Media Sean Strickland in friction with fans after Belal joke

Wrong. all good comedy punches up, not down - thats why 'right wing' comics arent fucking funny and end up crying on fox news instead of telling jokes.
Wrong? Punching up is the best, Sir.

Don't know what right wing & Fox have to do with comedy besides they are both a joke?

The “people” that are offended by that joke exist to be offended and don’t need to be catered to.
I'm loving that people are finally figuring this out. It took them until last year to do it but better late than never and all that.
you don't seem to understand what the first amendment actual gives you rights to.
Neither did Kyle Gass. But hey, let's pretend what Strickland tweets is more evil than openly calling for someone's death <YeahOKJen>
I'm loving that people are finally figuring this out. It took them until last year to do it but better late than never and all that.

Neither did Kyle Gass. But hey, let's pretend what Strickland tweets is more evil than openly calling for someone's death <YeahOKJen>
You people called for the death of Nancy Pelosi, and when her husband was almost murdered, made jokes about it for months. Ted Nugent threatened to murder Obama and Hillary. Jan 6th had effigies of Mike Pence being hung. there were racist effigies of Obama as a monkey being hung during his presidency.

But someone makes a joke about a Trump attempt and now you people are clutching your pearls.
You people called for the death of Nancy Pelosi, and when her husband was almost murdered, made jokes about it for months. Ted Nugent threatened to murder Obama and Hillary. Jan 6th had effigies of Mike Pence being hung. there were racist effigies of Obama as a monkey being hung during his presidency.

But someone makes a joke about a Trump attempt and now you people are clutching your pearls.
Staggering hypocrisy is one of the defining characteristics of modern right wing politics
My point is that it is not a joke. It is an insult.

He is not laughing with Belal he is laughing at him.

Strickland’s intent here is belittle someone he doesn’t like with the punchline being Belal’s ethnicity
So what, are you a child or an adult? Cry more.

So many whiny pussies on here...
Then why did he get so upset when DDP was just busting his balls?
Quit being a simpleton. Telling someone they look like a terrorist is hardly the same as joking about being raped by your dad.
Seems like things get conflated -i see a big difference between normal bussin on people -grew up in a mixed area and we all busted on each other. Sometimes lines were crossed and fistfight might break out -but you could always tell when it was just to get a razz outta someone in good humor even if some mean spiritedness to it. that was just boys being boys in Eddy Murphy generation thats why I like guys like Chappelle and Burr, that was kinda humor i grew up with

That said, a guy like Strickland likes to smack talk which dont bother me at all but he does seem like he does have a real problem with Muslims -recall him screaming at some white girl who converted to Islam on 'Why would you Join Them ?!!' that starting to sound like something he really feel not just ribbing. Again I dont reall give af, but some of the guys cheering him on also sound like this aint jokin "we remember 911" -type talk. 1st amendment is cool and all but do are you even principled pulling that card out when your ideological opponents say something you dont like?
Quit being a simpleton. Telling someone they look like a terrorist is hardly the same as joking about being raped by your dad.
Based on what and according to who?

Idk, but terrorists are often crazed fundamentalist fuckers or simple minded young men tricked into joining or desperate men driven to the end of their sanity who end up committing horrific atrocities including the murder and rape of women, kids, the elderly, and everyone in between.

I wouldn't want to told I looked like one, especially if I was Arab like Belal, and especially especially if I was a Palestinian in light of current events.
There's nothing you can say that is worse than bashing someone in the head to make a living. Not sure why anyone who is a fan of combat would give a fuck lol
especially if I was a Palestinian in light of current events.
Yeah see if Sean was actually being edgy and said "he looks like he's about to attack a music festival", that would be outrageously out of pocket but also funny. This lame joke is neither, it would've been stale 20 years ago.
MW making jokes about a WW...yawn, thats a good one tho, is there a similar guy at LHW so he makes the same joke to that guy?
Yeah see if Sean was actually being edgy and said "he looks like he's about to attack a music festival", that would be outrageously out of pocket but also funny. This lame joke is neither, it would've been stale 20 years ago.
I mean there is a way to make terrorist jokes very funny and in a way that either targets the terrorists themselves or the racists who think every Arab is a terrorist or the government who knowingly or unknowingly creates terrorists. It can be funny and social commentary, but you need to actually have talent for that.

But "hah you look like a terrorist" to a guy you clearly hate and are targeting to hurt emotionally, is not really funny imo.