PWD PWD 1195: 2025 Is The Year The LWO Gets A Mega Push

Will the LWO get a mega push from WWE in 2025?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • No

    Votes: 13 86.7%

  • Total voters
Funny how as much as Vince and Kevin Dunn and Russo wanted to get away from "rasslin" these videos were always the best and still hold up today.

I made a live discussion thread for RAW on Netflix tonight.

Not after what that no good jezebel did to Rick Steiner!

Corny does a great job here as the flustered hot under the collar pervert babyface trying to interview her, a lot like Lawler would do several years later in WWE

Corny does a great job here as the flustered hot under the collar pervert babyface trying to interview her, a lot like Lawler would do several years later in WWE

Good God almighty, Skip!

I tried to work out a barter system but she insisted on a cash payment!” I think that went over everyone’s head lol

She’s also doing the same gimmick she would do to Gene years later where as Naitch is talking you would just see her hands all over Gene in the background
Is this a downgrade when Saudi Arabia already had the GREATEST Royal Rumble?
Well I don’t know how official any of these rankings are

I still laugh when I think about the Saudis wanting Yokozuna for the GREATEST Royal Rumble, so WWE went out and got a random sumo who had never worked in pro wrestling and only had him in the match for less than a minute <lol>


It's a carny business

Jack Pfefer would be proud
@My Spot Goldberg is working Raw in Atlanta in a few weeks, perfect time for you and your dad to go relive some memories
@Based God @sleepwalk This episode was really good imo, AJ used AI imagery here to enhance the story, not create it, and it made a big difference
Really interesting tale that ties in the Great Flood, Gobleki Tepe, Derinkuyu, the Pyramids, the Lizzid Peeple, the Moon Base, the Annunaki and I think a few other things all into one nice tightly wound little package and I believe every word of it!

Nice to see AJ get back to what made us all love the show in the first place

Also, that Lacerta lizard bitch could get it

Saw AJ say that tonight is going to be Annunaki part II (Electric Boogaloo)!