Locked Pwd 1170 RIP Gable

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That's sardo! No mr, accent on the do!
Nov 28, 2011
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GOd DAMNIT This page is absolute shit !!! I’m trying to make the damn thread and it keeps resetting wecer minute and theirs more pop ups then a gangbang herpes breakout parry


Chad gable represents what these forums have becum
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@Stargazer Rex I like this Rumble snake spot even better


The size of that damn thing! It even works the slither when he knows the red light is on!
Supposedly Strowman was also killed along with Gable last night.

Wonder if they'll be okay like Black and Mysterio after being tossed off of the WWE HQ building on that one ppv.
Why are they called Sick6?
How long you guys think this stable will last?
Midcard/jobber guys, assaulting people backstage, wearing masks... Wyattribution.
I just don't know why they have to get so silly with it. The original stable was pretty grounded in NXT. Just three swamp rednecks sitting in the woods doing swamp redneck stuff. It felt like something from Mid South or SMW.
Undertaker put to rest a rumour that has been going for about 24 years at this point.

When Undertaker wore those infamous pants in the match against Kurt Angle, those were actually Taker's pants, and not The Godfather's like had been previously rumoured. The story always was that Undertaker's pants were either lost, or ripped before the show, and the only one who wore his size were The Godfather, so he had to use his pants.

Not only were those Taker's pants, he asked the seemstress to make them. He went to her, said "Terri, I want Python skin pants!" to which she said "No you don't". And he insisted that he did want snakeskin pants for the match. Because he was the American Bad Ass, and had a little more freedom in what he wore he went nuts, and actually decided that those were the way to go.

How long you guys think this stable will last?
Depends if they go all out retard with them, like they did with The Fiend. Some might argue that they perhaps already have, with them straight up murdering people and all. Little much...

And then there's the rule of supernatural gimmicks never working out for anyone but The Undertaker(and Kane I suppose). It's a pretty tough balancing act. Like watching "Nightmare On Elm Street", where at the end, after Freddy has murdered a bunch people in their dreams, he strips down to his underwear and wrestles the final girl to settle the score.

Even though it was over the top, it was a pretty cool introduction all in all. Don't know how they're gonna keep that momentum with the group, but the debut was fun. I really hope it works out for Nikki Cross. She's a trooper that deserves a bit of break. Of all of them, I thought she had the coolest look of the group. Might've found her niche.
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