Strong people,
My basic goal is to prepare for the military...lots of running, lots of rucksack marching (which requires strength and stability gained from squatting and deading)
Last November I was about 6'0 140. I'm currently 6'1 175-180, although my weight has remained consistent for about 2-3 months due to injury and illness.
Since November, I've been on a strength block, and am trying to establish basic strength levels (315 squat for 5, 405 for 5 DL, 225 for 5 bench) prior to enlistment. The squat is the most important; the bench is the least.
I've been on the Rip program, but feel my gains are beginning to wane; I've really only made +15 pounds of progress on my squat since Jan 1, but, that's due to resets/injuries/illness than genuine stalling. Nonetheless, my lifts are sufficiently heavy that I cannot make guaranteed progress every workout. I'd put my success rate at about 50%.
My currents lifts: 250 for 5 on the squat, 175 for 5 on the bench, 315 for 5 on the DL. the DL I believe I can still make linear progress with.
So, I'm going to stick with Rip for at least until the end of this month.
I plan to go to Boot around late August, perhaps September. Until then, prep time. My priorities: get strong. be able to run long distances. be able to ruck like a motherfucker.
Here is what I'm thinking about switching my plan to, come May 1st:
Day One: AM: Deadlift / Overhead Press / Pull - ups + heavy abs.
PM Long-slow distance run in PM. (4 - 12 miles)
Day Two: AM: Quick, Crossfit/Enamait style GPP, less than 20 minutes in duration. Plus extra calisthenics. Do everything at once so there is plenty of recovery time.
Day Three; Afternoon: Squat / Bench Press / Weighted Pulls.
Day Four: Afternoon: Ruck March.4 to 15 miles. Land nav alternating weeks.
Day Five: Rest.
Does this seem reasonable? Would you recommend any changes? For what it's worth, I'm about 19 years old.
Thank you gents and ladies.
- Derek
My basic goal is to prepare for the military...lots of running, lots of rucksack marching (which requires strength and stability gained from squatting and deading)
Last November I was about 6'0 140. I'm currently 6'1 175-180, although my weight has remained consistent for about 2-3 months due to injury and illness.
Since November, I've been on a strength block, and am trying to establish basic strength levels (315 squat for 5, 405 for 5 DL, 225 for 5 bench) prior to enlistment. The squat is the most important; the bench is the least.
I've been on the Rip program, but feel my gains are beginning to wane; I've really only made +15 pounds of progress on my squat since Jan 1, but, that's due to resets/injuries/illness than genuine stalling. Nonetheless, my lifts are sufficiently heavy that I cannot make guaranteed progress every workout. I'd put my success rate at about 50%.
My currents lifts: 250 for 5 on the squat, 175 for 5 on the bench, 315 for 5 on the DL. the DL I believe I can still make linear progress with.
So, I'm going to stick with Rip for at least until the end of this month.
I plan to go to Boot around late August, perhaps September. Until then, prep time. My priorities: get strong. be able to run long distances. be able to ruck like a motherfucker.
Here is what I'm thinking about switching my plan to, come May 1st:
Day One: AM: Deadlift / Overhead Press / Pull - ups + heavy abs.
PM Long-slow distance run in PM. (4 - 12 miles)
Day Two: AM: Quick, Crossfit/Enamait style GPP, less than 20 minutes in duration. Plus extra calisthenics. Do everything at once so there is plenty of recovery time.
Day Three; Afternoon: Squat / Bench Press / Weighted Pulls.
Day Four: Afternoon: Ruck March.4 to 15 miles. Land nav alternating weeks.
Day Five: Rest.
Does this seem reasonable? Would you recommend any changes? For what it's worth, I'm about 19 years old.
Thank you gents and ladies.
- Derek