Rory MacDonald wants to 'embarrass' Carlos Condit at UFC 158


Black Belt
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
"My overall MMA game has changed so much and I've added so many different techniques that from where I was when I fought him the first time. I'm just a whole other fighter; I don't fight anything like I did when we first fought. I just want to do what he did to me; I want to make him feel the embarrassment I felt in front of his family the same way I felt. I want to hurt him the way he hurt me and I don't want him ever to forget the time that we're going to be in there for those 15 minutes. I want him to think about that for the rest of his life."


I love Serial Killer Rory.

The sport is in dire need of characters, it's all good fun anyway.

As for the fight, it's gonna be a war, can't wait to see what happens. One of the most interesting rematches in a long time.
I only see him winning a boring UD. He isn't going to embarrass Carlos
Yes because Rory is such a boring fighter and has never embarrassed fighters before (Penn, Nate Diaz etc)

Condit is on another level. He won't do anything near to what he did to Penn and Nate
I only see him winning a boring UD. He isn't going to embarrass Carlos

When has Rory EVER been embarrassing? Plus vs Condit it's two of the most dynamic skilled fighters. Gonna be sick. Don't be a bummer of a human being bud.
This just shows that he's still a kid. This is a sign of immaturity
Rory was very respectful in his loss of their first fight. What happened to that guy? He's acting like a doosh bag now.
Yes because Rory is such a boring fighter and has never embarrassed fighters before (Penn, Nate Diaz etc)

Virtually every fighter he's ever fought, except Condit, who he will get another very realistic chance to. Still, Condit is dangerous and at the top of the division.
I feel like Rory Macdonald is the truth. I can see him beating Carlos Condit handily. Only time will tell and, I have been wrong about Carlos Condit before - so it wouldn't surprise if he won it either. Besides striking - I think that Rory Macdonald is a little better in all aspects of the game.
Not the best thing to say but he can say what he wants.
Much like the first time I think Carlos is going to be Rory's biggest challenge to date. Rory will adapt and change for this fight but so will Condit. Carlos is no amateur and is game to fight anyone and give them a challenge at WW. As much as I do see big improvements in Rory I still give the rematch to Condit.
You're a good kid Rory, don't get your hopes up though.
"Rory Macdonald has the upper hand..."


"High kick, jab, take down....
You can expect five more of these..."