Social Roseanne tweets outrageously racist comment about former Obama staffer Valerie Jarrett

It’s so telling to see the reaction to this tweet from Trump supporters. They are gleefully celebrating their president deflecting an actress being horribly racist and making the issue about himself. It doesn’t even seem like they want Trump to behave like a civilized adult. Really really sad the state we are in.
I like that Trump is a shit talking snowflake.
Dude talks mad shit and then when some talks shit about him he whines like bitch. Typical bully mentality, folds when anyone stands up to him.

Also where is my phone call, Deferrment Donny, apologizing for adding 2 trillion to the deficit since you have been in office.
To be fair I strongly dislike Maher and I think most of my liberal friends do too. He’s not an icon to the left imo.

Lefty icon. Not necessarily "Liberal" icon. I know the hard left takes issue with some of the things he says.
Is this a big deal? She seems like a garden variety Trumpster. Can't imagine her audience would stop watching over this.

Yeah, that and the fact that it's definitely not the first time a comedian has said something racist/offensive. I mean, how is all of this a surprise to many people?
Lefty icon. Not necessarily "Liberal" icon. I know the hard left takes issue with some of the things he says.
I think nowadays he plays more towards center but I haven’t watched his show too much recently.
This is the most recent one I know about

Wanda Sykes calling Trump an ape.

I couldn't even get through 2 minutes of Chris Rock's new Netflix special. The first joke he starts off on is a racial joke that is so fucking stuuuupid, political and unfunny, I was like; "I'm out!"

No creativity or skill, just a dumb racial joke that is boring as fuck. I'm hoping the days of politically charged UNFUNNY racial jokes by comedians will come to an end and we actually get some funny stories/jokes from some of these guys.
Lol so media coverage of stupid Obama’s things makes it fair to be just as stupid with Trump ? Glad to see how your brain works, go back to the meme thread and try fact checking every conservative meme. I hope your the next WR president btw

It’s so telling to see the reaction to this tweet from Trump supporters. They are gleefully celebrating their president deflecting an actress being horribly racist and making the issue about himself. It doesn’t even seem like they want Trump to behave like a civilized adult. Really really sad the state we are in.
trump fans know he's a clown and an idiot that loves to talk about stupid shit but they can't point the finger at him so they lash out at the media and everyone else for it.
I mostly agree with it would be news regardless but its more now for sure because in this instance there wasn't some long drawn out persecution of Roseanne from the left after her tweets. They pressed the cancel button almost immediately.

Then again I don't watch the news so I could be wrong.

Nevermind I just walked into my living room and the two channels surfed were talk shows talking about Roseanne and patting abc on the back for a good job.

Yeah, the story is absolutely everywhere, this is way too politically loaded a situation to let it pass by without milking it dry, and I believe it's obvious Roseanne is now a proxy for the greater cultural war.
Exactly, only the right think things like that are funny:







If you'd read the thread you'd hopefully had learned that comparing someone to an ape based solely on race and skin color (as in what Roseanne did) and the things you posted are not equal. Are these Bush memes based on his skin color and race (or some other discriminatory protected characteristic)m

Ah what the he'll am I kidding for, I know you won't understand that.
who racially abused him on ABC? I mean he must be talking about something equally as outrageous as racism no? Why else would he try and play victim at a time like this?

Doesn’t abc own ESPN? Wasn’t it that idiot anchor woman that called trump a nazi?
Maher is on HBO. Can you point to Maher making racist comments against minorities recently? I'm sure if Maher made those comments he'd be unemployed as well. What point are you trying to make?

Maher did make a very racist joke and there was talk of him getting fired. I’ll have to google it