Media Sean Strickland in friction with fans after Belal joke

Yeah it absolutely does. There is a large group of people who feed off finding things to get triggered by.

They will even twist things into meaning something else then the original message. To suit their sour and evil agenda.
There isn't just one group. Both sides of the political spectrums get offended. The ones always complaining about people being offended will go and be offended by something like NFL players kneeling before the start of a game.
I'm just glad the comedy police are here to let us all know our senses of humor need to be an informed decision on whether it's ok to laugh or not.

Also love how some think stereotyping people is so wrong and then proceed to stereotype Strickland as a piece of white trailer trash.
Hey is this ok to laugh about? Someone tell me, I don't know!
There isn't just one group. Both sides of the political spectrums get offended. The ones always complaining about people being offended will go and be offended by something like NFL players kneeling before the start of a game.

NFL players getting paid millions of dollars to chase a ball around are openly disrespecting their own country in front the entire world. That's downright embarrassing. Then we find out the reason. "Police are mean to our community". Maybe they haven't watched the thousands of hours of body cam footage of retarded criminals deserving everything they get.

Gtfo with your crybaby shit.
These guys beat each other half to death and everyone is fine with it. Mean words though. Oh no, OFFENSIVE.

Fuck off.

Sean is a piece of shit, and this coming from someone who finds good "racist" jokes funny af.

Oh lets not forget the massive amount of shit he talked to Goggins, Goggins called him out, and he pussied out like a bitch.

dude is a fake racist piece of shit.
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NFL players getting paid millions of dollars to chase a ball around are openly disrespecting their own country in front the entire world. That's downright embarrassing. Then we find out the reason. "Police are mean to our community". Maybe they haven't watched the thousands of hours of body cam footage of retarded criminals deserving everything they get.

Gtfo with your crybaby shit.
You call me a crybaby after just going on a crybaby racist rant? You're a complete moron
It didn't affect the game in any way and they have the right to protest, it's in the Constitution. Notice how badly you are offended which is just proving my point even more

Can I go clock in at the jobsite and then start protesting? I wonder what my bosses would say?

I am not offended. I just call it like it is. They are a bunch of woke crybaby victims not willing to do jack shit for their communities and pin all of the blame on the police. Zero accountability.

Have you ever heard any of these kneeling heroes educating their people on how to behave during a traffic stop or a police interaction? No. They just want to cry like the unaccountable babies that they are.
Can I go clock in at the jobsite and then start protesting? I wonder what my bosses would say?

I am not offended. I just call it like it is. They are a bunch of woke crybaby victims not willing to do jack shit for their communities and pin all of the blame on the police. Zero accountability.

Have you ever heard any of these kneeling heroes educating their people on how to behave during a traffic stop or a police interaction? No. They just want to cry like the unaccountable babies that they are.
Your job is completely different than theirs. It's an incredibly bad argument.

You are offended, which is why you are so emotional in your responses which is obvious as shit. Philando Castile had a legal carry permit and did nothing wrong yet was shot dead in his car in front of his child. You have serious psychological issues if you don't see what's wrong there. And police brutally doesn't just affect black people but poor whites as well.

They did nothing wrong kneeling before the game even started. In fact, a US soldier was the inspiration for it. He suggested the silent knee.
Your job is completely different than theirs. It's an incredibly bad argument.

You are offended, which is why you are so emotional in your responses which is obvious as shit. Philando Castile has a legal carry permit and did nothing wrong yet was shot dead in his car in front of his child. You have serious psychological issues if you don't see what's wrong there. And police brutally doesn't just affect black people but poor whites as well.

They did nothing wrong kneeling the game even started. In fact, a US soldier was the inspiration for it. He suggested the silent knee.

NFL players offended the very people that pay their salaries. The NFL lost a boatload of money from fans boycotting. So if I worked at a restaurant and start protesting out front which offended more than half of my bosses customers and turned them away, I should be fired right? My argument is a good one.

I don't care who started the kneeling. It was pathetic and embarrassing for the country.

Maybe if cops weren't in fear for lives and on high alert doing simple traffic stops in certain areas, there wouldn't be mishaps like the one that you described. So even in the example that you gave, the criminals in that area are just as responsible as the cop in that situation.
NFL players offended the very people that pay their salaries. The NFL lost a boatload of money from fans boycotting. So if I worked at a restaurant and start protesting out front which offended more than half of my bosses customers and turned them away, I should be fired right? My argument is a good one.

I don't care who started the kneeling. It was pathetic and embarrassing for the country.

Maybe if cops weren't in fear for lives and on high alert doing simple traffic stops in certain areas, there wouldn't be mishaps like the one that you described. So even in the example that you gave, the criminals in that area are just as responsible as the cop in that situation.
They didn't losd a boatload of money. Players played their hearts out as usual and it was a good season. It's a bad argument because working at a restaurant is in a completely different universe than playing in the NFL in terms of jobs. Context matters.

It's their constitutional right and it offends you.

So the guy that did absolutely nothing wrong but was killed is somehow in fault? You really have issues, man. Let racist hate out of your heart it's pretty embarrassing
Controversial fighter says something controversial, people shit their pants and get triggered....NEWS at 11.

I wish people learned how to ignore the shit they don't like instead of making a federal fuckin case out of every word muttered.
People really believe their every woe should be heard and rectified simply because they don't know how to walk away from anything.

The world has become a place where everyone is allowed to be offended, even when there's nothing to be offended about... smfh.
They didn't losd a boatload of money. Players played their hearts out as usual and it was a good season. It's a bad argument because working at a restaurant is in a completely different universe than playing in the NFL in terms of jobs. Context matters.

It's their constitutional right and it offends you.

So the guy that did absolutely nothing wrong but was killed is somehow in fault? You really have issues, man. Let racist hate out of your heart it's pretty embarrassing

Imagine if white country music artists constantly wrote lyrics about hating the police, killing each other, disrespecting women, dealing drugs encouraging gang violence. And then a large percentage of young white youth went out and did those things everyday. They jack cars, beat up snd rob people, have shootouts in the neighborhood every night. Target other races. Would you see this as a problem and something that needs to be addressed?
Controversial fighter says something controversial, people shit their pants and get triggered....NEWS at 11.

I wish people learned how to ignore the shit they don't like instead of making a federal fuckin case out of every word muttered.
People really believe their every woe should be heard and rectified simply because they don't know how to walk away from anything.

The world has become a place where everyone is allowed to be offended, even when there's nothing to be offended about... smfh.
I agree with you, sir. Just like Sean is offered the freedom of speech to say whatever he wants, so too do the people criticizing him. Freedom of Speech is a 2 way street.