Crime Sean Grayson - former Deputy charged with first degree murder for shooting woman who called for assistance in her home

Guys a fkn idiot and deserves to be charged. I'm this day and age you don't shoot unless you have zero options. Back out of the house... call for backup....or just leave. Your freedom should be your number one priority if you're a cop today. This was easily avoidable
Just leave the fuckin pot on the stove….
Guys a fkn idiot and deserves to be charged. I'm this day and age you don't shoot unless you have zero options. Back out of the house... call for backup....or just leave. Your freedom should be your number one priority if you're a cop today. This was easily avoidable
He created the situation. He ordered the woman to shut down the stove then got nervous when she went near the water. He just lacked common sense. He could have kept her near the couch and just asked her if he could shut the stove off.
Yes we all yearn for the good ole days when cops could murder citizens without having to worry about going to jail. Damn shame how things have changed.
Not even saying that. Perhaps they got way too much benefit of the don't before.
He created the situation. He ordered the woman to shut down the stove then got nervous when she went near the water. He just lacked common sense. He could have kept her near the couch and just asked her if he could shut the stove off.

I agree. Totally unavoidable
He created the situation. He ordered the woman to shut down the stove then got nervous when she went near the water. He just lacked common sense. He could have kept her near the couch and just asked her if he could shut the stove off.
What were his "explicit" instructions?
If he was allegedly so terrified of boiling water on a stove, why didn't he just go over and turn if off himself instead of asking her to and then backing away as though she was thinking of throwing it?
Why did he engineer a situation to give himself an excuse to shoot her?
Why did he threaten deadly force to shoot her in the face when she spoke about Jesus?

Now that you know how quotes work. Remind me why #2 said he drew his weapon, pointed it at literally everyone in the room and said, "Drop the Fucken Pot". You should be able to find his words on the subject in a similar field case report that you extracted Grayson's words from. Since you advocate for transparency, it should be no trouble to find them.
Why would he say “check on her” and point to the kitchen when she was sitting next to him?
Good thing you're willing to wait because I could have sworn I told you to fuck off until the trial verdict.

Can you remind me why you expect every single crime possible to automatically be prosecuted--in this context, #2's presumed failure to act?

Took you 3 hours to go from "fuck off" to asking me questions. You're a sharp one.
I don’t know who I hate more in this story, the absolute idiot cop who managed to create a deadly situation out of nothing, or the silly airhead who managed to get herself shot for no good reason.

I hope the woman didn’t have kids or anything, but she shares a good part of the blame here too.
For saying I rebuke you? If you look at the video before the cop pulled his gun do you think he's justified? Wouldn't, "Please finish draining the pot in the sink.", be a better response than, "I'll shoot you in the face!"?
Asked and answered. Since you were too high to keep up, scroll up.
I’ll make you a deal right now- answer my question directly and with a real explanation as to why the officer would point at the kitchen and say, “check on her. “ to his partner when she is sitting right next to him. We’ve already proven that your timeline of events in regards to him speaking in response to her getting up and walking is wrong because he spoke well before she even stood up.

So, explain to me why he would say that while looking at and pointing to the kitchen, don’t use your false timeline or narrative and I will donate $20 to the charity of your choice.
For saying I rebuke you? If you look at the video before the cop pulled his gun do you think he's justified? Wouldn't, "Please finish draining the pot in the sink.", be a better response than, "I'll shoot you in the face!"?
Cmon. He interpreted i rebuke you as meaning im going to kill you! He even put it in his report!

It’s an honest interpretation of course.