Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy

Its still a democracy, just to show that democracy is the best system of government if you dont want anything getting done (for good or evil).

People just dont care anymore and politicians seem to care more about the money, democracy didnt die, true patriotism did.
AIPAC welding most power. Israel is basically controlling the US at this point.
Most money wins.

Been like that for a long while. Dems or Reps it doesn't matter it's those people giving those nice big 'donations' that run the show. President is just a puppet.
An interesting passage written by John Adams in 1814:

“I might have exhibited as many millions of plebeians sacrificed by the pride, folly, and ambition of their fellow-plebeians and their own, in proportion to the extent and duration of their power. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation.”
Democracy is just a buffer until the inevitable happens anyway. Can't escape the law of the jungle. It was a good run though.
AIPAC welding most power. Israel is basically controlling the US at this point.

They try to control the US for their own best interest; can't blame them for that. But I don't see the evidence that they actually do control the US. This is just Christian Identity (and now also Muslim) propaganda, and you should be ashamed of yourself for repeating it.
They try to control the US for their own best interest; can't blame them for that. But I don't see the evidence that they actually do control the US. This is just Christian Identity (and now also Muslim) propaganda, and you should be ashamed of yourself for repeating it.

This is the point. AIPAC is in fact a very powerful lobby organisation (the Mearsheimer / Walt book is not that new any more, but it's still quite impressive). But technically, they are not doing anything other lobbies are not doing, they are just more successful.

Thus theorizing that Israel somehow "controls" the US or other states is just a repetition of stupid, anti-semitic stereotypes. There simply is a difference between conspiracy and dark overlords ruling in the backgrounds and reality.
Democracy, historically, has been interchangeable with oligarchy. In terms of process, as long as the oligarchs are ordering votes, they're practicing democracy.
We were never a democracy, at least directly. The US uses indirect democracy, more of a representative republic. We vote in representatives who are supposed to lobby and act on our behalf. Private citizens usually don't create or vote for specific laws themselves. It happens sometimes on a state by state level, but hardly ever on a federal level.

It's been an oligarchy for generations now, this is nothing new. Sad, but not new.
Democracy, historically, has been interchangeable with oligarchy. In terms of process, as long as the oligarchs are ordering votes, they're practicing democracy.

Yeah, the wealthy are good at pimping their ho's, and voters are easy marks.

"If you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true" - Pedro
This is the point. AIPAC is in fact a very powerful lobby organisation (the Mearsheimer / Walt book is not that new any more, but it's still quite impressive). But technically, they are not doing anything other lobbies are not doing, they are just more successful.

Thus theorizing that Israel somehow "controls" the US or other states is just a repetition of stupid, anti-semitic stereotypes. There simply is a difference between conspiracy and dark overlords ruling in the backgrounds and reality.

Agreed, AIPAC is powerful, but mainly because its rivals are kind of weak, when it comes to blows, the MIC blows AIPAC away no contest.

I think this Iranian deal where AIPAC is going against a standing POTUS is the limit on AIPAC influence, they couldnt stop the sales of modern arms to Saudi Arabia after all.
America's political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield most power.

Very sad but true, read the whole article here...

How do you think we can stop this and return to democracy?

Did the people at Princeton have a gargantuan brain fart? The USA has never been a democracy, it is and has always been a constitutional republic.

Seriously, I worry that only bloodshed, or at least a serious threat of it can change things.
The people with all the money use that money to buy off the representatives

And those same people come together and form clubs/ secret societies and use their influence to further the society's selfish aims.

Uh oh, can't go into that territory or you are a tin foil hat wearing nut job. People for the most part can accept those with money buy off representatives, but they refuse to believe those same people can form clubs.
Did the people at Princeton have a gargantuan brain fart? The USA has never been a democracy, it is and has always been a constitutional republic.

And that's a democratic form of gov't, or what people call "a democracy."
Princeton is basically quoting textbook Marxism. The state is the tool that the ruling class (bourgeois) uses to rule, democracy is basically used to pacify the population.

An interesting passage written by John Adams in 1814:

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