Social Sarah Silverman fired over old blackface picture. *Edit* Now with poll.

So you agree with Sarah Silverman's firing for blackface?

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I remember when Tracy Morgan was getting hammered for that shit he said about gay people and she was one of the self righteous pricks leading the charge so yeah as stupid as it is to fire someone for something that was clearly satirical I'm not going to shed a tear over someone being hoiste dby their own petard.

EVERY SINGLE TIME this happens people don't learn their lesson about stoking the mob
Also on the subject I have to say the moral puritanism in the modern age is actually insane, like who could possibly live up to it? Who the fuck has NEVER said anything a bit fucked up at least once in their lives? Apparently that's worthy of the destruction of your entire career and livelihood but who could actually live up to that standard? Literally nobody...
"It’s really, ‘Look how righteous I am and now I’m going to press refresh all day long to see how many likes I get in my righteousness.”

This is what the right calls virtue signalling. It's a notably destructive form of self-righteousness.

Sarah Silverman should not have been fired for donning blackface.
I'm aware of that. I'm also aware that she would push the boundaries with racial humor and use her ethnicity and sex to shield herself from criticism. I don't exactly feel bad for her due to her behavior. Regardless it's still fucked up to try to ruin people by holding them to some ridiculous moral code, especially comedians.

I think it's ridiculous if it's a comedian who doesn't go after people and generally minds his own business. It's just ironic and funny when it's someone like Silverman who plays that game herself.
Also on the subject I have to say the moral puritanism in the modern age is actually insane, like who could possibly live up to it? Who the fuck has NEVER said anything a bit fucked up at least once in their lives? Apparently that's worthy of the destruction of your entire career and livelihood but who could actually live up to that standard? Literally nobody...
You just admitted to being racist once or twice in your life.

I'm just gonna dance in celebration of the news this thread briought to me today!

unbelievable whenever I see Jimmy use his show to bring light against trump as if he is some shining light of morality, when he did this stupid shit in the past. And he had a misogynistic show before in the man show.

The Man Show was awesome. Too bad Kimmel became a vagina.
Are you really unaware she was making a joke? Or do you really think Sarah Silverman doesn't know what a swastika looks like?

She wasn't joking and I would think they are strange symbols too. She was sensitive and playing the victim because she gets lots of Jew hate and is on edge about it. She admitted it.

I agree, but i can still appreciate the irony.

Yep, I understand why some might savor the schadenfreude, but the principle needs to be affirmed. Free speech will always need to be bigger than the First Amendment. Censorship via faux outrage is killing liberal society.
I'm still trying to put my life back together from those Wayans Bros White Chicks movies a few years back.
Thoughts and prayers and positive vibes. Stay strong, man.
Yeah this one is particularly revealing of stupidity or dishonesty. I see it so often it's barely worth pointing out.

Um, no, she really believed that and it isn't that far fetched. I wouldn't know what it was either and it does resemble a swastika.

Um, no, she really believed that and it isn't that far fetched. I wouldn't know what it was either and it does resemble a swastika.
Yeah mark me a gutterball on that one. She really did think those were bad attempts at swastikas. Holy shit, Sarah.
yeah I did like the show but to act like a hypocrite now is what ticks me off. Actually I hate the whole Im offended by everything now.
Yea and his wimpy ways rubbed off on Howard Stern who is Mr PC now
Just hypocrites.

Kimmel used to be funny though, so at least he has that over Silverman who has never been funny.

Yeah man, that asshole is the epitome of a hypocrite. Hes a fucking disgrace.
None of this would of happened if we live in a Libertarian society, vote Libertarian guys.