Quickest way of getting a 6pack?

how about get off the computer and do some crunches instead of hoping someone will reply to a dumb question? oh yeah, and watch how u eat and run to burn off that beer belly
how'd you know!!! hahaha i honest got a beer belly..
haha and switch to hard liquor instead of that beer
For a real answer,

Do some damn cardio, you need 10% or below body fat for your abs to show.
Go to the local store and buy one. I'm so frickin hilarious.
MPCOA said:
For a real answer,

Do some damn cardio, you need 10% or below body fat for your abs to show.

not true. people with small ab muscle may need to be below 10% but mostly you'll just see ribs & guts. i've extensively trained my abs for the last 12 years & in the off season (football) i get up to 15+% bf & still have a solid 4-6 pack.
MPCOA said:
For a real answer,

Do some damn cardio, you need 10% or below body fat for your abs to show.

Not true about 10% rule. I had 14% when they measured me in high school wrestling and I have always had a clearly visible 6 pack. It will also depend on where you put the weight on too. I don't drink and I never seem to put on any weight int he front, what little weight I do gain usually ends up in the back, so my 6 pack has remained the same through weight gain and loss over the years. It seems the guys who drin heavily tend to acumulate the fat in their belly, obscuring the ab muscles.
go do some crunches man if you are looking at this right now. you'll never get one if you keep asking a simple question on here. just watch what you eat, get a nice workout routine, and watch the packs start showing
Okay, there are always freaks with large abs, but as a rule you need 10% or below. For those of you who say you had 14/15% how many point skinfold or did you water weigh, you probably had lower bf then you thought. Unless you were doing plate stiups like a madman, and then you usually look like you have a gut from having huge abs.
I'm at just under 15%, I got some love handles hehe, but you can see the outline of my ab muscles, mind you I do alot of core work. But to get a really visible and feelable 6-pack about 10% is right, some people get to like *% because they hold alot of fat right there and/or they have small ab muscles.
The quickest way to get a 6 pack is to go on a strict diet or you could go to the supermarket and grap a six pack out of the fridge.
MPCOA said:
Okay, there are always freaks with large abs, but as a rule you need 10% or below. For those of you who say you had 14/15% how many point skinfold or did you water weigh, you probably had lower bf then you thought. Unless you were doing plate stiups like a madman, and then you usually look like you have a gut from having huge abs.

i got this exact problem gut of abs.
The 'quickest way' to a six-pack is Liposuction. Plain and simple, your six shows up when you get rid of the fat that's covering it up. You can never do a sit-up in your life and have ripped up sixers if you're anemic. Fact of the matter is, you won't be able to perform anything athletic at that point either. Don't worry so much about image, worry about performance, and the image takes care of itself. If you want to get ripped, start doing shitloads of cardio and eating a healthy, controlled diet.