Pushing without pulling

Old Man

Black Belt
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
I can't do BOR or pull-ups right now because of tendinitis. I laid off all upper body exercises for a while, but my arm is feeling good enough now to start pushing.

Can I do exercises like SOHP and bench press without any rows or pull-ups? Or am I going to be headed for shoulder surgery? I can deadlift so I will get some back work with that.
If you can do deadlifts and maybe shrugs I'm sure that it's fine.
Where is your tendonitis? That
As you know, Old Man, I've dealt with teh elbow tendinitis, too.

For pull/back/rear shoulder stuff, you'll probably need to experiment a bit and see which exercises hurt most, which are tolerable, and which are okay. Then work around the tendinitis as best you can.

Educated guesses --

Probably okay -- Deads, shrugs, rear delt flyes, SRC stuff (Cubans, internal and external rotations), good mornings, back hypers

Maybe okay -- BW chins, BW inverse rows, face pulls

Probably bad -- Pull ups, rows, grip stuff

Wild card -- If you can drop the bar/dumbbell after each rep, power cleans, power snatches and dumbbell snatches may be okay. If you have to set the bar/dumbbell down nice and quiet, forget it -- the sudden stress when you derack from shoulders to waist will fuck you up

Also, neck stuff will hit your upper back somewhat and is likely to be okay for your elbows
Wild card -- If you can drop the bar/dumbbell after each rep, power cleans, power snatches and dumbbell snatches may be okay. If you have to set the bar/dumbbell down nice and quiet, forget it -- the sudden stress when you derack from shoulders to waist will fuck you up
I have done cleans and snatches since I started having this problem. And you are right, the trip up is not so bad, but bringing it back down is brutal. I can't drop the weights at my gym.

I think I will add some shrugs and rear delt flyes to my workouts. I ought to be OK for a while doing those things together with the deadlifts.
It hurts when I do both motions, but it is definitely more severe with pulling.

I thought we were talking about shoulders or something. Apparently, it was public knowledge that it's your elbow and I live under a rock :icon_chee

Good luck, fortunately, I haven't had that injury yet.
I thought we were talking about shoulders or something. Apparently, it was public knowledge that it's your elbow and I live under a rock
I don't have any shoulder problems, I was just saying I don't want to create any imbalances. People probably know about my tendonitis because I was crying about it in another thread about a month ago: http://www.sherdog.net/forums/showthread.php?t=746986
this is a problem i've developed that never bothered me when I was lifting in my youth and through college. i'm 34 now and my elbows are a fucking mess. I've had to take time off and reduce weight. if anyone has any good suggestions, i'd love to hear them. maybe this is just a part of lifting at my age.

edit: just saw the tendonitis thread. settling in for a read. flak's stretch thing seems smart.
Oh, here's a tip I just remembered -- don't load or unload plates one-handed. You can probably get away with it for 2.5 lbs., 5 lbs., maybe 10 lbs., but nothing heavier.

Tuesday night I was putting a 25 lbs. plate on a bar that was chest-high. I hauled the plate up from floor level, bent my elbow about 90 degrees to get the plate into position and instantly my right elbow tendinitis was going "HI, REMEMBER ME, DUMBASS?!!"

Hurt for the rest of the night, all because of about 2 seconds of avoidable stress.
Oh, here's a tip I just remembered -- don't load or unload plates one-handed. You can probably get away with it for 2.5 lbs., 5 lbs., maybe 10 lbs., but nothing heavier.

Tuesday night I was putting a 25 lbs. plate on a bar that was chest-high. I hauled the plate up from floor level, bent my elbow about 90 degrees to get the plate into position and instantly my right elbow tendinitis was going "HI, REMEMBER ME, DUMBASS?!!"

Hurt for the rest of the night, all because of about 2 seconds of avoidable stress.

good advice