Locked PWD 1168: Heating Up

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I don't think he's a HHH guy.

Source: my own ass

You might be on to something. During his first run in NXT in 2013 Triple H gave him the corny name Slate Randall and only used him as a jobber and fired him after less than a year.

When he took off as LA Knight it was when Triple H was out after his heart attack and NXT 2.0 was happening.
You might be on to something. During his first run in NXT in 2013 Triple H gave him the corny name Slate Randall and only used him as a jobber and fired him after less than a year.

When he took off as LA Knight it was when Triple H was out after his heart attack and NXT 2.0 was happening.
Nah, HHH gave him his identity back when Vince tried to make him a fucking manager. He might not have had gold yet, but he's constantly in the upper main card and on TV.
Is Corny in the back saying hello to old friends tonight in Louisville?
Watching every person on the rail check her out as she walks by <lmao>
Is Scottish wrestling on the map?
Did Green get work done? I thought that I saw a Brazilian butt lift scar.
The boys played some games. I didn't play. They want all digital so you had to get a bracelet with credits loaded on it. I had $200 in my pocket ready to blow but that turned me off. I want those fucking carnies to earn my cash, Moom. I didn't get any funnel cake either. My wife was trying to get me one but I've been eating clean. I just had a tri tip sandwich. My son had a rootbeer float tho.

You wanna know how I'm getting old? They have this building that's full of art by the locals. It's mostly all first prize stuff and they even had a bunch of cardboard airplanes made by kids. Usually I never go in there but me and my wife were in there for 30 miulnutes last night. It was nice there was only a few people in there. It was mostly paintings but some sculptures. When I looked at the art I could feel the energy in them, Moom. These were just local indy people imagine if I went to a real draw in a big art museum what energy I'd feel.


All digital?!
I'm with ya, that shit is whack.
Its the damn fair!
I Wanna see the handfuls of 1s and 5s taunting me from behind the counter!
I'm not tryin to swipe no damn card just to shoot a couple 3 pointers.

Sry u didnt eat any funnel cake,
I will try and make up for it by eating at least 2 when i go to our fair in a few weeks.
fairgrounds tri-tip hits pretty hard tho.
ur son is smart.
Root beer floats are the best.

The local artist exhibit building is actually my 2nd favorite place at the fair.
I love looking at all the amateur paintings and photography and hobby models.
Last year ours started an exhibit for model kits/gundam models which was really dope.

maybe urs could start an open exhibit for youth model projects and ur son could try and get one of his lego kits in?

That would be dope.

the local high schools here each have their top student work shown in there too which is cool to see.

I like how most of the local am's art (alotta seniors) is drawings and paintings of either their family members or pets.

U can really feel the love they have for them.

Here they also do a plein air painting contest every year, where on one day during the fair, all the entrants meet up for sign in, then disperse and setup somewhere throughout the fairgrounds to paint what they see (outside). Then around 4 pm they all meet back up to display and talk about their paintings, and then several winners are chosen.

I would like to participate in that plein air painting contest sometime before I die.

I love Art museums/galleries.
It is amazing to see sculptures and artwork from hundreds/thousand+ of years ago
so up close and personal.

In college i went on a field trip to
The Legion of Honor in Golden Gate Park
And for a shoot it damn near changed my life.

A large bronze cast of Rodin's sculpture "The Thinker" (cast under his supervision and w/his approval) is there.

I think u would appreciate it.

In conclusion,
I am glad u had a good time.

Much luv and creativity,

Nah, HHH gave him his identity back when Vince tried to make him a fucking manager. He might not have had gold yet, but he's constantly in the upper main card and on TV.

Vince got him that Mt. Dew money and then that Slim Jim money. Triple H won't even give him a damn US title run!
Get in there Piper and do your damn job as Chelsea's bodyguard!
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