Remember when Dan hardy called Marcus Davis a Fake Irishman?

That's like calling someone a sell out, and the fact that it came from a white guy made it worse. Lots of history that is in play here as well.
Learning from history is fantastic. Using it to create division when there’s no need for it isn’t.
There was discussion about it, and it followed Marcus Davis around. Posters took jabs at him being Irish for most of his career. He was just a journey man.

But yeah, times have changed.

and remember when none of us gave a shit and thought it was funny? Man how times have changed. Yet, Dricus getting heat for it

It was hilarious at the time.

Context is a little bit different here. In a perfect world this would not be a sensitive issue, but anything that CAN be made about race in 2023 WILL be made about race in 2023, so this was a predictable result of going down this road.

At the same time, while I wish DDP wouldn’t have gone down this road, in fairness it was the best and maybe only way to generate some sort of rivalry with the current champion.
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How does the difference between those situations need to be explained to you? Eve removing racial implications from the equation, it's not the same.

Yeah, but that's true though isn't it? Like the world's richest man is African, but no one calls Elon an African success story because he left when he was a teenager. If he'd started Tesla, SpaceX etc in Africa then things would be very different.
Well Elon didn't start Tesla and he was successful before he was born
There's far more complicated politics and history going on with the criticism of DDP than there are with calling American wannabes fake Irish. This is a terrible comparison.

Of course that’s true, but it’s not unreasonable to compare and contrast the situations on a forum.
DDP was the one who originally brought up the African thing. He said Israel, Kamaru and Francis were not real African champs because they left Africa. Said he was the real African because he still lives and trains there. This clearly has upset izzy

No he did not. That was some clickbait title people ran with including Izzy himself.

Actual quote:

'I'm the African fighter in the UFC. Myself and Cameron [Saaiman, Du Plessis' teammate], we breathe African air. We wake up in Africa every day. We train in Africa, we're African born, we're African raised. We still reside in Africa, we train out of Africa. That's an African champion, and that's who I'll be.'

He never said shit about Izzy and Kamaru not being "real Africans." His point was very, very clearly about geography and not genetics.

He way gay, Israel Adesanya?
Well Elon didn't start Tesla and he was successful before he was born

You sound like someone who has never actually read anything about Musk and is instead taking a few sour comments from his detractors as gospel.

While I don’t think a person needs to apologize for having competent human beings for parents, Musk did NOT have a particularly good childhood.

As for the lame dig about not starting Tesla, he’s the richest businessperson in the world for a reason. PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, etc. —the projects he gets involved with regularly become highly successful.
There was discussion about it, and it followed Marcus Davis around. Posters took jabs at him being Irish for most of his career. He was just a journey man.

But yeah, times have changed.
I felt bad for him,cos he was a nice guy and didnt do anything wrong,but you can tell it made him so mad to be called that,so of course others took up the call. He was sensitive to that.
No he did not. That was some clickbait title people ran with including Izzy himself.

Actual quote:

'I'm the African fighter in the UFC. Myself and Cameron [Saaiman, Du Plessis' teammate], we breathe African air. We wake up in Africa every day. We train in Africa, we're African born, we're African raised. We still reside in Africa, we train out of Africa. That's an African champion, and that's who I'll be.'

He never said shit about Izzy and Kamaru not being "real Africans." His point was very, very clearly about geography and not genetics.

In fairness, DDP implied that those three were not “real” African champs by saying that he (DDP) was going to become the first African champ.

I agree with you that he wasn’t making it about ethnicity, but it was inevitable that others would. I wish he’d found a better way to get attention personally.
I felt bad for him,cos he was a nice guy and didnt do anything wrong,but you can tell it made him so mad to be called that,so of course others took up the call. He was sensitive to that.

Lol yea I mostly agree. At the same time, it was low hanging fruit for a troll like Hardy to exploit. Every American has ancestors who came from somewhere else. You don’t see guys who have German, French, English, etc. ancestry covering their website in that country’s memorabilia and gushing into the mic about how badly they’d love to fight in Germany/France/England/etc.
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Lol yea I mostly agree. At the same time, it was low hanging fruit for a troll like Hardy to exploit. Every American has ancestors who came from somewhere else. You don’t see guys who have German, French, English, etc. ancestry covering their website in that country’s memorabilia and gushing into the mic about how badly they’d love to fight in Germany/France/England/etc.
I know but I dont care if he does that. It dont make him a bad person.
In fairness, DDP implied that those three were not “real” African champs by saying that he (DDP) was going to become the first African champ.

I agree with you that he wasn’t making it about ethnicity, but it was inevitable that others would. I wish he’d found a better way to get attention personally.

That part I do agree with. It was always going to end badly just by even bringing that up. It was definitely a shot at Izzy, but now it's in weird territory that we really didn't need to explore.
In fairness, DDP implied that those three were not “real” African champs by saying that he (DDP) was going to become the first African champ.

I agree with you that he wasn’t making it about ethnicity, but it was inevitable that others would. I wish he’d found a better way to get attention personally.

That part I do agree with. It was always going to end badly just by even bringing that up. It was definitely a shot at Izzy, but now it's in weird territory that we really didn't need to explore.

You guys are making good points here.
You sound like someone who has never actually read anything about Musk and is instead taking a few sour comments from his detractors as gospel.

While I don’t think a person needs to apologize for having competent human beings for parents, Musk did NOT have a particularly good childhood.

As for the lame dig about not starting Tesla, he’s the richest businessperson in the world for a reason. PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, etc. —the projects he gets involved with regularly become highly successful.
Speaking of recycled talking points, it was nice to have those saved up, eh? All I said was that his parents had money, which they did regardless of how shitty they were, (which is the biggest predictor of success) and that he didn't start Tesla, which he didn't. I didn't say anything about SpaceX, cuz he did start that. And if you mention PayPal, the ideas for that business preceded Elon, and their connection to Ebay and Paypal's height was after Musk was no longer CEO and was only on the Board of Directors.

Sorry your feelings got so hurt. Didn't mean to offend your hero. Twitter's doing great, btw\

In fairness, DDP implied that those three were not “real” African champs by saying that he (DDP) was going to become the first African champ.

I agree with you that he wasn’t making it about ethnicity, but it was inevitable that others would. I wish he’d found a better way to get attention personally.
A lot of sites misquoted him on that, to be fair. I've seen early articles that had the video of him talking, then added in words he didn't say. He did clearly list the qualifications of what it meant to him about still training in Africa, and said "So that's what I mean when I say.." and people still just chewed the shit out of him
Well theres the issues of colonialism, apartheid, racism and slavery that probably need to be factored in..
Marcus Davis is/was a plastic paddy, that's why. Bloke's American, don't see what it's got to do with anything?

I myself am second generation Irish, my grandparents from both sides came over. I however would never consider myself anything other then Irish American. I think the OP point is while izzy was born there, Dricus has lived in South Africa all his life. Izzy moved to New Zealand for whatever reason. This is all a moot point as Africa is a Continent not a country and it is incredibly diverse. Think of Egypt and Tunisa.
The difference is that Adesanya is black and Du Plessis is white.

If Adesanya said this to a black guy, no one would have cared. But people are noticing the double standards and if De Plessis had said something racist back at Adesanya, he would have been drug through the mud by liberals and the media.

We are pretty much living in the special victim olympics.

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