Rumble goes OFF on a woman "Get in my way and I'll throw that yoga mat across gym"

well, so he probably really is a woman beater huh

Don't press send

exactly, he probably isnt the smartest guy in the world

i guess him and jj would make a fine pair
...patiently awaiting the surveillance video release.

Sounds like it happened in the Cross Fit section of BZ... if so that footage is as good as nonexistent.

Is AJ slowly turning into MMA's advocate of Mens rights?:icon_chee
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I don't condone behavior like this but women who take yoga seriously annoys's up there with people who goes to starbucks and think they're better than anyone else...
women don't even need to do yoga to get attention. just wear yoga pants...

Her ass says Grade A so I'm assuming its top quality.
Thats pretty harsh man, if she's in your gym why not just have her escorted out or reprimanded or something... not sure taking a womans yoga mat from under her and chucking it across the room is such a good idea.

Either she really mouthed off or AJ is a hothead.

Well apparently the guy at the front desk knew this women and agreed that she overreacts. Also it looks like AJ was just trying to lift weights and work around her but then she got mad cause he got to close. That's what I think initiated everything.
Where the footage at doe? Nobody got cell phones?
Why is Rumble working out in a gym with out of shape women? Doesn't he train at the Blackzillians gym? :rolleyes:
blackzilians gym is a joke, its being overrun by mouthy fat chicks... if u wanna train at a real martial arts gym, ATT is like 20 min away, def worth the drive...
A trigger warning would've been nice before reading this. Now I'm triggered and having an PTSD-induced panic attack because I am strong and independent.

Seriously though, it sounds like he got into an argument and there was some yelling and throwing of a yoga mat.

Who gives a fuck?
"your tummy look like a country red clay dirt road"

LMFAO Rumble has NO chill hahahahaha
Sounds like it happened in the Cross Fit section of BZ... if so that footage is as good as nom existent.

Is AJ slowly turning into MMA's advocates of Mens rights?:icon_chee

Whats this have to do with mens rights?

Whether its some bitch or some fuckboy doing yoga in the weightlifting section and then complaining when someone lifts weights near them, they would get the same treatment
To be fair though if he did this to a man nobody would say shit.

well the problem is he clearly has anger management issues

pair it to the fact that he had his issues with allegedly beating up on womens, so there you go
Well apparently the guy at the front desk knew this women and agreed that she overreacts. Also it looks like AJ was just trying to lift weights and work around her but then she got mad cause he got to close. That's what I think initiated everything.

He's damn lucky she didn't want to call the police and file an assault charge.
Well apparently the guy at the front desk knew this women and agreed that she overreacts. Also it looks like AJ was just trying to lift weights and work around her but then she got mad cause he got to close. That's what I think initiated everything.

I do agree with this good sir.
Good for him. Been a strength coach for almost 18 years now and theres an annoying new trend for yoga heads/crossfitters to set up there little stretching stations where guys and gals that wanna pound metal reside. Almost as bad as the 'Dragon Flag' guy who likes to grab the nearest pole and impress all with his aerial acrobatics while wearing camel toe yoga pants. Then theres the 'shadow boxer' who must showcase his lame ass 1,2,3 dance like a reject Sugar Ray for public approval and Alpha Male acceptance.......
blackzilians gym is a joke, its being overrun by mouthy fat chicks... if u wanna train at a real martial arts gym, ATT is like 20 min away, def worth the drive...

yeah awkward as shit, they put random chicks training yoga in blackzilians??

and you seem a bit of a ATT fanboy too
How long has he been training at Planet Fitness?