Red dots on skin because of weightlifting?


-this is a fun game but I don't get the point
But isn't it bad if the powder mixes with the baby oil that is already covering my masculine physique?


To TS- Sounds like you're giving yourself hickeys in the mirror.
Thanks for the serious replies. I think that race has a lot to do with it. I don't think a black guy would have the same troubles as I have. Broken capillaries, huh? Can I still work out and they would go away by itself?

You also heard tales of their invincibility?
You're a hard gainer because you don't eat enough.

Also, you have bar herpes. It's fatal. We'll alert your next of kin.

Erco, Sonny, rEmY. One of your own is dying.
RC, I have no idea who the hell you are. How long have you been around the forum?
They're right, broken capillaries. Yes you can still lift with them. If you want to try to minimize them you could try breathing better/not holding your breath as long. Usually it's max effort lifting with heavy valsalva and breath-holding that causes them.
Sorry to ask this here, I scoured the internet for answers and didn't get an answer.

I started lifting again from a 10 month absence last Wednesday. I started slow, about half of what I did when I stopped. Then when I hit the gym again on Friday, that's when I first noticed that there were these small red dots on the areas I worked out. They don't itch or anything. I'm pretty sure they're not from anything else. Have you guys ever heard of something like this? If so, how do I remedy it. I'm asian btw.

This is my last place to consult before going to an actual doctor. I don't want to have to pay unnecessarily for a consultation.

Go here: Hardin MD : Skin Disorders / Skin Diseases

Should help, as you never know. It could be Necrotizing Fasciitis, Erythema Multiforme, Melanoma, Pyoderma Gangrenosum or the dreaded Hot Tub Rash.