Please explain CM Punk to a Dutch guy...

To be fair, wwe/wwf isn't popular at all in The Netherlands, so plenty of people don't know who he is. Same goes for the UFC in general as well.

Zwarte Piet, wiedewiedewiet,
He's just some random pro wrestler who didn't have to bust his ass through smaller promotions in order to get into the UFC because of his celebrity status. It's a shame really. He should at least go through a season of TUF.
Since i'm Dutch, i don't know CM Punk. So i googled him and saw WWE. Never heard of it, we only watch kickboxing and mma over here.

This is the most amazing thing i have ever seen.. guys doing insane jumps, hitting each other with chairs, jumping 4 metres etc.. it's insane.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is it? This is fake right? What are the rules of this fighting style?

Why have no other WWE fighters made the transition to UFC? Is WWE the elite fighting sport in the US? Just can't believe what i'm seeing...
It is awesome though.

As always sorry if my grammar is bad, English is not my native language.

You need to look into Japanese pro-wrestling. There's a teabagging gif and a fireworks-shooting-out-of-someone's-anus gif I can't post here without getting dubs, but here are some mind-blowing Japanese fights.




Pro wrestling is great till they actually start fighting. Than you have to ask yourself why am i watching this fake shit.