International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

Its an experimental rocket that Russia claimed it was operational since 2023.

So its more of a T-14 Armata thing, in which they claimed its operational when its clearly not.

This isnt the first time putler fucked up the Russian tank industry. They have built 3x tanks superior to nato design
i see our presidential candidate is trying to blow Putin while Vance is offering land to the Russians.
I seen that in his last event, he has clearly trying to take a pro Russian stance saying he can make peace in a day but never saying how…not sure this will benefit them much if Harris can play her cards right.
Check out around 9:30. One of the destroyed trains gives you a perspective on just how huge this strike was. These bunkers are a lot bigger than you think from the sat imagery.

Huge for sure and that’s why Zelensky was confident in his victory plan. As long as he can get permission to use long range weapons and Trump not get elected I’ll make a bold statement and say Russia will crash before next summer…. It’s only going to get worse for Putler.
Ukr will have to retreat from Vuhledar in the coming days. Hopefully they learnt from the Avdeevka case and don't repeat the same mistakes. You can't hold a certain territory without creating a few lines of defenses. What happened in Avdeevka they justified it by saying "We didn't have a plan B if the stronghold is lost". Well that's stupid, you always knew something so close to Donetsk city you ain't gonna hold it forever. In Bakhmut they did a better job, while smashing 30k rus troops in the same time were building the line of defense in nearby Chasiv Yar (which is still holding btw for more than 16 months now)
Actually Avdiivka was not any kind of stronghold or forteess at all. Only in Ukr and Rus propaganda.
1. Avdiivka always was in arty fire range from Rus positions. Cos this alone wasn't possible to build any kind of decent fortifications.
2. So called " fortifications " were coal mining era tunnels, abadoned ussr era SAM site , coal coke factory and so on.
3. Some " fortifications " were built by local coal miners btw for both 💔 sides.
4. Both sides used 8 years in row to install minefields ...
Therefore it was assumed that it is almost impossible for Ukr to reach Donetsk and for rus to reach Avdiivka due to supposedly very huge equipment and manpower losses IF this will be done.
5. So propaganda from both sides started to chant mantra about fortresses etc.
So, when Russia get more gliding bombs and had accumulated more MRLS systems and arty in this area...also managed to contentrate more drones in this area, party had started...
And ofc you can't keep positions if they are shelled with 122 mm and 152 mm arty, 122 mm and 220 mm MRLS systems, bombed with gliding bombs and later even CAS support with Su 25. IF enemy does have huge advantage in firepower.

BTW who is dreaming that west in reality doesn't wants Russia to win?
They loves Putin a lot and doesn't cares about naive ukr dreamers.
BTW there is a bit shit.
U.S does wants to delay weapons deliveries to countries who had signed contracts and will pay real money.
Exactly there are talks about AIM120 missiles ordered. With excuses that ukr does needs them.
Europe doesn't understand such proposals because they are thinking if money is on the table and contracts are signed they should get missiles according to schedule.

Next beauty: dreamers wants that Europe will supply most advanced weapons while will purchase not so modern stuff.
U.S had refused to sell Norway this new PsRM missile while wants to sell older stuff ....will see will Norway still agree to pay for older design stuff or might opt to pay for cheaper SK stuff.
& still this definitely means that Ukr will not get latest RBS 15 iterations or latest NSM iterations. For a reason.
U.S isn't world hegemony anymore after U.S had remowed navy from Black Sea....and Biden is weak administration cos they quickly changed rhetoric and started to call full NATO member countries as partners... just partners.
While they does love Israel, then they relocated aircraft carrier group etc......

Ofc Donald will support Israel even more....and he told that Putin is very smart ( 2022 th ). Vance loves Israel, so if Donald will get elected and majority in House will have reps, they will send damn a lot of weapons to Israel and....ukr might get lesser...
I also wonder why someone is thinking that 375 m package 📦 might help.
They does have time till 30.09 to sign even 5b if they want.
After 30.09 Mike will tell famous phrase " it is our taxpayers money and we should discuss longer ".
Vietnam No2 scenario type stuff is pretty realistic.

Does west cares about noise Ukr might create?

Most likely Ukr will get some ceasefire deal, Russia will keep annexed territories under control and..then biggest part of fun for Ukr will start.
How long they will discuss with Kremlin no one will care.
Dreams about EU and NATO most likely will end with sharp reality: territory controlled by ukr will live in huge debts and empty dreams ..... additionally ofc " nice " economical reforms and beauty reality called austerity measures.....happy dream.
i see our presidential candidate is trying to blow Putin while Vance is offering land to the Russians.
What people on Trump side don't understand is that giving zaporizhzhia included nuclear power plant, donbas and crimea will just give Putin time to harden the area for another push to takeover Ukraine entirely. Trump knows this an Vance is to dumb to know better. This is a horror an very possibly could happen.

Trump is feeding platitudes an disinformation while having no idea what his actions could lead. I see a sizable chunk of Lockheed an Raytheon moving overseas and TSMC are set to finish building two major chip plants.

These companies know better an in this case has nothing to do with the military industrial complex. This is about western democracies an the ark of history.
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What people on Trump side don't understand is that giving zaporizhzhia included nuclear power plant, donbas and crimea will just give Putin time to harden the area for another push to takeover Ukraine entirely. Trump knows this an Vance is to dumb to know better. This is a horror an very possible could happen. Trump is feeding platitudes an disinformation while having no idea.
Vance in reality is even more awful than Trump or Johnosn.
He is an expert about abortion laws in U.S ¿
Also one from proposal variants are to have solution with DMZ between frontlines means in reality to install troops ! in order to supervise ceasefire and this automatically will have meaning that stuff thus far avoided : to install troops in Ukraine will be done....while troops ofc will have a lot of stupid restrictions....Jesus.
So yes, Vance might install U.S troops in Ukraine... maybe...or sell all Ukraine to Russia....maybe.
Trump is such a complete embarrassment.

I wonder why Republicans, despite they does have a lot of really smart politicians (! it is reality ) ...had opted to back up Donald, MTG , zMike and Vance [ it is most horrible stuff ]?
They does have a lot of good senators, congressmans and other kind of high level politicians with brains.
What kind of shit guys might had get.
I will not mention country....
They had mainly patrol type duties and damn a lot of restrictions. And small unit from another country.
So when they get shit, they should had to get new orders in order to act properly according to papers. .
So for example in some episodes they had relied on this small unit because their guy might had tell : mortar , and tablet with ballistic calculations and area where to hit. Fire.
Shit with problems to deliver humanitarian aid ended in this area after some sessions.
Yes, soldiers sometimes should be brutal.
There is reality that Zelensky administration still didn't had implemented wartime economy and we all see this reality.
It is like show for them?
And how Ukraine might win anything if NK, Iran, Belarus are racking up support while west actually is reducing support and delaying deliveries? In no case. And then, why Ukraine does need NATO? To get consultations and maybe offer to deliver body bags and mobile crematoriums?

BTW with such approach Ukraine can’t win war even vs Belarussia if to talk really. They are talking about reconstruction while aren't able to implement wartime economy steps allies had managed in 90 war in Ukraine is 900 + days.

Wartime economy doesn't means busification and mobilization. This meaning is that for 1 soldier in frontline there country needs at least 6 persons doing hard work, with overtime as cultural norm. Yes, not in frontline....however soldiers should not fight naked, hungry and with peaces they might collect ...
Countries had get this reality even before World War 1.
There ofc is populists MAGA yelling that " Europe should pay " and false accusations and idiotism ...
We too do have our own MAGA stuff and I as EU country taxpayer don't agree that my tax money might be used to purchase pro Kremlin oriented U.S ( doesn't matter here reps or dems ) weapons. I'm looking on this situation that yanks are still living in dreams that Europe will be kurds No2 etc. Nope.

Europe should produce their own weapons without approwal from U.S and maybe purchase weapons from India, Iran, China, Pakistan etc. Why not.

It is just business and nothing personal as yanks loved to tell with smile.
If yanks will not agree to sell more modern weapons Europe will get to think that they are Kremlin No2.

For example U.K had lost MANPADS tender bid for Estonia after they had told that it isn't valuable to keep more forces there. And Estonia aren't idiots living in dreams. They does knows that God is £ and $ ....and when western politician is talking he most likely will lie...nothing different vs Russia with exceptions that west and China does prefer soft annexion de facto ...financially.
Trump is such a complete embarrassment.

Well that answers where Trump getting his campaign cash from now.
Well that answers where Trump getting his campaign cash from now.
Donald will ruin U.S MIC sales future for europe cos this is together with obviously pro Kremlin oriented dems in U.S.
Open lies about spending for Ukr is peace of cake. Yanks are selling very expensive outdated weapons and according to our european MAGA type stuff ( we do have a lot) european taxpayers money should not be wasted in order to pay for very expensive old U.S weapons models.
Here I do agree, it is waste of money and time, especially if we do know how much U.S in reality does loves Russia. Zelensky administration too cos they are ensuring smoothly crude oil, fertilizers and nuclear fuel and natural gas transit. It is war laboratorium cos is just business.
Another MAGA narrative is about cheap russian natural gas and there I don't agree. Russian natural gas isn't cheap and since 2006 in europe was more and more expensive for end customers...

While I do not want to spend any 1 single cent for U.S weapons. They loves Russia a lot and always will do.
Now for example they are happy to sell stuff for Finland but if Russia will attack Finland, most likely U.S will tell that they can't hit their comrades in matushka with overpriced weapons they already had sold. Cos it is business and nothing personal and lies are cultural norm in west too, not only in Russia.