Reinventing yourself

The Jake

Evil Genius
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
If you could reinvent yourself or rebuild yourself - I mean not just your body or appearance but attitude, knowledge, education, career, the person you are, etc. what would you do?

Feel free to answer this in either a serious or not so serious fashion.

My serious response to this is that I'd give myself bigger biceps and a sixpack in terms of appearance. As far as personality, cut the swearing and speak more eloquently. In terms of education, wish I could fluently speak/read/write every single language that has ever been. In terms of career I wish I had a mentally stimulating IT role that paid good bucks.

My not so serious response to this would be to give myself a 12" cock and several billion dollars.

- The Jake
Yea I would have stayed with playing soccer.

Not so serious

gave me a small penis and porn star wife
I'd make myself taller. Get rid of the bad temper. Not speak and act so impulsively. Not be judgemental and cynical.

And get an adamantium skeleton and claws like Wolverine!
I would re invent myself so that i didn't have this rash on my leg that is really itchy and isn't clearing up, i'm not even fucking joking its really starting to piss me off, i knew i shouldn't have went near that smelly donkey...bastard
a bit taller say 6'3 and some self esteem and maybe when i was younger to carry on with sports and not move back from canada to england
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Originally posted by J-Garden
i knew i shouldn't have went near that smelly donkey...bastard

So whose mother did u fuck now????

- The Jake
i'd lose a little weight. but other than that i'm very happy with where my life is and where its going. especially lately.
I know what you mean Mahatma... I'm just a little rough around the edges :)

I figure most of us feel the same, although I daresay Cesaro sounds like he wants a complete overhaul :D

- The Jake
Originally posted by The Jake

So whose mother did u fuck now????

- The Jake

Hey the police got my statement about that, i was only trying to push the donkey through the fence, my trousers just fell down thats all
J-Garden -

Yes but did you deliver the dreaded DONKEY PUNCH?

- The Jake
On a donkey, do you not remember that post about some guy getting his dick sheared off when the animal contracted its asshole?

no fucking chance , it was a dirty sanchez all the way
Can't say I've paid much heed to tales of guys fucking donkeys J-Garden.... :rolleyes:

no fucking chance , it was a dirty sanchez all the way


- The Jake
Originally posted by The Jake
Can't say I've paid much heed to tales of guys fucking donkeys J-Garden.... :rolleyes:


- The Jake

see how deftly you continue to portray me as some sort of Uber Deviant......
Originally posted by J-Garden
see how deftly you continue to portray me as some sort of Uber Deviant......

LOL... you know it's all true dude... mwahahahahahaha.....:)

- The Jake
I still think J needs a new Av that fully portrays his sexual deviance.
the first one that lays their mitts on my avatar, will get a renactment of what i did to the donkey.... and this time i'll use both hands
Actually in retrospect I'd also like to be 6'6" and weigh 300lbs of rock solid muscle and be capable of swinging a two handed sword one handed like it was a fucking toothbrush and be able to tears people's heads off their shoulders with my bear hands and crush their skulls like overripe melons. Be an general allround hardass really.

- The Jake
i would be admin of this site so i could shut it down!

not so serious.... I would like to smash my dick flat with a hammer so i could fuck some chicks whole buttcrack!