Putting down the Barbell.. to pick up Kettlebells?

To be fair to cartos. OP sounded like it was written by someone who does not have the drive and focus to succeed at anything in life. He really likes to deadlift and squat but couldn't be bothered to drive to the gym? So KBs are the solution?
I own kettle bells and dumbbells. This is anecdotal. I don't do hardly any barbell exercises other than dead lift and bench, and I deadlift badly.

In BJJ / MAA, most people with a similar lean body mass can run right through me. They can clinch and if they want, run right through my body into the cage.

However, and this could be skill instead of some benefit from the kettle bells or dumbbells, but I rarely get taken down and I feel stronger than them once we lock up. From any odd angle someone who can run through me still feels weaker than me.

It suits me because I never liked to clash anyway. I like to try to get to a person's side and go from there instead of head on.

I personally think I am making lemonade out of lemons, and that if you are healthy, you should use the barbell, and add in the stuff I do during breaks.
I suppose Im just not understanding how lifting a kettlebell is more motivational or entertaining than a dumbbell. Assuming youre doing the same things with them anyway.

You shouldn't be lifting them the same way though. With a KB you should use the bell to gain momentum when doing cleans and snatches, and while resting you rack the bells in a way you simply can't rack DB's.


While there is definitely some power elements to Girevoy Sport, its mostly an endurance sport. And watching the best in the world do amazing things, is incredibly boring because its not the ten seconds it takes to watch a world record deadlift, its like ten minutes of constant reps.

As you can see by Fedorenko's beastly 64 kg jerks, being able to rest the kettlebell in the rack is a pretty important part of the lift.
And high level GS practice generally uses barbell squats, squat jumps, and possibly deads during GPP phase. Often a lot of running or ERG work too
TS, don't do this....lift the weights. Stay with barbells and dumbells. Throw some kettle bell shit in if you like, but if you just do strictly the bells, it seems like you'd get bored with that, too. Just change gyms. And you're kinda young to already be "bored" with weights.

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