Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

Yes. How effective has the whining and inflating of his comic book villain-esque evil prowess been over the last 10 years? If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, what else should we call the "strategy" of shrieking about how he's worse than Hitler and Stalin and Mussolini rolled into one? The only power that that orange doofus has is the power we give him, and we've given him so much power that we've created a fucking medieval golem out of a demented TV personality. Have you ever tried arguing with a deranged person on the street? Do you hold conversations with elderly relatives with Alzheimer's? The strategy should've always been - and it's WAY past the time when the strategy should've become - to focus on policy and talk to the voters and let that moron shout himself into irrelevance. From The Twilight Zone to Home Alone, this has been the simple solution to fear.

I'm not Trump, I'm not one of his followers, and I'm not advocating for special treatment. Your "arguments" are that easy to refute.

Been saying this for years. We need more mods like you.
He said Milley was a traitor who would have been killed in years gone by.

His supporters then parroted lines about shooting him with a firing squad.

Meat and drink for Trump's endless incendiary rhetoric focusing the hatred of his base on (often innocent) people.

He directs them. They oblige every time.
Liberals only have themselves to blame. If they didn't criticize Trump for these incendiary statements, he would just give up. Evil begets evil...you're only making him stronger!!!!

I am learning what happened based on reports.

The shooter a reporter today said it was possible he had someone inside telling him where Donald Trump was going to be at the time. They said he was only in the area for 12 hours meaning he had to know where Trump was going to appear. I think I found the partner who setup Don at the Golf Course. Here is hacked security camera footage of her talking to Ryan Wesley Routh who was on a burner phone before the incident.


LOL MAGA keep your pants on it's an AI generated Joke.

At least grammar check if you're going to troll.
Neither of these are calling for trump to be killed. One is a woman who immediately corrects herself after misspeaking, and the other is talking about trump being eliminated at the ballot box.

So if the best you can come up with are two lies, I'd say you've got a long way to go. But good job little buddy. You did your part to spread lies on sherdog today. Just cross your fingers and hope no one actually plays the vids.

One of the people said Trump needs to be shot. She then realized how stupid that was and attempted to cover up what she said. The other person called for Trump to be eliminated, there is no mention of "at the ballot box" that is just some fantasy that you came up with. When Trump uses the term bloodbath, a very common financial term, the left goes into mass hysteria claiming he's calling for murder. When a democrat literally calls for Trump to be shot, the left is trying to spin it to say that's not what she meant. The Kool-Aid must be really strong in your cult because you are brainwashed as hell.
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Imagine defending someone that says a presidential nominee needs to be shot, while being in the same party that claimed when Trump used the term bloodbath, a very common term when referring to the market, was calling for mass murder. It's almost unbelievable how stupid democrats are, if I didn't see it with my own eyes I would refuse to believe it.

The fact they used the bloodbath hoax as part of their debate prep and she actually said it out loud on stage really shows you how much they respect their voters lol. They look at them like the useful idiots they are.
Guess you've never heard of the term Freudian slip. No surprises there.
Are you stupid? The understanding of the term should be obvious by my comment. People are spreading that clip creating the assumption that she wants Trump to be shot.

Calling it a "Freudian slip" is precisely the issue.

Imagine defending someone that says a presidential nominee needs to be shot, while being in the same party that claimed when Trump used the term bloodbath, a very common term when referring to the market, was calling for mass murder. It's almost unbelievable how stupid democrats are, if I didn't see it with my own eyes I would refuse to believe it.
JfC you disingenuous clown, I am not defending someone who called for Trump to be shot, I'm defending someone who misspoke, corrected themselves immediately, and now had idiots who claim rhetoric causes violence declare that what she did was intentional. Prove that it was, and I will 100% say she was a piece of s*it for it.

I also specifically said the bloodbath comment was dishonestly framed like 2 pages ago in this very thread so lose me with that bullshit.
I heard the guy was smiling and jovial in custody.

Is it possible he pulled this just to get attention on his Ukrainian cause?

I don't know what the latest info is on this guy.
Yes. How effective has the whining and inflating of his comic book villain-esque evil prowess been over the last 10 years? If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, what else should we call the "strategy" of shrieking about how he's worse than Hitler and Stalin and Mussolini rolled into one? The only power that that orange doofus has is the power we give him, and we've given him so much power that we've created a fucking medieval golem out of a demented TV personality. Have you ever tried arguing with a deranged person on the street? Do you hold conversations with elderly relatives with Alzheimer's? The strategy should've always been - and it's WAY past the time when the strategy should've become - to focus on policy and talk to the voters and let that moron shout himself into irrelevance. From The Twilight Zone to Home Alone, this has been the simple solution to fear.
I never said that he was Stalin or Hitler, I'm just pointing out that he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power last time he was in office and that this makes him a threat to democracy. No shrieking necessary, just a sober retelling of the facts of the matter.
I'm not Trump, I'm not one of his followers, and I'm not advocating for special treatment. Your "arguments" are that easy to refute.
You failed to address the core point much less refute it.
I heard the guy was smiling and jovial in custody.

Is it possible he pulled this just to get attention on his Ukrainian cause?

I don't know what the latest info is on this guy.

Odds of being the patsy in a presidential assassination attempt and making it out alive aren't very high. Probably happy he's still alive.
Are you stupid? The understanding of the term should be obvious by my comment. People are spreading that clip creating the assumption that she wants Trump to be shot.

Calling it a "Freudian slip" is precisely the issue.

JfC you disingenuous clown, I am not defending someone who called for Trump to be shot, I'm defending someone who misspoke, corrected themselves immediately, and now had idiots who claim rhetoric causes violence declare that what she did was intentional. Prove that it was, and I will 100% say she was a piece of s*it for it.

I also specifically said the bloodbath comment was dishonestly framed like 2 pages ago in this very thread so lose me with that bullshit.

“We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.”

What did “that will be the least of it” mean?

Suggesting the only plausible interpretation is only economic isn’t exactly honest either.
Somehow the case will wind up in the southern district of NY so another democrat donor judge can give him 30 hours of community service if he's not acquitted.
They won't even need to bother with this. In his last act of service to the Demoncrat Reich, Biden will just give him a full pardon in a couple of months. He'll probably give a posthumous pardon to the first shooter too.
I never said that he was Stalin or Hitler, I'm just pointing out that he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power last time he was in office and that this makes him a threat to democracy. No shrieking necessary, just a sober retelling of the facts of the matter.

You failed to address the core point much less refute it.

Man I think you say threat to democracy more often than I say TDS.

Odds of being the patsy in a presidential assassination attempt and making it out alive aren't very high. Probably happy he's still alive.
he was quite the professional assassin…..
“We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.”

What did “that will be the least of it” mean?

Suggesting the only plausible interpretation is only economic isn’t exactly honest either.

I think he meant to say that he fine white supremacists will provoke another super violent insurrection and instate him as god emperor. Only logical interpretation I can think of.
Are you stupid? The understanding of the term should be obvious by my comment. People are spreading that clip creating the assumption that she wants Trump to be shot.

Calling it a "Freudian slip" is precisely the issue.

JfC you disingenuous clown, I am not defending someone who called for Trump to be shot, I'm defending someone who misspoke, corrected themselves immediately, and now had idiots who claim rhetoric causes violence declare that what she did was intentional. Prove that it was, and I will 100% say she was a piece of s*it for it.

I also specifically said the bloodbath comment was dishonestly framed like 2 pages ago in this very thread so lose me with that bullshit.
"lose me" what are you 12? I can't be bothered to discuss this with an emotional pre-teen.