But isn't it bad if the powder mixes with the baby oil that is already covering my masculine physique?
Broken capillaries, huh? Can I still work out and they would go away by itself?
black guy
Thanks for the serious replies. I think that race has a lot to do with it. I don't think a black guy would have the same troubles as I have. Broken capillaries, huh? Can I still work out and they would go away by itself?
I'm a hardgainer because I'm asian.
what has happened to erco?
what has happened to erco?
Sorry to ask this here, I scoured the internet for answers and didn't get an answer.
I started lifting again from a 10 month absence last Wednesday. I started slow, about half of what I did when I stopped. Then when I hit the gym again on Friday, that's when I first noticed that there were these small red dots on the areas I worked out. They don't itch or anything. I'm pretty sure they're not from anything else. Have you guys ever heard of something like this? If so, how do I remedy it. I'm asian btw.
This is my last place to consult before going to an actual doctor. I don't want to have to pay unnecessarily for a consultation.