Media Robert Whittaker Visibly Upset Argues That "Any Kangaroo Beats/Does In Any Fighter"

Not really. Do you know how long a bear or wolf can run at high speeds?

A bear running at high speeds longer than a human?
Man I really hope you finish elementary school in a few years
It's not even close

24h runs, humans do 11,8kmh on average which is jogging to 280km a day.
A wolf can do 50, maybe 80. They are not trained. You could train him 10 years, then he is better.
The horse will be fucked as well and run lamely

We have way more sweat glands and no fur. All the animals either run hot or their feet and legs are not used to it.

This thread really brought the dumbest fucks from sherdog together.

Rob meant a big red male one, up to 90Kg. That one is a problem with its Talons and scratches you like a mofo.
Also in bloodlust. Because otherwise they kinda stop doing anything, as soon as you punch them. There are 2 videos showing that.
All the other Kangaroo species and the females aren't a problem.
They take dogs in a headlock and drown them. Not doing that with humans it seems. They also don't jump in the water. Being left with scratching.

His teeth are a problem at their max of 70Kg they are about as strong as a trained 120Kg man. They are smart enough to rip your balls, too.
They jump you, hold on and bite away.
Their punches aren't that much of a problem. No technique, no reach, no height.
Also females and smaller ones at around 35-50Kg pose less of a thread.

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Here you go, an expert.

An expert analysis suggests that in a direct combat scenario, a human would not stand a chance against a full-grown chimpanzee. This is attributed not just to the chimpanzee's strength but significantly to its lethal bite, large fangs, and aggressive nature. While humans have evolved traits beneficial for endurance and brain development, these do not offer advantages in physical combat with a chimpanzee, which can utilize its physical attributes and lack of restraint in an attack effectively. The advised best strategy against a chimpanzee is to avoid physical confrontation altogether

Excuse me, did you actually read the article?
This expert says that a trained man could beat a chimp 2 out of 10 times. So gives him a legit chance

Very different than the other "expert" Danaher, who said its not even remotely competitive and chimp wins one thousand out of one thousand times
I don't think he was that upset, he just went with it. Made himself look serious when he was not really.
There are plenty of videos, articles, instances, etc of animals absolutely fucking humans up. A lot of the time with chimps and other primates its some innocent stranger that gets hurt. Threads like this just proves the wrong people get hurt. morons should be made to suffer not innocent people.
This dude in the video fought for 6 minutes with a pissed male Kangaroo, he finally got it down and subdued it. It’s confirmed that the beast has an elite striking and clinch game, but are novice level on the ground.
I just wish Bisping had said this to Volk. He would have laughed it off and then showed up at the press conference dressed as a kangaroo in a wheelchair or some shit.
But we already know this isn’t true. There’s already been fights with Roos and man has won. It’s not a given by any means. I wouldn’t suggest it. But knucks talking like it’s an absolute and it’s not. Roos are dumb and they get shocked. Its not like we are talking about silver backs. People get dumb when they talk about fighting gorillas.
But was it a blood lusting kangaroo??? I think not!!!
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I think when you see research like that, It seems like they're comparing human to chimp strength In a very 1:1 way.

But It's clear there's intangibles that they're not factoring Into the equation when It comes to the strength and danger of a chimp.

People have been talking about the strength of chimps for generations, It's understood In a very tangible way. It's not something that started with Joe Rogan. Which paints a much more complex picture than this 1.5x figure is suggesting.

Experts who are not scientists have been studying chimps for a long long time. It would be silly to not consider such a massive stream of information.

Humans cannot rip off limps and faces. Chimps can literally rip people apart within seconds. There's really no way to get past this argument and again, makes it very clear that there's a lot being missed in whatever research was done which arrived at that conclusion.
Good post, but I do have to point out that the last thing you said may be somewhat of a myth. As in, literally ripping out a limb. They will bite off fingers. Rip off genitals. But, honestly, are these not things a human could also do? They can rip off flesh, yes. In a way we probably can't, unless you sharpened and laquered your finger nails (apparently, use to happen). A lot of the things chimps do honestly sound like those horror stories of people going way too hard on PCP. Which isn't surprising, considering they are our closest living relative. Imo, a lot of our capabilities are not as different as people think, which is why the discussion is imo so fascinating, as well as relatively arguable.

With regard to chimps, I think a lot of us have a picture of the ones you see in movies. Cute little guys you can carry around and share some hugs with; thing is, those are babies. Chimps get a lot bigger than you think, especially the true alphas, and they are freakin' mean! Sadly, they show a shocking lack of regard for the unified rules of MMA.

And very much on topic to this point. Good video, I watched it all. For anyone on the fence, it's a very fascinating story and not particularly gruesome or gory (I personally dislike that). But it actually goes on to prove my point... These guys were swarmed by a HORDE of chimps literally conditioned to hate humans. They panicked and made themselves worse off when they could have escaped. And then when they DO get mauled, the 270 pound alpha male chimp (is that even possible?? lol) doesn't literally rip off arms. He bites through the guy's hand/fingers after a VERY prolonged bite. And then later apparently does the same to his foot. True, they couldn't beat the chimp off. But later, a single guy grabs a piece of wood and ACTUALLY BEATS the 270 pound super chimp handily. Nobody dies except one dude who did it to himself. Literally 4 humans seem to have outwitted a group of 30 chimpanzees.

So yes. Literally ripping off a limb would be a cartoonish feat of strength not even possible by a chimp. At least not without prolonged effort, probably on an unconscious body. Which it seems they do for fun.
You guys act like chimps are these massive strong creatures. They're relatively small and p4p barely stronger than an AVERAGE male human. An above average male would smoke a chimp in hand to hand combat probably 8 or 9 times out of 10. The only thing to worry about is avoiding being bitten. Seriously look into this instead of just assuming this to be true because you've heard it from some other shertard.

Lol are you feeling ok...

Chimps have hands for feet...are way more flexible then us and are animals meaning anything goes... They hang around in trees for hours at a time do you have any idea how hard it is to climb and hang and support your body in tress for 6 hours a day lol..

Chimps and Gorillas especially would tear humans limb from limb if they wanted too...key phrasing being wanted too...they dont have our focus or how commited they'd be to fighting you is the real question ...
If you found yourself in a life and death fight with a decent sized Roo without a weapon then you will lose, it will eventually slice you open like a knife through butter with it's very sharp talons.
Eventually, like on it's first kick that ripped apart any flesh those talons contacted.
Easiest milli of my life
Yeah, but you're a Sherbro MOD, and there are levels.
It's not just the strength of the chimp. The idea of picking up and smashing something into the ground that easily can twist and hold its bodyweight with any limb is laughable.

You aren't not holding or restraining a chimp if it doesn't want to be.

This has to be a troll right?
Excuse me, did you actually read the article?
This expert says that a trained man could beat a chimp 2 out of 10 times. So gives him a legit chance

Very different than the other "expert" Danaher, who said its not even remotely competitive and chimp wins one thousand out of one thousand times

According to his facebook page, this "expert" is an "architect, designer and writer" with no special knowledge of animals. On his website "Animal World Facts," he claims to "enjoy researching and writing about pets, animals and nature." So he's a random bro who likes to shitpost online.

That said, I think he's on the mark here. The average dude has zero chance against the average adult male chimp if it's reared in the wild and is pissed off at you. But a large, trained pro fighter (or physical equivalent) probably has a chance though he'd still be the underdog if he's unarmed.


also, they are not bipedal. In the chimp world 5'5" is Yao Ming status, you understand? And lest you forget, they are about as smart as a literal RETARD, so their game planning is Edmund-level. Maybe not 9/10, but many large trained fighters and just big strong guys could outmaneuver and overpower a single chimp one vs one, hand to foot combat, especially if the scenario is a place with no trees.

LMFAO this is the best intro for a man vs. chimp match I've ever seen. I'm with you that Ngannou probably hulk smashes the average male chimp but he still takes some damage in the process. And you've acknowledged this isn't really a fair fight. Ngannou is if not the best, then among the most formidable combatants of 8 billion humans on this planet. And whether he's juiced or clean, he's attained a level of strength, explosion and physicality that rivals or exceeds elite pro HW fighters on gear.

But much like average vs. average, I think if you find the biggest, craziest, most alpha chimpanzee in the world, that one probably murks Ngannou.

Chimps are wild animals and are much more aggressive by nature. In the wild they're gigantic assholes and will disembowel and maim rivals and gang rape females of rival tribes. They deal with life and death situations on the regular and have much more fast twitch muscle than humans so will be very dangerous in a brief scuffle. And they also have huge fucking fangs.

So we're talking an idiot with retard strength, edmund-level head movement and fight IQ of Rousimar Palhares but twice as explosive as prime Kevin Randleman. So basically Hodor with fangs and he's ready to die holding that door. THAT chimp makes Ngannou his bitch.
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According to his facebook page, this "expert" is an "architect, designer and writer" with no special knowledge of animals. On his website "Animal World Facts," he claims to "enjoy researching and writing about pets, animals and nature." So he's a random bro who likes to shitpost online.

That said, I think he's on the mark here. The average dude has zero chance against the average adult male chimp if it's reared in the wild and is pissed off at you. But a large, trained pro fighter (or physical equivalent) probably has a chance though he'd still be the underdog if he's unarmed.

LMFAO this is the best intro for a man vs. chimp match I've ever seen. I'm with you that Ngannou probably hulk smashes the average male chimp but he still takes some damage in the process. And you've acknowledged this isn't really a fair fight. Ngannou is if not the best, then among the most formidable combatants of 8 billion humans on this planet. And whether he's juiced or clean, he's attained a level of strength, explosion and physicality that rivals or exceeds elite pro HW fighters on gear.

But much like average vs. average, I think if you find the biggest, craziest, most alpha chimpanzee in the world, that one probably murks Ngannou.

Chimps are wild animals and are much more aggressive by nature. In the wild they're gigantic assholes and will disembowel and maim rivals and gang rape females of rival tribes. They deal with life and death situations on the regular and have much more fast twitch muscle than humans so will be very dangerous in a brief scuffle. And they also have huge fucking fangs.

So we're talking an idiot with retard strength, edmund-level head movement and fight IQ of Rousimar Palhares but twice as explosive as prime Kevin Randleman. So basically Hodor with fangs and he's ready to die holding that door. THAT chimp makes Ngannou his bitch.

You might be overestimating the difference.
Chimps muscles are about 35 to 50% stronger than humans is relative strength. You can add to that an advantage in explosivity because they have less and larger motor units (less fine motor control, more On/Off muscle activation).

The largest chimps are around 220lbs, so they would be close in strength to Ngannou who is 270lbs. May be a little stronger, not by much.

Ngannou would have a massive edge in experience and body mechanics to strike efficiently. He knows how to KO someone and chimps are very similar to humans. Also Chimps don't spend their time fighting to the death and murdering each other, most fights lasts a few seconds, they run away when they feel they are in danger.

The chimps biggest advantage is the bite. massive power in it big canines

Muzzle a chimp and Ngannou smokes it easy. With the bites, he will lose some pieces.
A bear running at high speeds longer than a human?
You realize by high speeds I mean an all-out sprint, right? You also realize a bear can run 30-40 MPH, right? And that they can maintain that speed for half a mile to a mile? Can you do an all-out sprint and maintain that for half a mile to a mile? I'm guessing not.

Anyway, I think this debate has run its course.

people don't seem to realise the difference between big reds and greys. There's a lot of different types of roos. And zoos dont allow interaction s with red kangaroos... majority of videos are of smaller roos ( grey ) because nobody is stupid enough to fuck with big reds.

Large mature males can stand more than 1.8 metres (5 ft 11 in) tall, with the largest confirmed one having been around 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) tall and weighed 91 kg (201 lb)
ooooof. That guy was trying to keep a wild animal as a pet and paid the iron price. Brutal.
You might be overestimating the difference.
Chimps muscles are about 35 to 50% stronger than humans is relative strength. You can add to that an advantage in explosivity because they have less and larger motor units (less fine motor control, more On/Off muscle activation).

The largest chimps are around 220lbs, so they would be close in strength to Ngannou who is 270lbs. May be a little stronger, not by much.

Ngannou would have a massive edge in experience and body mechanics to strike efficiently. He knows how to KO someone and chimps are very similar to humans. Also Chimps don't spend their time fighting to the death and murdering each other, most fights lasts a few seconds, they run away when they feel they are in danger.

The chimps biggest advantage is the bite. massive power in it big canines

Muzzle a chimp and Ngannou smokes it easy. With the bites, he will lose some pieces.

Lol of course a top pro HW fighter can take a muzzled chimp. Its fangs are obviously its main weapon. And folks ITT arguing about relative strength are either special needs or have no concept what they're arguing. This isn't a bench press contest. Wild animals are WAY more explosive with faster reaction times in a fight than any human, even one juiced to the gills. And unlike humans, in the wild they regularly engage in fights if not to the death, at least for dominance within or across tribes. And they're not going 25 minutes with no low blows allowed. They're immediately coming for your eyes, balls and will bite the fuck out of you wherever they can.

This whole debate is hilarious but the only real chance an unarmed human has, even one as formidable as Ngannou, is to protect his face and balls and take that bite on his arm or leg, then slam the chimp and stomp or soccer kick the fuck out of it until it submits, runs away or is unconscious. Otherwise, an angry chimp coming for your ass is doing this:
