International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

At this time any sane Ukrainian man living in Ukraine or anyone sympathetic towards Ukraine must have developed a strong hatred against Zelensky as this thug is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians and a lot of Ukrainian land lost.

You might ask me why Zelensky is to blame? I will explain that to you:

- first and foremost, this clown won the elections in 2019 on the main promise to bring peace to Donbass saying he would negotiate with Putin and breakaway republic leaders as much as needed to achieve piece, and he would leave his position if somehow that didn’t work out

- instead he was laughing at Putin during the Normandy group meeting when Putin was discussing the implementation of the Minsk Accords. Later both Merkel and Hollande admitted the Minsk accords were just a way to give Ukraine time to build up their military to take Crimea and Donbass back by force.

- in March 2022 when Russia and Ukraine were close to signing a peace treaty in Istanbul with INCREDIBLE terms for Ukraine , the wannabe Napoleon cheered by Boris Johnson thought he could win the war and decided to throw away the agreements.

- Now, in 2024 when it became crystally clear to everyone Ukraine will lose the war and lose it bad, this piece of shit wants the war to continue to keep himself in power forcibly drafting 55+ year olds and sending them to their deaths.

Of course, Putin is also responsible for everything happening, but Zelensky is by far the biggest reason so many people died.
At this time any sane Ukrainian man living in Ukraine or anyone sympathetic towards Ukraine must have developed a strong hatred against Zelensky as this thug is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians and a lot of Ukrainian land lost.

You might ask me why Zelensky is to blame? I will explain that to you:

- first and foremost, this clown won the elections in 2019 on the main promise to bring peace to Donbass saying he would negotiate with Putin and breakaway republic leaders as much as needed to achieve piece, and he would leave his position if somehow that didn’t work out

- instead he was laughing at Putin during the Normandy group meeting when Putin was discussing the implementation of the Minsk Accords. Later both Merkel and Hollande admitted the Minsk accords were just a way to give Ukraine time to build up their military to take Crimea and Donbass back by force.

- in March 2022 when Russia and Ukraine were close to signing a peace treaty in Istanbul with INCREDIBLE terms for Ukraine , the wannabe Napoleon cheered by Boris Johnson thought he could win the war and decided to throw away the agreements.

- Now, in 2024 when it became crystally clear to everyone Ukraine will lose the war and lose it bad, this piece of shit wants the war to continue to keep himself in power forcibly drafting 55+ year olds and sending them to their deaths.

Of course, Putin is also responsible for everything happening, but Zelensky is by far the biggest reason so many people died.
Any sane person knows Russia and russians are sewer gutter nation that cannot be trusted and the only time their words can be trusted is when their gums stop flapping
Any sane person knows Russia and russians are sewer gutter nation that cannot be trusted and the only time their words can be trusted is when their gums stop flapping
Weak ass response from a weak ass loser. Not surprising though.
Video now everywhere of terrorists executing and filming a baltic volunteer fighting for Ukr and taken as POW

“A volunteer” my ass. A merc. Mercs are executed on the spot, they’re not protected by the Geneva convention.
“A volunteer” my ass. A merc. Mercs are executed on the spot, they’re not protected by the Geneva convention.

If you're trying to win the most insane poster in this thread award you're right there among the leaders. Maybe you can play rock paper scissors with Joey and ferrisjso for the winner.....
If you're trying to win the most insane poster in this thread award you're right there among the leaders. Maybe you can play rock paper scissors with Joey and ferrisjso for the winner.....
Insane? I’m telling what happens when mercenaries are captured, it’s the way it is.
Yea theres another vid of him being kicked around before they killed him

I really would like to know where guy was from
They for propaganda reasons might post everything they does want. Also fake videos.

AFAIK till this month Russia had 0 POVs from any Baltic country. 0.
Also if to be real, number of volunteers from Baltic countries always was really very low....Ukr loves to exagregate their ( volunteers ) numbers etc....cos in reality relationships between them and ukr were not good ...
Ofc to talk for public PR is one, another thing is that it isn't real life isn't advisable for example to install troops from Baltic countries in Ukr cos Ukr for them isn't more friendly than different ways and still.... so....

Low number ....A lot from these with ukr identity, just passport different etc.
I really for example can't get why Lukashenko recently didn't had used for PR one real case.
4 dumb guys had smuggled in Belarus weed.
Lukashenko ofc ordered to launch criminal case. Still diplomat managed to get them out from Belarus because Lukashenko agreed to release these guys and allowed them to leave Belarus.... ofc with ban to travel to Belarus again...
With some coins for guys: in this Baltic country weed is illegal. Not likely they will get real prison term because 0 proof that they had sold weed...while criminal record they will get in this country....definitely. maybe some fines + probation period.

Lukashenko might had managed to boost loud PR bubble from this case but he didn't this.
It is difficult to understand mindset Lukashenko in reality does have.
If you do have intent to travel to Belarus from Poland or Baltic countries you should initially get that situation here is approx like West Germany vs East Germany in 1950 th. With some big exp, where stuff might turn form friendly stuff till " you are our enemy " each second.
Paranoia level in Belarus is increasing due to propaganda etc.
While IMHO a lot of ppl wants just business and to rest normally.
If about Ukraine.
It is well hidden by pro ukr media, however not rare cases in Ukraine competence level of General Staff is seriously under question in depth without any doubts. Not only random posters but not anonymous posters who were during long years hardcore pro Ukrainian are questioning competence level Zelensky administration, Ukr MoD and General Staff does have and there really a lot of very painful accusations in plain and open texts.
Zelensky administration and Ukr General Staff not likely are happy with accusations from real persons that they still had did almost 0 in order to switch Ukraine to wartime economy.
While accusations about delayed and insufficient weapons supplies are valid ....
There are a lot of accusations about too delayed orders to leave postions despite not possible normally nor evacuate positions nor supply ammo ....
And these are not 1 or 10 cases.
Maybe guys should fight barehands with phrase " Slava Ukraini "?

As " bad " allies had told : our Job is to deliver supplies till Ukr borders and after this General Staff of Armed forces of Ukraine and Ukrainian Ministry of Defense together with Chief of Armed Forces of Ukraine in Mr. ZELENSKY are responsible to ensure process till supplies will reach frontline!.
There is one thing that some ukr media were scared about stuff President Pavel afforded to tell maybe too openly between lines.
While who had listened Admiral Bauer and General Pavel when they years ago had told: better is to have 50 small ammo and weapons depots rather than 1 large....

Where are highly touted by ukr propaganda super ballistic Ukr origin super missiles talked about since 2018 th?

OK, looks that this cruise missile Neptune they managed to adopt to strike ground targets...while question is number of these missiles they does have....

And instead of long talks about Grom 2 etc...king ago might had put at least Thocka U clones to produce since 1992 th...
Yes, old design, still cheap and therefore affordable and effective even if more than half maybe will not reach target...
Ect loud talks, little walk.
So If to talk about large depots vs a lot of small depots guys usually are thinking about possible strikes on large arsenals etc.

While overlooked are so called peacetime expenses to monitor and conduct potential espionage by using traitors and observators.

For large arsenals there ofc are railroads, roads and airfields.
So there for example is enough with relatively low number of observators who will inform about large scale movements in area.

Smaller scale movement is more difficult to observe and if these are distributed by using multiple installations there ofc more informants and obsrvers are needed. So more $ and efforts needed.

I'm not military recon specialist, I had learned about basics and medium level stuff how to prevent industrial and business type espionage in civilian business... so I apply part of this as maybe usable also for military stuff.
“A volunteer” my ass. A merc. Mercs are executed on the spot, they’re not protected by the Geneva convention.
How is about conventional for your parasha Russia Empire of lies comrade Russian ? Hi, comrade.
Do you know that all world does knows that your parasha Empire of lies and troll farms had hired mercenaries and are doing this today and actually there is nothing wrong.
While for example Modi wasn't statisfied that your parashka had used as mercenaries India's citizens. One thing is to earn money as troll here and to worship putistan type media for trolls like putistan times, another thing is what stuff had told Modi. You are troll and peace of dust if compare with Modi.
0 vs Evererst.
" India will not tolerate India's citizens usage as mercenaries for foreign wars nor nuclear weapons usage. ". India is interested in peaceful and friendly trade with countries accepting international standards and due to some small specific obstacles is forced to ask to increase discounts % for further crude oil supplies contracts ". Modi.

About talks regards future multipolar world, looks that huilo and abdirstowich & CO and huelensky had started 30 years after these multipoluses already had worked by 100%.
Now it is time to deliver 30 y.o info for mass of plebs ?
About stuff when we are talking about religions pro Kremlin oriented readers should read about history what stuff modern orthodox " Christians " had did in Russia with Old believers Christians and carefully read Old testament in details .....
If about mosques : stuff bitches had did with mosques in Ukraine : maybe is worth to read Quran carefully.
What you will do with Temple I will do with you. Allah doesn't have nor borders nor timeframe till end of universe.

What stuff you are doing with kids I will do with You ....
Testament from Creator.
Of course, Putin is also responsible for everything happening, but Zelensky is by far the biggest reason so many people died.

It's all your fault we attacked and killed you!

Your retarded gaslighting doesn't work.

This Kursk NPP is casual attempt of Russia to use russian puppet org like U.N and Partially pro Kremlin oriented IAEA In order to get indirect help to justifiy occupation of Ukraine and Kissinger in reality was correct that to have west as friends is fatal. He was correct. Only idiots might not see this reality how sneak, lazy and hypocryte money hungry west is in reality.

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