PWD 234: The Book Of Bayley Owns Brooklyn

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I liked Mike Tenay in WCW, because he was actually educational and sounded like he knew WTF was going on in the ring. He would always talk about a wrestler's background and history, while Schiavone and Zbyszko argued over who could sound lamer. Bobby Heenan didn't know why he was there half the time.

Zbyszko was too busy being the most over commentator of all time. Only guy to get a curtain call at the start of every show.
Zbyszko was too busy being the most over commentator of all time. Only guy to get a curtain call at the start of every show.

In WCW, Larry was still living off of his feud with Bruno from the late 70s.

Actually, I think he's still doing it today. He probably wakes up and watches that tape every day.
I liked Mike Tenay in WCW, because he was actually educational and sounded like he knew WTF was going on in the ring. He would always talk about a wrestler's background and history, while Schiavone and Zbyszko argued over who could sound lamer. Bobby Heenan didn't know why he was there half the time.

Heenan knew exactly why he was there.


He didn't like it there, but the money was too good to turn down. We got Heenan phoning it in as a result, seemingly vying with Larry to see who could make the most dated references.
Yeah but then Heenan tried to ruin Hogan's heel turn. :(
New World Odor
that all I remember from Larry
His reaction after was perfect though. "I've been trying to tell everyone for years about the real Hulk Hogan. No one would listen..."
Darren Young went on ANOTHER twitter rant after people called him out on posting personal texts of a guy who was hitting on him
He's not doing himself any favors with the "he's only there still because of being gay" crowd. Slater Gator was more entertaining anyhow.

is this her ''job'' now?
even the dog is sick of her shit
She needs those huge plastic funbags to keep herself from looking like a dude
The artist formerly known as Kaitlyn.
Just put Titus back with Slater. SlaterGator for life baby!
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