/r/childfree is perhaps the saddest forum I've ever seen


Dec 12, 2017
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When men are child free (like I am), it's really cool and bad ass. I get to basically live the same life I've lived at 16, just making a lot more money and a doing a lot of manly stuff.

But when women don't have kids... it's just sad. Not to be sexist, but that's, like, kinda their purpose in life, whether they want to admit it or not.

I just found this subreddit today and it's basically a bunch of barren women comforting themselves and trying to turn their shame into a positive. It almost brought a tear to my eye.

If I was a woman who couldn't have kids, the only thing that would cheer me up about it is thinking of parents stuck with retarded kids, because then you're basically raising a kid until you die.

I call bullshit, my wife never had kids, and she is happy as can be, doesn’t feel unfulfilled .As a team we both get to do whatever we want..
Childbirth ruins women, I'm glad that more and more of them are waking up to how draining and overrated crotch-spawn are. The cult of children is very creepy if you think about it...
Childbirth ruins women, I'm glad that more and more of them are waking up to how draining and overrated crotch-spawn are. The cult of children is very creepy if you think about it...

Your post is very creepy if you think about it.
I dunno I've seen some hot moms it all depends da on genetics and lifestyle after the kid
Your post is very creepy if you think about it.

I will concede his choice of wording is interesting, but I think he’s trying to say that some parents are overly invested in whether or not other people have children..
What's creepy about it?

The wording for one, but I can appreciate the creativity of it too. Lol. And although some of it rings true in some cases, it also makes a lot of sense for a lot of other people to want kids and get them. So if you only emphasize the negative side of it, when "you really think about it", then yeah, it's gonna sound creepy. But when I really think about stuff, I try to see all the pros and the cons and see which I value more, when I've summed them all up. Negativity is often seen as creepy by people, so his post can be seem as such. Nothing against @Only Here for Attachments , Dude is a solid poster. I don't think he meant it in any bad way.
I'm conflicted.

I've never seen a great-grandmother, surrounded by her generations stretching down to an infant, look sad at a reunion or family event. They always look so pleased with everything.

Though to your point, OP, if it's reddit childfree, it's an echo-chamber circle jerk. Everybody patting each other on the back for stories that could end with "and then everyone clapped".
That picture looks like someone who's overcompensating or attempting to self-sooth.

To me, women who don't want kids have a sorta manly aura to them.

With that said, I respect anyone who doesn't want kids and doesn't have them as opposed to folks who have kids because they think they're expected to. All human beings have an effect on the world. We already have enough shitty people running around because of shitty parents. We don't need any more.
think most of them are without partner but i dunno

Our society is perpetuating the MYTH about how great it is to be solitary. Nobody wants a relationship, when they get into relationships they pick the wrong type of person/mate so they get miserable. And they see children as an anchor and burden. But I can assure you that if you "man up" and become a father and accept the role. It is the most rewarding thing you can do with your life. I feel like it's the entire point. People that elect to not have kids are missing out on the most rewarding aspect of existence and the entire point as to why they are even here.

The ENTIRE purpose of being alive is to procreate. To create offspring that is ever so slightly a better version than you are. To advance the human race and evolve. That's why biology made sex feel good. It wasn't so you could fuck something up the ass. It was so you would procreate. Survive. Evolve. Biology even gave the sex organs a marker with pubic hair. Kind of like "you put these two areas together".

We have instead bastardized sex into a casual affair thinking the purpose of it feeling good was for our own selfish pleasures. That's not what biology had in mind. And I didn't come to this conclusion because of fucking religion. Even though it aligns with religious values. I came to this conclusion through science and biology. An understanding of nature.
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I think some of y’all are missing the point , isn’t that for women who CANT have kids but want them??

That sounds like a hey day of cherry picking free loads to drop in trouble free.
In my 20s I did not want to have kids, then around 28 or 29 I changed my mind. In my mid 30s, have kids, and kids are a blast. It can be tiring at some points, but if you are a good parent, it's not bad at all. The idea that you will always be tired with kids is bullshit, it's like a 4 month period where sleep is shaky, after that the hardest part is finding babysitters for when you both work. Now I get excuses to go to waterparks,theme parks, and stuff and not look like an adult child hanging with the guys in our mid 30s.
D.I.N.K. crew checking in!!!
Not sure how long we will be this way. But maybe 2 more years? The wife has said she might be ready to start having kids then.

I'm cool without kids now. And i think i would be cool if we dont have any either. I think about starting a family sometimes. Specially when we hang out with my best friend and his wife. Their kid is almost 2yrs old. And i see how it has slightly changed my friend (for the better).

But then we get home, i quickly forget about it. Specially since we have so much free time on the weekends. And i definitely dont think about having kids when go on vacation.

I do have a few family members that ask from time to time. But i just respond with a

Not sure how long we will be this way. But maybe 2 more years? The wife has said she might be ready to start having kids then.

I'm cool without kids now. And i think i would be cool if we dont have any either. I think about starting a family sometimes. Specially when we hang out with my best friend and his wife. Their kid is almost 2yrs old. And i see how it has slightly changed my friend (for the better).

But then we get home, i quickly forget about it. Specially since we have so much free time on the weekends. And i definitely dont think about having kids when go on vacation.

I do have a few family members that ask from time to time. But i just respond with a


Same here man. Wife is a lawyer and likes her career. She has discussed it but I'm not hot one way or the other. I'm good without kids as the world is way different than when I was a kid and I like the freedom we have now. Plus I have a great niece and nephew...that helps.