/r/childfree is perhaps the saddest forum I've ever seen

This person throws around statements all over the thread like this:

The ENTIRE purpose of being alive is to procreate. To create offspring that is ever so slightly a better version than you are. To advance the human race and evolve. That's why biology made sex feel good. It wasn't so you could fuck something up the ass. It was so you would procreate. Survive. Evolve. Biology even gave the sex organs a marker with pubic hair. Kind of like "you put these two areas together".

And nobody breaks it to him that the universe will end one day, and then it doesn't matter how far we have evolved.
Or that evolution isn't necessarily improvement, because it favors any trait that makes you have more offspring, even if the optimal traits would be to be a mindless zombie.
Or that nature favors procreation, but doesn't give a shit about your happiness. As long as you have maximized your number of offspring, you can as well become miserable for all nature cares. Nature may even bombard you continuously with stress hormones to optimize your effort to care for your children.
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Kids are expensive and I dont have the patience to deal with them. Add that to the fact our society is going to trash and it makes the decision much easier. I dont know if I even want to see what the next 30 years will look like, let alone the next 60-80. Good luck yall.
I've been to that place but it's too toxic for me since all they do is to trash people who have kids.
I never wanted any kids because it's hard work and prevents me from doing what I enjoy and your life changes usually for worse. All my friends and family kept telling me how awesome it is and what true love is like and that it's the best feelig in the world.

Fast forward a few years, birth control failed on us and we had a baby girl. She's now a 1.5 years and now that I have been on "both sides" I can confirm that my friends and family were right and so was I.
I knew and know a few women who never did or dont have children. They were actually pretty successful and happy. On the flip side, ive known several women who have children and are miserable or unhappy in their lives. Theres two sides.

Our society is perpetuating the MYTH about how great it is to be solitary. Nobody wants a relationship, when they get into relationships they pick the wrong type of person/mate so they get miserable. And they see children as an anchor and burden. But I can assure you that if you "man up" and become a father and accept the role. It is the most rewarding thing you can do with your life. I feel like it's the entire point. People that elect to not have kids are missing out on the most rewarding aspect of existence and the entire point as to why they are even here.

The ENTIRE purpose of being alive is to procreate. To create offspring that is ever so slightly a better version than you are. To advance the human race and evolve. That's why biology made sex feel good. It wasn't so you could fuck something up the ass. It was so you would procreate. Survive. Evolve. Biology even gave the sex organs a marker with pubic hair. Kind of like "you put these two areas together".

We have instead bastardized sex into a casual affair thinking the purpose of it feeling good was for our own selfish pleasures. That's not what biology had in mind. And I didn't come to this conclusion because of fucking religion. Even though it aligns with religious values. I came to this conclusion through science and biology. An understanding of nature.

So many banned posters on the first page, but this nailed it.

From a purely scientific perspective, go ahead and stay single and live your life however the hell you want, but biologically life is desperately trying to make more life. It's the reason you have an elaborate reproduction system with hormones pushing you to bang it out and feedback mechanisms that make it feel good.

If you don't want kids, use protection and don't have kids.

But if you die without reproducing, your genetic line ends there. A line that went back for billions of years to the first life forms on earth. A line that goes through hundreds of thousands of years of humanity.

And not just genetic information, but knowledge. The next generation preserves the knowledge of those that raise them, and without that passed down knowledge we're a pretty unremarkable species. Infertile but you wrote a non fiction book that's widely used in your field? Ok great, teach your apprentices. But life wants, needs to carry on, to complete the cycle.

All that being said, the meme in the op is hilarious.
Different courses for different horses.

The world is full of great parents and shitty ones. Regardless of what someone else does in their life, no matter how little 'success' they have achieved, if they were a good committed parent who raised a child to be a good adult, they can die with peace knowing they did their part for this world.

There are many people who desperately want children but can't have them. I feel sorry for those people because they feel like they can't fulfill their purpose in this world and have to find another path. I don't begrudge them any mental gymnastics they engage in along that path.

There are others that don't want/have kids because they want to live a more self-centric life. I respect that choice, and the people who are that way who don't procreate. You might consider those people selfish. But true selfishness comes at the expense of others. They would be selfish if they did have children, because those children would never be the priority in those people lives.

My guess is most good parents love being parents and take a great amount of joy from their children. And that most shitty parents don't like being parents, and regret having children most of the time.

I have 2 children. But my house rarely has less than 5 kids in it. If our neighborhood is the solar system, my house is the sun. Everything orbits around it. I know several children in our neighborhood much better than their parents do I suspect. By simple virtue of the fact that I see and spend considerably more time with them than their parents. And here is the fucking hilarious part. I am a fucking kid at heart. I love goofing around. I love going to the Alligator Farm and the zoo, zip lines, arcades, batting cages, swim parks camping and the beach.

My wife adores the fact that I am such an awesome Dad. And she is incredibly smug when the other mothers in the neighborhood tell her how awesome it is that I carry so much of the load despite working full time. All the while I am over here snickering because I am getting to do exactly what I want to do. Imagine getting to do exactly what you want to do in this world and have people praise you incessantly for doing it. Sometimes I feel like I am conning everyone. That is parenting at it's apex- when the right fucking horse is on the right fucking course.
Kids are expensive and I dont have the patience to deal with them. Add that to the fact our society is going to trash and it makes the decision much easier. I dont know if I even want to see what the next 30 years will look like, let alone the next 60-80. Good luck yall.
My family took in a retired old man that never bothered with kids, and his favorite thing is when he visits and the kids call him grampa, he lives for it, and has been giving my kids a ton of money. The guy wanted to cut me a check for 15K because he had a misunderstanding about my money and tuition for my kids. I hate paying for private school != I dont have money for it. Having a family for him is the biggest thing in the world, and we treat him like family well before the money started flowing in, he's an old man that we became friends with because he's a super smart investor.

money and wealth can only go so far
When men are child free (like I am), it's really cool and bad ass. I get to basically live the same life I've lived at 16, just making a lot more money and a doing a lot of manly stuff.

But when women don't have kids... it's just sad. Not to be sexist, but that's, like, kinda their purpose in life, whether they want to admit it or not.

I just found this subreddit today and it's basically a bunch of barren women comforting themselves and trying to turn their shame into a positive. It almost brought a tear to my eye.

If I was a woman who couldn't have kids, the only thing that would cheer me up about it is thinking of parents stuck with retarded kids, because then you're basically raising a kid until you die.

That entire sub Reddit is just them coping
Thank you for giving me your wife's biography but you missed the part where I wrote "tend to". So obviously it is not a rule and good for you to have found a good woman. Maybe your wife is fulfilling her maternal instinct with your children? IDK, there are all kinds of individual examples out there.

However it is my anecdotal experience, filled by almost 40 years of life in many countries and talking to a lot of people, etc., that something is usually wrong with women that lack maternal instinct, and usually deciding not to have kids is the biggest manifestation of a lack of a maternal instinct in a woman. Don't ask me for links to studies because there are none, nor post a link to some bullshit studies from some Californian university about women's happiness because I will discard it immediately.

EDIT: just wanted to add that if you do not agree that men and women are wired completely differently when it comes to the topic of children, then I will legit ask you if you are 20 years old or something.

Here is the fundamental problem with this analysis. For the vast majority of their time on this planet, women had few other legitimate options outside of marriage and procreation. We are only finding out now how much of the procreation of the past was due to desire as opposed to necessity. Having children seems like a terrific option when you can't own land or property, vote, get a proper education, and your employment options are extremely limited. But when you have full access to all those things and your choices expand exponentially.......well.....seems like women will make choices in a similar fashion to men a lot of the time.
That entire sub Reddit is just them coping

The lady no kids comics are hysterical though.

And yet one of the saddest faces I've ever seen in my life was a patient with no kids answering the intake question about her surgical history. When she explained that she'd had a full hysterectomy, and why (cancer), her face just dropped. Mood changed from normal to holocaust survivor level depression in a second.

It's one thing to decide you don't want kids, but this patient who had it taken away from her was clearly deeply scarred by the loss of the ability to create life.
Most people that don't have kids, and some that do never know what it's like not to be the centre of the universe.
One other side note for all the 'biology and evolution arguments' going on in here. Even in the animal kingdom, not all animals manage to procreate. Some are killed before they get the chance. Others are too low in the dominance hierarchy. Most of the time in the animal kingdom, if you are fucking, you have either kicked a competitors ass for the privilege or you have waited your turn and are getting sloppy seconds.....or sevenths... A female lion in heat will mate upwards of 100 times in a day.

So don't get too bothered if some of your species is not procreating. If anything we have an abundance of the wrong males procreating with the wrong females as it is.
Reddit is just a bunch of people looking to share their unoriginal thoughts with other people who completely agree with them.
I have two kids and I enjoy being a parent, but if your heart is not into it do not do it. It is not fair to everyone involved. And don't listen to these people who get on their high horse about being a parent. They end up being the worst parents anyway.
Ask yourself this. What kind of Sherdog poster would you raise? Huh?

It’s all fun and games til your kid posts pics of himself wearing Red Bull Armor.
Ask yourself this. What kind of Sherdog poster would you raise? Huh?

It’s all fun and games til your kid posts pics of himself in Red Bull Armor.

If kids posts red bull armor then you could say you succeeded in raising him.

Alpha parents will raise uberts