Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

I know, people saying "I don't want to see him dead" are just saying it as to sound civilized, I really don't think most of them mean it, they hate the guy.
How i would feel about it depends on what happens after. I am okay with never looking at his corpse.
How i would feel about it depends on what happens after. I am okay with never looking at his corpse.
well, do you have strong feelings about him one way or the other? I personally don't, I find him an interesting phenomenon though.
It looked like he is very pro NATO and hates everything communist. Very weird guy. I got the impression he still views Russia as communist. It looked like to me his supporting Ukraine is to help strengthen NATO.
Where are you drawing this obsession with Communists? He supported Sanders originally for the 2020 ticket, so he isn't anti-socialist. He donated frequently to ActBlue, the progressive leftist outfit, same as the last failed assassin, and he donated to these political candidates that included Yang (the Universal Basic Income candidate) and Beto O'Rourke who was widely accepted as the most progressive establishment candidate besides Bernie:
Federal records show that Routh’s political contributions came in one election: the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.

Routh made contributions of less than $50 each to the failed Democratic presidential campaigns of Texas politician Beto O’Rourke, California billionaire Tom Steyer, New York universal basic income advocate Andrew Yang and former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.
He was supportive of Harris and Biden in recent posts following that assassination attempt. He showed no empathy for Trump.

I've seen half a dozen social media posts and videos of him talking about wanting "revolutionaries" to "take the whole system down". That's an anarchist sentiment quite popular with many Communists who oppose our Capitalist order in the West-- made up of those NATO nations.

He was all over the map. The only thing that was consistent was this obsession with supporting Ukraine in their war. Nothing else. It appears he was crazy, but I wanted to entertain the possibility there was something deeper, there.
well, do you have strong feelings about him one way or the other? I personally don't, I find him an interesting phenomenon though.
First term was barely okay, I want him out of politics and doing the apprentice or whatever. Republicans can do way better after the Brahmin lobotomy of the Dems.

My actual fefees, depends the day or the month.
First term was barely okay, I want him out of politics and doing the apprentice or whatever. Republicans can do way better after the Brahmin lobotomy of the Dems.

My actual fefees, depends the day or the month.
ok, you don't sound like you'd exactly be overjoyed if he got killed.

don't worry, the more he says stuff like the pets are being hunted by haitians, the more votes he'll lose. He's good at saying stuff that easily debunked.
Where are you drawing this obsession with Communists? He supported Sanders originally for the 2020 ticket, so he isn't anti-socialist. He donated frequently to ActBlue, the progressive leftist outfit, same as the last failed assassin, and he donated to these political candidates that included Yang (the Universal Basic Income candidate) and Beto O'Rourke who was widely accepted as the most progressive establishment candidate besides Bernie:

He was supportive of Harris and Biden in recent posts following that assassination attempt. He showed no empathy for Trump.

I've seen half a dozen social media posts and videos of him talking about wanting "revolutionaries" to "take the whole system down". That's an anarchist sentiment quite popular with many Communists who oppose our Capitalist order in the West-- made up of those NATO nations.

He was all over the map. The only thing that was consistent was this obsession with supporting Ukraine in their war. Nothing else. It appears he was crazy, but I wanted to entertain the possibility there was something deeper, there.
On his website.

I have been to Ukraine twice for 8 months total and Communist Russia and Putin must be eliminated and dissolved at all cost including boots on the ground. Taiwan should already have countless US bases and must be defended and Chinese communism and Xi Jinping eliminated for slavery and the murder of youth daily to harvest organs is gross human rights violations, as well as global virus’s and combative behaviour. US leaders should embrace the leadership of Iran (+jcpoa) and North Korea and spend months becoming allies and friends as they are malleable governments and humans that we must bond with and end sanctions. Israel must be divided equally between the Jews and the Palestinians as no one should steal another’s land and democracy must be put in place and nurtured for long-term stability. We are each equally responsible for what happens on the global stage as we are here in our backyards; we cannot be complacent or idle towards handing our children the world we wish them to have
ok, you don't sound like you'd exactly be overjoyed if he got killed.

don't worry, the more he says stuff like the pets are being hunted by haitians, the more votes he'll lose. He's good at saying stuff that easily debunked.
Kamala is not better. Debunking what he says is not much a factor.
Do you think he should have "seen it coming" when the incompetent corruptos were campaigning on prosecuting him and said they'd have to figure out what the crimes were later?

Not being of the criminal persuasion myself, don't those that break the law on a recurring basis understand that "the man" will be trying to catch them?

Seriously though, do you not think Trump still had loyalists in the DOJ? How naive are you?

Did he know it was going to be Jack Smith... probably not, but did he know the heat was on it's way.... absolutely.
What I said about him was just my impression. It kind of makes sense with him growing up in the tail end of the cold war era. Russia would have been the big bad evil in his youth. Crazy dude.

Or he just ate all the slop in the past three years like about a dozen guys on here have. The Ukraine thread on this website is full of guys just like him.
He was in an armed standoff in 2002 I believe so that might be the felony shit. But yeah, 4chan has the answers you’re looking for.
How did he fly and get into Ukraine as a felon?
The thing I most want to know is why this guy was so fanatical in his support for the Ukraine?

His name doesn't suggest an ethnic lineage. He wasn't born there. He isn't a citizen of that country. So why was he so hellbent on supporting that country in a war? He wasn't someone who survived oppression under Putin, and as far as I know, it wasn't like his life was ruined by the Russians. He doesn't appear to be a Hemingway. I don't see a deep comprehension of histories and ideologies driving a man with no skin in the game to so passionately embrace a foreign war as his principal preoccupation in life.

So far it just looks like the guy was a wingbat.

Lots of people like that exist. Look up the group of weirdos who call themselves "nafo"
does this voter record suggest he didn't vote in 2016 or 2020? 4chan says he had some felony shit going on. no clue if that's true.

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Yes he was under felony trial. He had a stand off at a former place of employment. Everything being posted about him voting for Trump is completely fake.