PVZ looking....smart

Nah it’s 2019. Half the men will claim to be women to not have to go to war.

Then after the war they will be the ones who reproduce, and we will produce the softest, snowflakiest generation of all time.

I see where you are coming from but it’s a bit of a hyperbole. Second take they would need to expand the draft to 35+ if there was a world war. Also WW3 would be drone/aircraft heavy some country probably would probably drop a nuke and then chaos would ensue.
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The internet and social media has ruined a lot of women..

They are all pretty much narcissistic attention whores..

Hot chicks, fat chicks, average chicks, ugly chicks... This is all they do 24/7..

It don't matter which category they fall in.. There post pics of themselves all day everyday and there are legions of guys giving them attention...

The tides have turned.. When I was younger chicks came after us guys.. Now they get swarmed and can take their pick..

It's not good for society..

This confirms the end is near IMO.. There is about to be a great reset.. I believe in the form of WW3... A lot of men are going to get wiped out.. The tides will once again turn back in men's favor...

Year Zero is coming soon
I get it but relax just a bit. I guess it depends on the region your in but your exaggerating some IMO. Their are plenty of young adults who were raised not to be a turbothots. Narcissism does have a bigger platform now though.
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anyone ever notice how cool pvz is? I never noticed until now. she is so smart and cool
My problem is I'm more of a butt guy, I'm also 37 and have a Mrs, 2 kids and a dog! I use to love a Tommy tank, but these days you gotta give me more!

I'm waiting on the day pvz is hacked or "hacked". If not, then perhaps she eats some meat and plumps her behind up and then hits some lycra work outs.

I'm really not to sure what Im after guys...... But it needs to be good. I'm too old for half measures.

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