Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

There is no They. And if there was a They, then “they” wouldn’t use some 60 year old AARP member and a 20 year old incel loner to try and take out a former POTUS and current candidate.

You guys make the Deep State sound like the fucking Marx Brothers. It’s like you can’t decide if they’re the terrifying, shadowy force secretly running the most powerful nation in the world, or a bunch of bumbling chucklefucks.

Evil doesn't necessarily mean competent. This isn't a children's movie.
This is your guys problem. Stop trying to generalize people into one giant group. Your trying to compare a ln immigrant who had to go through basic education and pass citizenship tests to people who got a debit card and dropped off in front of the welfare office. Their situations aren't even remotely comparable except for the fact that they came from the same place which is meaningless unless your a racist.
Because you haven't answered the question. You're blaming stuff on some vague "thems" and then get mad when people ask who "they" are.

That you are so delusional to ignore that this is an obvious red flag for illogical cult-like groupthink is sad.

I have answered the question and even provided proof to back up my answer. Please stop deflecting.
There is no They. And if there was a They, then “they” wouldn’t use some 60 year old AARP member and a 20 year old incel loner to try and take out a former POTUS and current candidate.

You guys make the Deep State sound like the fucking Marx Brothers. It’s like you can’t decide if they’re the terrifying, shadowy force secretly running the most powerful nation in the world, or a bunch of bumbling chucklefucks.
the derp state..
Evil doesn't necessarily mean competent. This isn't a children's movie.
But if they are anywhere near as incompetent as you make them out to be, then

1. I find it hard to believe they could succeed at what they do, or remain “Deep.” Their actual cover would’ve been blown ages ago, we’d know who they are, and I doubt they’d be all that successful. You’re telling me they can run the most powerful nation and largest bureaucracy the world has ever known, but can’t figure out how to shoot a guy? That stretches the boundary of credibility.

2. They wouldn’t seem all that scary. I mean, Trump is this massive thorn in their side for 8 straight years and they can’t figure out what to do? All it takes to defeat them is to vote a certain way (and maybe not even have to win the popular vote)? That’s silly. If there was a Deep State and they didn’t want Trump in office, he wouldn’t be.
I guess I don’t understand why Cheney’s endorsement indicates that to you, but other career politicians who endorse Trump doesn’t indicate that, know what I mean?

Like, a Cheney endorsement is “indicative of what the Deep State wants.” But Bill Barr was a George HW Bush official, and he’s endorsing Trump.
Eugene Scalia, son of Antonin Scalia and former Solicitor of Labor and Secretary of Labor, is endorsing Trump.

Jed Babbin, who was Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Planning in the HW Bush Administration—which makes the Secretary he was under, one Dick Cheney—is endorsing Trump.

But I don’t see you connecting any Deep State dots there, right?

There's still the future of the Republic party and the future of all of these people's political career. But yeah, I do agree that there's a chance that Trump is part of the swamp after all, I've said that before.

Given how hard they're going after Trump I think it's unlikely, but given his first term it's definitely an option.
Because you haven't answered the question. You're blaming stuff on some vague "thems" and then get mad when people ask who "they" are.

That you are so delusional to ignore that this is an obvious red flag for illogical cult-like groupthink is sad.
That is the beauty of blaming the Deep State. Nobody knows what the fuck it is.
Sorry boss, I am late to work today, the Deep State, turned my alarm off in the middle of the night, so they would make me late.
Honey, the Deep State tricked me into fucking your best friend, it was not me but the Deep State.
This is your guys problem. Stop trying to generalize people into one giant group. Your trying to compare a ln immigrant who had to go through basic education and pass citizenship tests to people who got a debit card and dropped off in front of the welfare office. Their situations aren't even remotely comparable except for the fact that they came from the same place which is meaningless unless your a racist.
You seem to be the one generalizing but also not making sense.

Do you understand that the city of Springfield went recruiting for these Haitians to come to Springfield and work, and they did back in 2017, when Trump was POTUS.

that Springfield created specific marketing and immigration material to help them apply and then come over?
It's fine to admit you're scared of getting the hammer, being you're on a yellow you know?

I'm not scared at all. I rarely say anything inflammatory on here and there's a pretty well established precedent on this website that it's fine to call people retards and brainwashed NPCs.
you do know that massive mail in voting was implemented during the election right? Like no time ever, and if you're not questioning the ethics and issues that comes with that, then you're not paying attention. Vote harvesting use to be considered criminal activity, and it's only possible with wide mail in voting.
Mail in voting has no history of wide spread fraud, and in the last election the investigations found no such fraud happened, so your point is meaningless.

Indicating something is merely possible (as you do) is not saying it does happen nor that the safeguards in place would not catch it.