Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

Yes the Nazi party was eliminated at the end of World War II. If they are still in power in some country that I am not aware of feel free to fill me in.

So you think Nazism died with the Nazi party in WWII?

And you're criticizing someone else's education?

What do you think you've proven here?

My mistake, I should've clarified that when I said "talk to the voters" I didn't mean alienate them by calling them deplorable. You really do need to spoon-feed common sense to the rabid anti-Trumpers. Does he make people so mad that they lose their ability to reason or are the people who hate him the most people who never had the ability to reason? An interesting chicken-or-the-egg question...

And here I am not remembering you at all. By your post here, I gather that you consider Peterson only slightly less evil and dangerous than Trump for thinking that postmodernism is the idiot philosophy that goes along with the idiot political theory of Marxism. If so, then I'm sure you'd be delightful to talk to.

Be deliberately obtuse if you want.

Trump supporters don't give a flying fuck about policy. They didn't even bother with a platform in 2020, because it was a moot point. Trump supporters would eat shit if a liberal had to smell their breath and they'd burn down their own house if a liberal had to choke on the fumes. They see life as a zero-sum game and they want to attack anyone who they think is stealing their birthright from them, which is that groups outside their own need to be beneath them. That's all. It's that simple. This is the essence of MAGA. The idea that politicians only need to get more wonkish in their approach to policy, and that will solve the problem of Trump, is the height of naivety. Ludicrous. Absurd. Unless it fits in a meme, Trump supporters don't give a shit. If you tried to explain the difference between monetary and fiscal policy their eyes would glaze over, and they'd take their ear diapers off and use them as a sleep mask to take a nap.
Well said...

It could be argued the media handed the 2016 election to him with their 24/7 coverage... even if it was 99% negative.

The worst thing Democrats and Biden have done since Biden took office was constantly talk about him... even if they were blaming for everything bad that was happening... Should have just ignored him and never talked about him ever... He does an appearance... Nothing. He makes a dumb statement, nothing. Like ghosting an X girlfriend. Take away their power.

Which got to be funny after Biden had been in office going three years plus.

Time to take accountability


Here is one of Kamala's surrogates calling for Trump to be shot on live TV

Here is a democrat congressman calling for Trump to be eliminated.

When has Trump called for the murder of his political opponents like democrats? He has never said anything in the same realm of dangerous rhetoric that democrats do. You just can't see it because you are in a cult and will do anything to defend your cult leaders.

He said Milley was a traitor who would have been killed in years gone by.

His supporters then parroted lines about shooting him with a firing squad.

Meat and drink for Trump's endless incendiary rhetoric focusing the hatred of his base on (often innocent) people.

He directs them. They oblige every time.
Be deliberately obtuse if you want.

Trump supporters don't give a flying fuck about policy. They didn't even bother with a platform in 2020, because it was a moot point. Trump supporters would eat shit if a liberal had to smell their breath and they'd burn down their own house if a liberal had to choke on the fumes. They see life as a zero-sum game and they want to attack anyone who they think is stealing their birthright from them, which is that groups outside their own need to be beneath them. That's all. It's that simple. This is the essence of MAGA. The idea that politicians only need to get more wonkish in their approach to policy, and that will solve the problem of Trump, is the height of naivety. Ludicrous. Absurd. Unless it fits in a meme, Trump supporters don't give a shit. If you tried to explain the difference between monetary and fiscal policy their eyes would glaze over, and they'd take their ear diapers off and use them as a sleep mask to take a nap.

I didn't come in here to talk about, nor did I post about, Trump supporters. I came in here to talk about people like you. And you're a living, breathing, typing example of who and what I'm talking about. All people like you can do is rant and rave about Trump and his supporters...that's the problem! Just stop. Be quiet. Stop acting like he's Satan in a dumb blue suit. It's never been a winning strategy and it's not going to magically become one. Stop pouring gas on the fire and watch...it'll go out.

Here is one of Kamala's surrogates calling for Trump to be shot on live TV

Here is a democrat congressman calling for Trump to be eliminated.

Neither of these are calling for trump to be killed. One is a woman who immediately corrects herself after misspeaking, and the other is talking about trump being eliminated at the ballot box.

So if the best you can come up with are two lies, I'd say you've got a long way to go. But good job little buddy. You did your part to spread lies on sherdog today. Just cross your fingers and hope no one actually plays the vids.
I didn't come in here to talk about, nor did I post about, Trump supporters. I came in here to talk about people like you. And you're a living, breathing, typing example of who and what I'm talking about. All people like you can do is rant and rave about Trump and his supporters...that's the problem! Just stop. Be quiet. Stop acting like he's Satan in a dumb blue suit. It's never been a winning strategy and it's not going to magically become one. Stop pouring gas on the fire and watch...it'll go out.

Kinda true, but unrealistic.

You can say this about every racist thread in the War Room. Don't respond, they'll get bored. Yes, they will, they'll make 3 or 4 pages of unchecked hatred accusing black people and migrants of an endless bevvy of crimes, but someone is eventually going to tell them to STFU.

It's human nature to call out hatred.
@MMAisGod This is exhibit A of Trump's corrosive influence on our democratic norms and institutions. Many people still believe Trump's lies about the 2020 election and that hurts confidence in our elections, you don't see how undermining confidence in the vote is a threat to democracy?

Holy shit this is one of the worst deflections I've seen, that's a bad one even by your standards.

When we see 90%+ positive reporting for Democrats and 90%+ negative reporting for Republicans.... the fix is in. This has been the case for a long time. I wonder how many more elections the Republicans would have won with a Free and Fair Press?

Probably not the Obama ones but probably 2020.
So you think Nazism died with the Nazi party in WWII?

And you're criticizing someone else's education?

I'm sure there are people who still share some of the same beliefs. Most notably the Democrats from "the squad" in Congress and their voting base that were celebrating the attack and mass murder of the Jewish people by Hamas on October 7th. They were calling for the Genocide of the Israeli people with their chants of "From the River to the Sea". Just because the democrat party supports the mass murder of Jewish people like Hitler did does not make them Nazi's, even though they share some of the same views. Again, if the Nazi party is still in power in some country I'll happily admit I am wrong, but there's no need to play semantics to support something that is clearly false.
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Neither of these are calling for trump to be killed. One is a woman who immediately corrects herself after misspeaking, and the other is talking about trump being eliminated at the ballot box.

So if the best you can come up with are two lies, I'd say you've got a long way to go. But good job little buddy. You did your part to spread lies on sherdog today. Just cross your fingers and hope no one actually plays the vids.
Not only that, imagine the party concerned about rhetoric causing violence spreading some spokesperson misspeaking and immediately correcting themselves as some coded attempt to call for shooting Trump when any reasonable person seeing that knows that person probably had an anxiety attack knowing they would probably get death threats for it when it gets clipped and spread.
I didn't come in here to talk about, nor did I post about, Trump supporters. I came in here to talk about people like you. And you're a living, breathing, typing example of who and what I'm talking about. All people like you can do is rant and rave about Trump and his supporters...that's the problem! Just stop. Be quiet. Stop acting like he's Satan in a dumb blue suit. It's never been a winning strategy and it's not going to magically become one. Stop pouring gas on the fire and watch...it'll go out.
Absolutely idiotic. He's not Candyman. We don't have to say his name 5 times in a mirror to conjure him up. He's here, he's running for POTUS in an election that is a few weeks away, and he has a cult of sycophants. Liberals sticking their tail between their legs and letting him run amok would only embolden him to feel even more above the law. He's already treated with kid gloves. Anyone else would be in the bottom of a dark hole in Guantanamo Bay if they pulled some of the shit he has.
Not only that, imagine the party concerned about rhetoric causing violence spreading some spokesperson misspeaking and immediately correcting themselves as some coded attempt to call for shooting Trump when any reasonable person seeing that knows that person probably had an anxiety attack knowing they would probably get death threats for it when it gets clipped and spread.

Guess you've never heard of the term Freudian slip. No surprises there.
I didn't come in here to talk about, nor did I post about, Trump supporters. I came in here to talk about people like you. And you're a living, breathing, typing example of who and what I'm talking about. All people like you can do is rant and rave about Trump and his supporters...that's the problem! Just stop. Be quiet. Stop acting like he's Satan in a dumb blue suit. It's never been a winning strategy and it's not going to magically become one. Stop pouring gas on the fire and watch...it'll go out.
from debate:
"In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating -- they're eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what's happening in our country. And it's a shame. As far as rallies are concerned, as far -- the reason they go is they like what I say. They want to bring our country back. They want to make America great again. It's a very simple phrase. Make America great again. She's destroying this country. And if she becomes president, this country doesn't have a chance of success. Not only success. We'll end up being Venezuela on steroids."

and this was literally his final statement:
"We're a failing nation. We're a nation that's in serious decline. We're being laughed at all over the world. All over the world, they laugh, I know the leaders very well. They're coming to see me. They call me. We're laughed at all over the world. They don't understand what happened to us as a nation. We're not a leader. We don't have any idea what's going on. We have wars going on in the Middle East. We have wars going on with Russia and Ukraine. We're going to end up in a third World War. And it will be a war like no other because of nuclear weapons, the power of weaponry. I rebuilt our entire military. She gave a lot of it away to the Taliban. She gave it to Afghanistan. What these people have done to our country, and maybe toughest of all is allowing millions of people to come into our country, many of them are criminals, and they're destroying our country. The worst president, the worst vice president in the history of our country."

you want to just hear crickets? you think that's even plausible? realistic?

it's unfortunate but when the leader of the party speaks like this, it's going to lead to reactions. on what he actually said. not what his supporters are saying, not based on what republican representatives are saying, but the presidential candidate.
Kinda true, but unrealistic.

You can say this about every racist thread in the War Room. Don't respond, they'll get bored. Yes, they will, they'll make 3 or 4 pages of unchecked hatred accusing black people and migrants of an endless bevvy of crimes, but someone is eventually going to tell them to STFU.

It's human nature to call out hatred.
Besides, Trump, unfortunately, is a bit more than an online troll. Since when the fuck ever have people not talked about a major candidate in a presidential election? Of course it will be discussed and in depth.

Trump, if anything, has been normalized. So many members of the media are so scared of accusations of being biased, they'll let all sorts of absurd shit fly, that should instead be shut down immediately. There is absolutely no reason to have had someone like Kelly Anne Conway on TV so much, to spread her bullshit.
I didn't come in here to talk about, nor did I post about, Trump supporters. I came in here to talk about people like you. And you're a living, breathing, typing example of who and what I'm talking about. All people like you can do is rant and rave about Trump and his supporters...that's the problem! Just stop. Be quiet. Stop acting like he's Satan in a dumb blue suit. It's never been a winning strategy and it's not going to magically become one. Stop pouring gas on the fire and watch...it'll go out.
Naw man, when Trump is exposed and allowed to bellow his favourable ratings plummet.

Trump and his the vast bulk of his core supporters are just racist backwater trash who gladly breeding will soon see of us rid of, as this generation is truly their last attempt, to cease some control and go back to dominating women and PoC and systematically stripping them of legal protections and equality.

The "be quiet" nonsense should be followed by no one. When Trump was off all social media, except his TS, people began to forget how bad he is. We need them reminded.
I am learning what happened based on reports.

The shooter a reporter today said it was possible he had someone inside telling him where Donald Trump was going to be at the time. They said he was only in the area for 12 hours meaning he had to know where Trump was going to appear. I think I found the partner who setup Don at the Golf Course. Here is hacked security camera footage of her talking to Ryan Wesley Routh who was on a burner phone before the incident.


LOL MAGA keep your pants on it's an AI generated Joke.
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Besides, Trump, unfortunately, is a bit more than an online troll. Since when the fuck ever have people not talked about a major candidate in a presidential election? Of course it will be discussed and in depth.

Trump, if anything, has been normalized. So many members of the media are so scared of accusations of being biased, they'll let all sorts of absurd shit fly, that should instead be shut down immediately. There is absolutely no reason to have had someone like Kelly Anne Conway on TV so much, to spread her bullshit.
CNN and others platforming Trump Washers, who always come on to say 'Trump said XYZ but what he meant was ABC' is a disgrace. CNN and those who TrumpWash, do more to try and convince moderates and swing voters Trump is sane and has a policy position when neither of those are true. But many moderates and swing voters, will not hear Trump directly and the only thing they hear is the Trump Washers.
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Not only that, imagine the party concerned about rhetoric causing violence spreading some spokesperson misspeaking and immediately correcting themselves as some coded attempt to call for shooting Trump when any reasonable person seeing that knows that person probably had an anxiety attack knowing they would probably get death threats for it when it gets clipped and spread.
Imagine defending someone that says a presidential nominee needs to be shot, while being in the same party that claimed when Trump used the term bloodbath, a very common term when referring to the market, was calling for mass murder. It's almost unbelievable how stupid democrats are, if I didn't see it with my own eyes I would refuse to believe it.