Race and gender swaps in movies and television

I think it's more alarming that garbage race baiting films like Get Out are so highly praised and promoted.

Movie industry has turned into a joke really.

First, I like to write, and it comes easy for me. The problem, as you pointed out, is writing too much, which I struggle with like Conan with a giant snake.

Second, if you have an idea or opinion, why not voice it completely, instead of just a few words a la the “lol/tkdr/emoji” generation?

Third, you as the potential reader, have the option to read my comments, or not.

Fourth, if you choose to read the comments, and take umbrage to something i wrote, then by all means, submit your opionbane we can have an intelligent discussion or argument. I wrote my thoughts, the ball is in your court.

I honestly feel like my post was clear with regards to my opinion. It's just mindboggling. What would be the point of writing four paragraphs to Express that idea when a sentence will do. Theres really not much to discuss. In a similar spirit to you feeling the need to Express your opinion with the OP, I did with my response. Not every contrasting opinion is going to lead to a rousing exchange of ideas.
Does Mary Jane's ethnicity really matter than much to the character? I think to the vast majority of viewers she is Spiderman's love interest and race is insignificant.

The big issue for me is not generally inclusivity being forced into films it doesn't belong but rather a recent trend of it to be specifically politicised and used as a crutch for poor writing. We've had a growth of Mary Sue like characters lacking in substance and just playing off of "empowerment". In reality I want Captain Marvel to be just as interesting as Ironman or indeed as interesting as Black Widow or Scarlet Witch I don't just want to see some pure power fantasy.

Part of the reason a character like Luke Skywalker lived in the memory is that he had substance to him, a believable heroes journey both in terms of learning abilities and facing moral tests. real inclusivity is giving us a female version of that not just a woke power fantasy.
No. What matters is that zendaya bitch is ugly as fuck.
I want this:

Not this:
....nappy headed ho
It only bothers me if a character's race or nationality is an important aspect of the character.

Otherwise, I don't give a shit.

I would completely agree if it was consistent instead of showing clear favoritism.

Check out Hermione Granger in the stage production of the play where the Potter kids are all adults:


It's just getting ridiculous.
I would completely agree if it was consistent instead of showing clear favoritism.

Check out Hermione Granger in the stage production of the play where the Potter kids are all adults:

View attachment 593641

It's just getting ridiculous.

Why does that bother you?

Was Hermione tied to being white further than a basic description of her character in the books?
No. What matters is that zendaya bitch is ugly as fuck.
I want this:
View attachment 593141

Not this:
View attachment 593143
....nappy headed ho

She's not Mary Jane, though. She's a different character. The fact that she has the same initials is more of an Easter egg for the fans.

That's one of those changes that actually isn't a big deal. In A high school in Queens there actually would be a fuckton of minorities. Plus they didn't change the character, they just made a new one.
Why does that bother you?

Was Hermione tied to being white further than a basic description of her character in the books?

It's the double standard that bothers me.

Either the race matters or it doesn't. If it doesn't matter, fine. Just hire whomever you think fulfills the part for the best. But we both know that changing a character from black to white is far less likely to be acceptable in today's political climate.
It's the double standard that bothers me.

Either the race matters or it doesn't. If it doesn't matter, fine. Just hire whomever you think fulfills the part for the best. But we both know that changing a character from black to white is far less likely to be acceptable in today's political climate.

Sure, but I never mentioned that in my post so I don't know why you're quoting me.

I wouldn't give a shit if there was a black character who's character didn't rely on being black.
I don't care who is cast in a movie. I'm probably not going to watch it anyway.
If its good it doesnt matter. If its bot good it doesnt matter
No. What matters is that zendaya bitch is ugly as fuck.
I want this:
View attachment 593141

Not this:
View attachment 593143
....nappy headed ho

Nah, I wouldn’t say that at all. She’s cute, but my point was why do they feel the need to change the race of MJ? Like most of these changes, it wasn’t a “she/he’s the best choice” it was definitely a “we need some minority faces in this movie.”
It's the double standard that bothers me.

Either the race matters or it doesn't. If it doesn't matter, fine. Just hire whomever you think fulfills the part for the best. But we both know that changing a character from black to white is far less likely to be acceptable in today's political climate.

No, there would be angry people and calls for boycott. No one watched black panther and said “we need more than two white faces in this movie, it was a purposeful choice to have as few as possible, except for a bad guy and a inept cia type that one character called “white boy.” Lots of talk about colonization and slavery. I liked that movie, but it definitely felt like some slaps in the face.
She's not Mary Jane, though. She's a different character. The fact that she has the same initials is more of an Easter egg for the fans.

That's one of those changes that actually isn't a big deal. In A high school in Queens there actually would be a fuckton of minorities. Plus they didn't change the character, they just made a new one.

I agree that it really doesn’t matter on this one, but she is MJ. Guaranteed that there won’t ever be a redhead live interest in this movie with Mary Jane as her name. Again, this particular change doesn’t matter, but movies like dark tower and doctor sleep, it either matters or makes absolutely zero sense. And you will never see a character that is traditionally black in source material changed to white. It just won’t ever happen again. Ever.
Nah, I wouldn’t say that at all. She’s cute, but my point was why do they feel the need to change the race of MJ?

Because people want to see characters on the screen that look like them, or that they are familiar with, and studios want to expand their audience.

Changing a secondary character in a minor way does not hurt the story. There are sooo many differences between the movies and the comics, yet people focus on race and gender. It is about ticking off demographic boxes, not some SJW conspiracy to replace teh white man.
Because people want to see characters on the screen that look like them, or that they are familiar with, and studios want to expand their audience.

Changing a secondary character in a minor way does not hurt the story. There are sooo many differences between the movies and the comics, yet people focus on race and gender. It is about ticking off demographic boxes, not some SJW conspiracy to replace teh white man.

Look, I agree with you totally. There is nothing wrong with changing a character’s race or gender it it does not affect their story or the story as a whole. My original example of Abra Stone does affect the story. I don’t want to put any spoilers in here, but let’s just say that her relatives are all white and making her black simply makes no sense. I am pretty sure they will make the dad black to justify or explain her being black, but i find it much more as a distraction because it almost becomes more of a race issue than about her abilities and the people that go after her.

It’s also like the Bechdel test to determine if a movie is sexist or negative towards women. It asks stuff like “does a female character have a scene with another female that does not revolve around a male character” and shit like that. It’s stupid, but directors have been trying to satisfy those requirements to avoid criticism, same as racial diversity in casting.
Unfortunately at this point it all feels like pandering due to the frequency of pandering and the forced publicity of these changes in race/gender/whatnot. Even something like Freeman as Red in The Shawshank Redemption or Billy Dee as Harvey Dent done today would get that stigma despite those castings not being done to pander.