Problems in my gym!


Yellow Belt
Dec 27, 2007
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hey fellas, i have a question?

Iam in a gym now for about a half year. i made a agreement with the instructor, that iam only pay when i come to train (because i am in every holidays in another country and stuff and paying the whole year with coming just an half would be too much). The trainer was very friendly and cool.
Lately i had a not soo cozy time, because my father died, i had also some debts and absolute no money (barely enough for living a couple of month only from rice and noodles, taste terrible if you mix both :icon_surp).
because i was very busy with college and work and had no money for training i decided to take a training break for a couple of month until things get a bit better.
when i finally came back (with paying of course!) the trainer seemed to changed his attitude towards me. he shows no interest anymore to continue boosting me like he did on beginning and like he still does to other, in fact he tried more often to expose me as a stupid or not talented infront of the other students.
i dont care about that but the really annoying thing is that we do some technics with partners and not everybody got one, iam everytime the one, who has to wait, same thing with rolling.
i really noticed that everybody is getting better except me and thats really making me sick.
i once tried to explain him my situation but it seemed that he thought iam a drama queen making my life worse than it is in order to have his pity and get some free training or something. i dont feel like in a bad situation, it could be worse and iam surely didnt want a free training or charity.

everybody would say now: ok then change the gym but thats unfortunatly not possible because there are not other gyms in town. bjj is underdeveloped here!
sometimes i would love to tap him infront of all other students but iam just a white belt and hes a good purple and as you may read in this far too long threat he hinders me in getting better.

what would you do in this situation? do you find my thoughts exaggerated?
Call Rickson Gracie, tell him some tramatic story lie and have him train you alone for 1 week. You will beat your instructor by armbar.
You have to look at it from his side also. He's running a business. He cut you a deal which is good but you already admitted that you can't go all the time. He's got students that are there all the time and paying full dues.

Now it gonna sound crappy but look at it as him. Does he want to invest time on someone(granted situation out of your control) thats not gonna be there consistently. Or the people that come in day and day out and pay the full price. Sorry but your gonna get the raw end of that deal every time.

And besides that you yourself said, he's the only game in town. What else are you gonna do.

You said your not getting new technics. Do you have the ones he's already shown you down pat?
this deal was his idea, not mine.
and iam also paying full dues. just not in a whole year contract.
but iam attending neary every training he give when iam in town. is not that he would lose money or time because of me. is more something personal he wants me to feel. i dont care about that much.
i dont want a special treatment or a lovely hug bevor every training session.
i only want to get a better game the rest doesnt matter.

Off course i cant do every technique he has shown us perfect, thats why it is annoying to be not given the chance to repeat them from time to time. its not a big thing at all, the whole story doesnt matter, it was just for understanding, i was only asking what you would do in this situation?
maybe its exaggerated and he is also just having a troubled time, i dont know, just want to hear other opinions.
There is only 1 solution to this dilemma. Pull guard and armbar.
i thought about something easier for whitebelts............something lika a gorillapress bodyslam! oder a cameltoe-hold
yeah man of course ur not gonna be doing so well when u dont come in. this is a sport where it takes years and at least 3-4 times a week to get going.
There is only 1 solution to this dilemma. Pull guard and armbar.

i'm sorry i didn't bring anything relevant to the discussion, but this made chuckle to the point where i spit the water i was drinking onto my monitor. oh bma_mat, you're what legends are made of
you have to consider his view too

it has to be tough for instructors, who put their heart into training their students, when 80% of them stop coming never to be heard of again within like 6 months and another 10% are always coming back when "my elbow/knee/back/shoulder gets better" or im less busy at "work/school/church/girlfriend"

maybe he doesnt feel like you are showing a commitment? its more than money
Punch your instructor in the face and call him a woman.
You do sound like a drama queen. The man's running a business he's not Dr. Phil.
sounds like you have a huge problem with reading. doesnt matter pal, iam sure there is also a business willing to help you out with that ;-)
sounds like you have a huge problem with reading. doesnt matter pal, iam sure there is also a business willing to help you out with that ;-)

"when i finally came back (with paying of course!) the trainer seemed to changed his attitude towards me. he shows no interest anymore to continue boosting me like he did on beginning and like he still does to other, in fact he tried more often to expose me as a stupid or not talented infront of the other students."

Like I stated your instructor is not Dr. Phil that he has to boost your ego. Go grow some balls. I for one don't need to hear how wonderfull I'm doing in my training.

" i really noticed that everybody is getting better except me and thats really making me sick. "

This makes you sound like a Prom Queen. If you're so sick of everyone getting better and you're not it's because you're not training and putting the time in. Don't blame others for you being lazy in regards to training.

" sometimes i would love to tap him infront of all other students but iam just a white belt and hes a good purple and as you may read in this far too long threat he hinders me in getting better."

The only one that hinders your progress in this sport is you. Take responsibilty for your own actions.
wow, you same answer like before, you have understand shit. i recommend you to read the whole thing or leave it and wait until i made the same post as a video on youtube.

maybe you havent something to do besides training and your mommy is paying your fees. but there are people out there who cant put as much time in the training as they would love to. i train 5 times a week besides much other things but in holydays i have to be somewhere else, even if i dont like it. this is what you dont understand and generally not the point. i dont know how old are you but it seems that you dont have responsibility.

unlike you i have something called pride and when somebody goes on me personal (there are still a lot people there paying less and attending less than me so money and attending is not the point)it pisses me off and thats why i asked people with more experience obout their opinion what they would do.
sorry pal, but youre advice was rather provocative than helpful.
This is one of the lamest troll attempts ever.

Hit him with an ompelata. It's a very clever move.
hey fellas, i have a question?

Iam in a gym now for about a half year. i made a agreement with the instructor, that iam only pay when i come to train (because i am in every holidays in another country and stuff and paying the whole year with coming just an half would be too much). The trainer was very friendly and cool.
Lately i had a not soo cozy time, because my father died, i had also some debts and absolute no money (barely enough for living a couple of month only from rice and noodles, taste terrible if you mix both :icon_surp).
because i was very busy with college and work and had no money for training i decided to take a training break for a couple of month until things get a bit better.
when i finally came back (with paying of course!) the trainer seemed to changed his attitude towards me. he shows no interest anymore to continue boosting me like he did on beginning and like he still does to other, in fact he tried more often to expose me as a stupid or not talented infront of the other students.
i dont care about that but the really annoying thing is that we do some technics with partners and not everybody got one, iam everytime the one, who has to wait, same thing with rolling.
i really noticed that everybody is getting better except me and thats really making me sick.
i once tried to explain him my situation but it seemed that he thought iam a drama queen making my life worse than it is in order to have his pity and get some free training or something. i dont feel like in a bad situation, it could be worse and iam surely didnt want a free training or charity.

everybody would say now: ok then change the gym but thats unfortunatly not possible because there are not other gyms in town. bjj is underdeveloped here!
sometimes i would love to tap him infront of all other students but iam just a white belt and hes a good purple and as you may read in this far too long threat he hinders me in getting better.

what would you do in this situation? do you find my thoughts exaggerated?

From what you have said.

1st in regards to your being the odd man out. Show some inititive man! Things happens at clubs all around the world evening night. There is often an odd number of people at the club, so there is often an odd man out. So get in with a group of 3 for not make such a big deal of it.
And with rolling, sit out a roll and watch some high level belts roll and see what you can learn!

Regarding your instructors actions to you...i do not know him, but it is hard to say...
But with you not being around all that much (your admission) he may not think that you are all that dedicated to the club, and than your inability to pay...dude you totally do sound as if you are just trying to get some free training in here and there. Sorry man, just being honest! It is what it sounds like.

I am currently involved in full time grad studies, i have a wife, a dog, a job, and all sorts of other crazy stuff going on in my life as well (that i will not bore you with!:icon_chee), but i still manage to get to my club at least 2 times a week if not more, and i manage to pay my club fees as well (and i am broke as all hell)!

So what i am trying to tell you is that there is always an excuse not to train...but if you truely want to do it you will figure it out.
Do you drink? You could cut that out, and that could most likely pay for your club fees.
Trying biking to work a few times a week to save on gas (that is what i do) so that you can pay your club fees.
Ask you instructor that if in lue of club fees you can clean up the mats, etc...

there is always a way man!

hope that helps!

and talk to your instuctor not make a million and one excuses about why you cannot train or pay...
Instead tell him what the problem is...and work out a soluton with him
@ Bucketbot

thx for the long reply.
it was very useful.
if it was all on me, i would never stop training.
the money problem is cleared out and i payd him the fees from the next half year @ one time.
maybe this will help showing him that iam serious on training.
lets see what the future is up to, if he is sticking with his view i know that this is personal stuff.
iam fine with that, as long as i get decent training for it, thats all what i want.