sang bag exercises suggestion?



hello all, just made myself a sandbag and bought 150lbs of sand from home depot ($5/50lbs bag). I followed Ross's sandbag construction bag and will replace my weak current bag(from target) with a stronger canvas one from a surplus store.

I was wondering if anyone could suggest any exercises to do with these. I went online to look but most sites want me to shell out $ for their "secret sandbag" programs.

So far I've figured:
shoulder the bag and squat
push press
clean and shoulder
clean and press
farmers walk
bent over row

any suggestions will be really appreciated thanks

P.S. I also use my bag as a weight to hold down a regular-sized car tire for sledgehammer swings, I'm not a big guy 5'8" 164 lbs, but a bag filled with 60~ pounds of sand spread over the base of the tire holds it down really well for sledgehammer swings (using a 8 pounder).
Good mornings, slams, throws.

You pretty much covered it.
Yeah you got it covered, do all the things you mentioned, make complexes out of them, etc... High rep getups with that bag should be fun.
Sorry to kind of hijack this thread but I'm looking to incorporating sandbag exercises as well for "grappling" strength and I was curious as to how you're / everyone else incorporates it into their schedule? Do you use it for max strength to replace a lift, during conditioning, or on separate days as GPP? What has benefited you the most?
Sorry to kind of hijack this thread but I'm looking to incorporating sandbag exercises as well for "grappling" strength and I was curious as to how you're / everyone else incorporates it into their schedule? Do you use it for max strength to replace a lift, during conditioning, or on separate days as GPP? What has benefited you the most?


To the TS, sandbag loading and zercher-type carries are a couple. What you have listed will definitely get you started.
Lift up and place on a platform. Stand to the side of the platform so you have to twist to put it on.
Getups FTW. I do them with my lighter bag for conditioning - try for as many as you can in an hour, for example. It helps if you have a rashguard.
Bearhug the bag and hold on as tight as you can. Walk with it as far as you can or walk and hold it for as long as you can. That's a favorite of mine. Also, shoulder the bag and do sprints. That'll give you a real nice burn.
Getups FTW. I do them with my lighter bag for conditioning - try for as many as you can in an hour, for example. It helps if you have a rashguard.

As many as you can do in an hour, by Lucifer, that is masochistic... How light a bag?