Media O'Malley is not taking the loss well



Some people have been saying he's a fraud. Have to say the obvious sometimes.
Should’ve fought the entire fight like he did the 5th round, continuous pressure. Instead of trying to time and catch him with a powerful blow coming in, Sean should’ve just peppered him from distance Diaz style, was surprised he got rocked from jabs and light front leg kicks, the kicks to the body almost took him out.
i wouldn't be worried about this loss if you're an O'Malley fan. i theorise he picked the wrong assortment of colours in his hair last saturday as another selection should have him back to full form should he rematch merab
That's the line huh?

not the Cotton candy color hair and other men sleeping with his wife, but rather his choice of social media, that's is the line?
That was a joke.
Honestly tho? I don't care about his hair colour or his sex life or his social media. He's entertaining as a fighter. All that matters for me tbh.
It’s not easy being a pro fighter and considered a killer but knowing there’s a man out there that can hold you down and kiss the back of your neck like you’re his bitch
Colored hair manlet O’Malley lost to an even smaller manlet. Merab makes Sean look like Stefan Struve.

That Chito loss was a fluke but he is definitely hurt and stunned by this one. Still taking it well and he looks okay. War O'Malley.

Although him having Snapchat makes me question him a bit.

No such thing as a fluke loss, he took a calf kick and it fucked him up. Chito capitalized and won, Sean couldn't accept it but that is due to his ego being so huge. Sean is a technically better than fighter than Chito but thats the whole beauty of high skilled combat....all it takes is one good shot to change everything. He had a punchers chance against Merab and that was it, doubt he gets back into the title picture...gatekeeper status for him.
I'd be salty too if my opponent cuddled me for 25 minutes and the judges decided to gift him my belt.
There was only one guy who got hurt in the fight and it wasn't Sean.

I imagine it feels humiliating for another man to dominate and sexually assault you for 5 rounds. Sean probably needs therapy to deal with the trauma.
We all knew while Murab will take him down, he can't do anything with it. The question for this fight was can Sean do something when they are standing. Like he said himself, over promised and under delivered.
In his dreams. Those 48-47 cards were highly sus.

He got steamrolled.
Yeah standard judging corruption, the only round you might give to him is the 5th, even then he was outstruck overall, but he did land ONE more sig strike than Merab but also was taken down twice. IDK how in the fuck these judges are not investigated more though, I mean how can you give Sean the 3rd or 4th?? Mind boggling shit and 100% being manipulate by some rich pricks money.

Round 3
Sean O'Malley

Merab Dvalishvili

11 of 21

17 of 38

11 of 21

25 of 46
0 of 0

0 of 5




Round 4
Sean O'Malley

Merab Dvalishvili

6 of 9

21 of 32

7 of 10

74 of 89
0 of 0

1 of 1




Round 5
Sean O'Malley

Merab Dvalishvili

11 of 21

10 of 26

11 of 21

25 of 42
0 of 0

2 of 5




Here is how Sean is handling his loss....

"Great fight week. Best weight cut. I felt good. No excuses," O'Malley said. "People, my mom too. She was like, 'You just weren't the same. What was wrong?' I was like, 'nothing. I just got beat.' There was nothing.
"I felt like I got out strengthed. Like, I knew what to do in certain positions. I just felt like he was just stronger," O'Malley said. "I didn't feel too out skilled, out speed. I felt cardio was good."

"He's on an 11-fight win streak. His last four fights were former champions. The dude is f**king good. Super skilled," O'Malley continued. "I know I can beat him... He beat me on the day that mattered, so that's the one that matters. It is what it is."
He's got a point that he can do it.

He has to exaggerate that point for it to get fair play after teh loss, but it's still valid.
I speak for probably 90% of the MMA fanbase. Nobody cares about the huggy bear.
Oh make no mistake I will not be rooting for him. But let's see him fight against a legit grappler like Umar. He can get KO'd or subbed. That's the exciting part

I had it 50-45.

If you were being very generous to O'Malley, I could MAYBE see 49-46.

48-47 is chicanerous.
I thought 3 and 5 were fairly close rounds. Sean def won 5, 3 I thought was a coin flip. It looks absurd when the rounds the other guy won were so dominate.