetoric while having enjoyed that material in the past.

I can agree that in some cases this kind of argument can be deployed in bad faith or unsavory ways but the man is running for governor here so I think its fair to dig a little into his past.
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Something to do with his activities on a porn site in 2000s... Seeing that he's a MAGA republican, we've got 3 choices:

1. He was watching some trans porn
2. He was watching some gay porn
3. He appeared in one of those videos

Ding ding ding

We have a winner

That and he was a straight up psycho racist, the "MLK on steroids" that apparently wanted to reinstate slavery, but something tells me the GOP had no issues with that part.
Republicans only interaction with trans people seems to be through the porn they consume.

Which explains why they think anything a trans person does is sexual/pornographic by default...
I don't have any trans friends. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy here. Care to explain why protecting trans people while simultaneously using them to embarrass people makes any sense?

I also have no idea who this guy is so I don't give a shit about him. I'm just merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to trans and gay people for that matter. They're very defensive of them but very quick to use their existence as a club to insult others. Very odd.
This is so weak. There is nothing wrong with being LGBT. But there is something wrong with being a closeted LGBT person that wants to repress everyone out of their own sexual insecurity.
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Republicans only interaction with trans people seems to be through the porn they consume.

Which explains why they think anything a trans person does is sexual/pornographic by default...


That actually makes sense lol

"You can't have a trans person talk to kids!!! I've seen what they do! Many times! So, so, so many times!"
Politicians are gross so makes sense they're into skittles people.
Always embarrassing when someone’s sexual proclivities come to light bc they are freely discussing them all over the internet and aren’t smart enough to cover their tracks…
There's like 7 black people in the entire GOP and they all say stuff like "honestly I just feel like slavery never got a fair shake in this country". Excellent political party
I can see those issues will be important and pressing to most Americans that can't afford their Electricity bills and food.


All I know is that you wouldn't be lubing up like this if it was a Trump Critic busted for this.
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NC is must-win for Trump, the idea that his preferred candidate is a total degenerate who consumes gay trans content while demonizing said group and that might cost him the election is hilarious.
People will forget this shit, it is funny now but there is so much noise every week on something new. Though, I expect @nostradumbass will be frantically clearing his search history now.
Its embarrassing not because leftists think there's anything wrong with enjoying transgender porn in and of itself but because Robinson is running on anti-trans rhetoric while having enjoyed that material in the past.

I can agree that in some cases this kind of argument can be deployed in bad faith or in unsavory ways but the man is running for governor here so I think its fair to dig a little into his past.
- So a real conservative?<lol>
If he did this he needs to drop out now and a replacement in.

It really doesn't matter if a democrat replaces the democrat governor. So while it would be nice to get a good republican governor in the seat it's not vital.

Republicans hold a super majority in the assembly. They have over road his vetoes whenever they wanted.

He has been a hold your nose candidate all along.

Better then a democrat but hard to vote for.