
mike p

Blue Belt
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Stupid Stupid Stupid...

So I popped a Redline before my 5x5 workout today, and after my squats, bench, and rows I still had so much energy I thought it clever to proceed with box jumps, sprints, ab work, and muay thai for the next hour and a half.


3 hours later...


A lesson learned I guess :redface:
This should be moved to personal favorite idiot in the gym thread.
so many new s&p threads lately have been lacking...
Thanks guys. Your sympathy is much appreciated...

But seriously, has anyone else tried this crap? It makes you feel like you can move mountains. I used to take it once in a while before workouts, but not since I got serious about lifting. Not such a good combo in my opinion.

I really am not affected by stimulants anymore. The one thing that kept me up was this energy drink bookoo, that comes in those gigantic cans. I was supposed to wake up at 7 the next morning to go my old high schools wrestling workouts. I literally was in the basement doing sprints at 5 am trying to go to sleep.
I bought a 4 pack of redline around finals time last spring, but there wasn't anythin' special about 'em compared to Red Bull or Bawls or anythin'.
If I could get a workout like that off them, I'd gladly have it. :D
So, the point of this thread is that stimulants are good?

*looks to right at large pile of bulk powder stimulants*

Yeah, I'll go with that.
They really depend on how you keep your diet 'regularly' beforehand. My body will sometimes react like a stimulant is a fucking Nuclear Fuel Rod or something.

Last night, I took ONE Spike pill with my NoX because I was dragging ass before going to the gym. This morning, I'm paying for it. I didn't get to sleep until 4 AM.

That's ~regular~ for me, too. You'd think I would learn.
all those drinks never did for me

hell, the no-xplode is starting to lose its effect

i am way too tolerant of the stuff now
Man, it must just have been the circumstances, and maybe because I'm relatively new to the 5x5. That redline had me TWISTED!
a 200mg caffeine pill mixed with a little bit of ephedrine is enough for me. Anything exceeding 300mgs of caffeine doesn't get me jittery, but I start to zone out and my thoughts become blurry. Not a great feeling.
a 200mg caffeine pill mixed with a little bit of ephedrine is enough for me. Anything exceeding 300mgs of caffeine doesn't get me jittery, but I start to zone out and my thoughts become blurry. Not a great feeling.


Plus, its ALOT cheaper

*remembers 500g of caffeine power and 1400 10mg tablets of ephedrine*

I have a tight chest....really

Plus, its ALOT cheaper

*remembers 500g of caffeine power and 1400 10mg tablets of ephedrine*

I have a tight chest....really

Where'd you get the ephedrine? Because I have this... friend with a really bad cold, yeah we'll go with that.
Where'd you get the ephedrine? Because I have this... friend with a really bad cold, yeah we'll go with that.

you mean he has a really tight chest or something?