Opinion Right-Wing Culture Justice Warriors Outraged @ Sudden Realization 'The Boys' is Mocking Them

I mean, obviously — but what I’m saying is that verhoven didn’t do a great job of showing the downside of “facism”.

The good guys won and everyone celebrates at the end.

I think that's the point. The film itself is supposed to look like a fascist propaganda film, which is why everyone and everything is so clean and fake looking. The film isn't going to have a "fascism bad" message, it plays it's ridiculousness completely straight.. ie Neil Patrick Harris literally rocking SS officer uniform and its doesn't raise a single eyebrow.
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I think that's the point. The film itself is supposed to look like a fascist propaganda film, which is why everyone and everything is so clean and fake looking. The film itself isn't going to have a "fascism bad" message, it plays it's ridiculousness completely straight.. ie Neil Patrick Harris literally rocking SS officer uniform and its not so much as raises an eyebrow.
I get ya. One of my favorite movies tbh.
The primary reason people watch this show is Super Trump.

The funny thing is, Homelander is getting the victim treatment this season, which never happened in the comics; why wouldn't an escaped abused (physically and psychologically) lab rat be an asshole? He is starting to remind me of magneto, taking revenge on the Nazis that made his Jewish life hell while hypocritically becoming a mutant supremacist.

The whole Trump parallel never happened in the comics because The Boys comic was pre-Trump presidency. The political villain in the comics, Neuman, was basically a Trump-Cheney hybrid, and normies would consider Garth Ennis, The Boys author, a conspiratard.

The parts of the show that suck are nowhere to be found in the comics and are basically pandering to leftists. In the comics, Hughie had a loving family, and Frenchie and The Female were straight and loved each other, although they were both too hard-nosed to admit it until it was too late. Also in the comics, sluttiness and gayness were directly correlated with evil, while the monogamous straight lovers were the most pure.

The Boys show will ultimately succeed by staying true to the source material and will ultimately fail by putting a chick in it and making her gay.
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It never interested me and I'm sick of super hero crap unless it's truly unique. I have not watched many shows and movies the last film I watched was The Iron Claw.
Yeah, it's the only superhero show I bother watching. But it's very adult and very fucked up I'm addicted. All the other over saturated shows can ram it.
The funniest thing was when they were highlighting the whole Trump phenomenon using homelander in his place where he killed some liberal douche with his laser beams. That one white dude, who's for sure a liberal dork in real life, got all excited and was like "YEA! OMG DADDY!". Conservatives are Nazis, very original and elevated writing.

It's cringe as fuck and you roll your eyes when it happens but it doesn't really spoil it for me. I still enjoyed the show.

But they're making fun of the woke dorks too. Like the guy who got lasered - typical low testosterone twink woke guy.

They're parodying everyone.
I think that's the point. The film itself is supposed to look like a fascist propaganda film, which is why everyone and everything is so clean and fake looking. The film isn't going to have a "fascism bad" message, it plays it's ridiculousness completely straight.. ie Neil Patrick Harris literally rocking SS officer uniform and its doesn't raise a single eyebrow.
Its interesting as well in that it plays up the idea of sexual equality(although having children is somehow controlled isnt it?) in the military down to men and women showering together with no hint of harassment, I would argue that was actually a very good prediction of how some liberial issues would be used to push a position of authoritarian imperialism.

The strange situation to me is that I feel like a lot of "cultural war" people look back to the era of "80's action" as a high water mark yet for me films of that era were much more likely to have a genuine left wing/progressive message. Verhoeven most obviously with Robocop and Total Recall as well but also something like Aliens as well is I think a film which is strongly feminist and anti capitalist/military establishment. I feel like action blockbusters actually ended up taking up the anti establishment mantel of "serious" cinema which declined in the early 80's.

The 90's with Clinton in power I think Hollywood actually become much more establishment friendly, the Nam and Nam allegories like Aliens stopped being made and instead it shifted to WW2 and WW2 Allegories like ID4 which gloried in the US military. I actually think Starship Troopers was Verhoevens takedown of that kind of film, trying to hard sell a fascist fantasy to US audiences, perhaps too well to the degree most didn't even recognise it.

There is still some stuff getting made with a bit of bite to it, I felt Andor for example has some genuine substance but a lot of stuff really is pretty empty tokenism and/or stuff which is very pro establishment centralist liberal, a few elements to rattle the cages of conservatives to get a reaction and liberal media types to high five to with very little criticism of the status quo. The truth is a lot of crap HAS depended on "woke" to sell it but this isnt a sign of Hollywood becoming "left wing progressive", its a sign of it being lazy failing back to cheap writing tactics.
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But they're making fun of the woke dorks too. Like the guy who got lasered - typical low testosterone twink woke guy.

They're parodying everyone.
If they are, it definitely isn't in equal measures.
What other parts parody woke liberal types?
Smartest person in the planet is the biggest bs about this season, that characters is not even in the comics but let's create black woman and make her the smartest person in the planet lollllllllllllllllllllll
As someone who didn't read the comic source material, the leanings were obvious from the get-go in the first season, but I was willing to give a chance. Unfortunately, it didn't take long before its partisan intent became unmistakeably unapologetic, and it was clear it wasn't going to deviate from that. I stopped watching at that point.
Another show that just leaned into its worst tendencies. Complete, hyperbolic, polemic dogshit manufactured by people who spend their entire lives immersed in fantasy, and have the most superficial knowledge of the issues on which they seek to meaningfully comment.

It's become a disease across corporate art. It's too bad, really, but I suppose it was only a matter of time. Nothing gold can stay. Lately, finding greener pastures is as difficult in the realm of fiction as it is in the real world, it seems.
They have a character wearing an American flag fucking a literal Nazi, and said Nazi giving a rally speech on stage using new internet slang terms like "SJW" while making strong statements about immigration which are consistent with similar sentiments popular with nearly half the country. The aim is deliberate. They are conflating these symbols, these characters, these historical political movements, and these colloquialisms.

America has become the bad guy. Patriots are psychopaths. People who use terms like SJW or passionately disfavor mass illegal immigration are Nazis. A conspiratorial, coordinated, Machiavellian scheme to horde wealth is the only motive driving successful people who call the shots at every level of American society.

Political philosophy brought to you by people whose lives are dedicated to make believe, and who occupy one of the least ideologically diverse areas of the country.

It's a pile of shit.
I would take no issue with that if they didn't characterize the villains with a contemporary, hyperpartisan brush. Watching the show has become like suffering the sick, distorted worldview of a Daily Beast editorialist who has no concept of proportions.

The two main antagonists giving a speech about immigration policy, one of whom is a Nazi, hellbent on "saving the culture" by creating a master race of "supes" like her counterpart, who is draped in an American flag, rants about terrorists, vents about "snowflakes" and "SJWs" who frustrate his great vision for unilaterally dispensing justice as he sees it when he recklessly piles up bodies of civilian casualties while dealing with these hostile threats in his pseudo-military capacity, and laments that the country isn't great like it used to be when it was "one nation under God".

Yet you presume to argue "not everything is a political statement"??! Get real. This show is explicitly political.

I am an active reader, an active viewer. I cannot disengage this. I am complaining because sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying some fun narratives that exercise some ideas (however light) is exactly what I want from TV. Fiction without political sermonizing is an increasingly endangered form of entertainment. The show is failing this benchmark, not me. I love fiction as an escape to a place of conceptual purity. Always have. Love. Loss. Revenge. It's timeless.

Suspending disbelief is logistical. It offers no relief to the intended meaning of the fantasy world itself. You can vilify corporations, the individuals who run them, and culture itself without loading a work of fiction with vicious, partisan lecture. You want me to sit back and relax? Give me Total Recall.
It went down hill in season 2. The writing was all over the place. I stopped watching then.
But they're making fun of the woke dorks too. Like the guy who got lasered - typical low testosterone twink woke guy.

They're parodying everyone.
After your contributions to this thread I'm 100% convinced you have no idea what parody is. You think parody is making a character look like someone from real life <lol>
I mean, they hated the aliens but the streets were clean, everyone had healthcare and education and seemed pretty darn happy!
A utopian society is one in which you do not get the rights of a citizen unless you join the military and go watch your friends get turned into blood mist by this fuckin' thing???


My brother in christ, this is what a utopian society looks like to you??? Do you know what that word means or...??
“The center”


I always felt like The Boys mocked both sides really well.

Truther Conference and LGBTurkey Burgers.

Homelander Models Trump and Neuman models AOC.

Thought this was all obvious.

Haven't started season 4 yet but yea I always felt the attacked both pretty well.