RIP Jackery Putz


Carrying Teh World Upon My Shoulders
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score
Loved ya man! Go suck a fat cock!
rip you lil tard
The arm finally must have gotten infected.
the infection must of lead to the brain.
God I am so glad they banned that little ass clown. Now if they would get rid of a couple other this shit would be great.
Leebuck, I personally had no love for Putz. But I'd rather have had ten Putz's on this forum than one of you.
You're giving putz what he wants right here....
Hopefully VOD and IronAngel are next.
so, why did he get banned? everyone is getting banned lately, what the shit is going on?
IRONANGEL? WTF? The guy is totally cool. What are you on about? Believe me, if everyone you hate here was gone tommorrow, you'd find new people to hate soon enough.
Originally posted by leebuck3
Hopefully VOD and IronAngel are next.

I suspect most people would probably prefer see a squinty eyed, narrow shouldered, flexing twat getting banned.
Originally posted by maxaug
so, why did he get banned? everyone is getting banned lately, what the shit is going on?
I think it was because he was posted shit pictures of a dicks ..So basically it was whoring and posting shit
Originally posted by Corner Man
I think it was because he was posted shit pictures of a dicks ..So basically it was whoring and posting shit

rephrase that, or look like a :eek::eek::eek:.
Originally posted by leebuck3
Hopefully VOD and IronAngel are next.

That way you'll reign supreme over all Sherdog, right? Put the crack pipe down, sparky. You're OT's doormat and that's the way you'll stay. And although nothing is ever set in stone, I'll wager that I'll be here long after you're just another bad forum memory.
Originally posted by leebuck3
God I am so glad they banned that little ass clown. Now if they would get rid of a couple other this shit would be great.

Talk shit about someone when they can't defend themselves. Pretty fucking lame.
Originally posted by nolimits
Talk shit about someone when they can't defend themselves. Pretty fucking lame.

After the way the 11 year old kid with one arm made a bitch out of him, what do you expect him to do?