Priest From Dublin Comes Out of The Closet to His Congregation

I'm not being hateful or condescending at all. I haven't said a single bad thing about this Priest.

I'm upset the way his community is handling it. They need to have intervention and plead with him to get counseling.

If you best friend comes out to you as a dope fiend, you don't encourage his drug habit. A good friend will try to get him help. That is true compassion.

LOL at first i thought you were serious, but then i realized no one is that obtuse.

Good trolling brah;)
I'm not being hateful or condescending at all. I haven't said a single bad thing about this Priest.

I'm upset the way his community is handling it. They need to have intervention and plead with him to get counseling.

If you best friend comes out to you as a dope fiend, you don't encourage his drug habit. A good friend will try to get him help. That is true compassion.

Firstly you're comparing a way someone lives in a loving relationship (that I have no ability or placing to cast judgment on) to someone who is addicted to abusing drugs.

You can't give help to a drug addict. It will not work. The have to want to change first, then you can help them. If by inviting someone who is doing something against my religious beliefs into my home and treating as a friend, I can influence them by how I let my light shine, then that's how I chose to do it.

Standing up and turning your back to that person is not helping them, being a friend and showing them your faith walk without condemnation or "holier than thou" is.

And when you compare a relationship between two adults to bestiality, you're not being exactly nice.
Oh look, more "enlightened" individuals running from debate and opposing viewpoints.
I'm not being hateful or condescending at all. I haven't said a single bad thing about this Priest.

I'm upset the way his community is handling it. They need to have intervention and plead with him to get counseling.

If you best friend comes out to you as a dope fiend, you don't encourage his drug habit. A good friend will try to get him help. That is true compassion.

Someone needs to get you help...
Homophobes be like: "Homosexy is a choice. The earth is flat. Evolution is your opinion. My preacher is smarter than your science professor because hurr derr he makes me feel cozy inside. Derp."
Firstly you're comparing a way someone lives in a loving relationship (that I have no ability or placing to cast judgment on) to someone who is addicted to abusing drugs.

You can't give help to a drug addict. I will not work. The have to want to change first, then you can help them. If by inviting someone who is doing something against my religious beliefs into my home and treating as a friend, I can influence them by how I let my light shine, then that's how I chose to do it.

Standing up and turning your back to that person is not helping them, being a friend and showing them your faith walk without condemnation or "holier than thou" is.

We are saying the same thing.

I never said he be shunned or they should turn their backs on him. Where did you get that from?

I think they should show him compassion, and try to encourage him to get help.
Homophobes be like: "Homosexy is a choice. The earth is flat. Evolution is your opinion. My preacher is smarter than your science professor because hurr derr he makes me feel cozy inside. Derp."

S t r a w m a n
Aren't priests supposed to be asexual? Isn't the bible that these priests would use to justify their religious teachings anti-homosexual behavior?

If the answer to either of those questions is yes, then this man has no right being a priest.
Sympathy and compassion does not mean celebrating disease. It means getting them the help they need.

I think it's more of a mental disorder than a disease, but since even homosexuals claim that their is a gene that makes them gay then it is quite possible they're the product of genetic malfunction.
because he got a boner.

I see a troll, also the Sia video is them fighting not having sex lol.
Priests can't have romantic relationships anyway so what does it matter?
Aren't priests supposed to be asexual? Isn't the bible that these priests would use to justify their religious teachings anti-homosexual behavior?

If the answer to either of those questions is yes, then this man has no right being a priest.

He's Catholic. The Bible takes back seat to whatever their Italian friends in pointy-hats tell them.
Oh look, more "enlightened" individuals running from debate and opposing viewpoints.

What debate? You're merely spewing a far right, veiled hate towards a group of people you probably have zero first hand experience with.

"get counselling" sound like you masturbate at Promise Keepers meeting.
I agree. These are amazing times.

Sia just came out with a music video celebrating pedophilia, and it is now one of the most watched videos on youtube:

New York magazine recently published a good piece of bestiality as well:

I love these accepting and tolerant times we live in.

I watched the video and I think that the real problem is that the kid from even stevens was in the Crystal Skull movie...The priest should have ended with the condemnation of that film.
I think it's more of a mental disorder than a disease, but since even homosexuals claim that their is a gene that makes them gay then it is quite possible they're the product of genetic malfunction.

I'm obviously the term "disease" in a broader sense than "medical disease".

Yeah, I've read about certain genes being linked to it.

It can also be caused by chemical and hormonal imbalances. The increase of androgens in our river water through agricultural run off has lead to a huge increase in the amount of gay fish and frogs. Here's some science on it: