Rampage: "Glover is too cowardly to try and stand with me"


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Mar 21, 2011
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"Glover is a guy who says he's going to knock me out, stand with me," Jackson said. "Just like the other guys, he is too cowardly to do that. He is just trying to get me to focus somewhere else, have me train other areas. I'm smarter now. I found out he's basically just going to try to wrestle me, and I lost some respect for him."

Jackson said he found out through "internet snitches" that Teixeira planned to impose his will on the ground and that he was "disappointed" in the news.

This is expected to be Jackson's final UFC fight, as he said he does not plan to resign with the promotion after fulfilling his contract.

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"Wah a guy plans to exploit my weakness in an attempt to win this fight. That's not fair!"
anyone remember rampage, king of the slams?? this king of excuses thing is getting f78cking ol
If this is true, glover just lost my respect too.

and I'm a huge fan of brazilian fighters...say it aint so glover!!
Rampage is the biggest joke in the history of MMA, never has a fighter done so little with so much ability. What a fucking retard.
"He is just trying to get me to focus somewhere else, have me train other areas. I'm smarter now."

Lol. Is Rampage honestly saying that he focused his training based on what his opponents said on interviews? That's like betting your house on what Joe Rogan hypes up.
Glover is going to rearrange his face for the movies.

Rampage sounds just as bright as Tank. It's mma, not kickboxing. Oh wait. Rampage probably think using kicks is cowardly too since he doesn't how to check them or throw them.

If this is true, glover just lost my respect too.

and I'm a huge fan of brazilian fighters...say it aint so glover!!

You lose respect for a fighter who doesn't want to act like a punching bag for Rampage.
You lose respect for a fighter who doesn't want to act like a punching bag for Rampage.

Glover is perfectly capable of lighting up rampage on the feet, yet, he would rather take the easy way out and hump rampage's leg for 15 minutes. Yeah, that earns respect :rolleyes:
If this is true, glover just lost my respect too.

and I'm a huge fan of brazilian fighters...say it aint so glover!!
I wish you would just stop coming to Sherdog all together. You are getting old with your shtick man. Seriously there is nothing wrong with exploiting another fighters weakness.
Rampage is coward for not throwing kicks
Glover is perfectly capable of lighting up rampage on the feet, yet, he would rather take the easy way out and hump rampage's leg for 15 minutes. Yeah, that earns respect :rolleyes:

So you're taking Rampage's word for gospel?