

Jun 9, 2007
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I have been lifting for a while and recentley hit a plateau. For reasons unknown i cannot deadlift anymore than 160kg. For 3 consecutive weeks i went up 10kg each week then i hit this pateau which has lasted some 8 weeks argh. What do most of you do when you hit a plateau? i switched it up and for the last two weeks have been doing more reps 42 last week 36 this week. Today sucked though, couldn't even pull 140, tried 170 couldn't move it, in the past i have got 170 to the top of my shin and got stuck. So ignoring this week my training typically looks like this:

warm up fifteen reps at 65kg
1 set of 5 at 110kg
2 sets of 3 at 130kg
1 rep at 140kg
1 set of 5 at 110kg
1 set of stiff legs at 65kg 10 reps.

i only deadlift once a week, this week i seemed weak, it also showed in my other lifts for my back. Any ideas? any further questions just ask.
3 weeks ago. 1 full week. Also i average 230 to 300 grams of protein a day. My split looks like this:

monday cardio in am
tuesday cardio in am, shoulders traps in pm
wednesday cardio am
thursday back and bi's am
friday cardio am
saturday legs and cardio pm
sunday chest and tris
abs randomly mixed in, although i prolly do not do them enough.
Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau
Some belonged to strangers, some to folks you know
Holy ghosts and talk show hosts are planted in the sand
To beautify the foothills, and shake the many hands

nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
See a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you got words

finished with the mop then you can stop
And look at what you've done
The plateau's clean, no dirt to be seen
And the work it was fun

nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
See a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you got words

Many a hands began to scan around for the next plateau
Some say it was Greenland, and some say Mexico
Others decided it was nowhere except for where they stood
But those were all just guesses, wouldn't help you if they could
Where is your weak spot at? The top of the pull? You could try pulling from blocks or any raised platform to work on that portion.

Well I see Keith down in the viewing list. So if he posts just disregard what I've said and follow what he writes.
when i cannot pull it i get stuck at shin level. Once above shin i always finsih.
Wouldn't platform deads be better to pull off the ground?
Ah. Try snatch grip DL's or Zercher Dl's.

Agreed. Spend a few weeks wihout doing any heavy conventional pulls. Sometimes even a full week without deadlifting is not enough of a break. Doing heavy singles weekly can take a toll which accumulates over the weeks. Instead take a few weeks to work on snatch grip DL or pulls off a deficit. You don't need to use really heavy weight. Instead try to focus on getting speed and power off the ground.
Thanks for the good advice, i will try the above mentioned ideas. Snatch grip just means a wider grip correct?
Like others said, I think that snatch grip from a platform (such as 2 stacked 45s) and zerchers will help ya out. Maybe also power cleans and snatches.
Split it to 2 days of day for clean pulls and the other for DL singles...if you can that is : o
From your original post it sounded like you were increasing the weight 10 kg every week??? If so you could try dropping the increase to 2.5 kg a week or so. When you get stronger you can't progress as rapidly.
Thanks trinitron i just thought about that today. I will try the zerchers and snatch grips, thank you to all. Anymore good advice is welcome.
If you can zercher off a platform, you're a more flexible man than I.

Oh hell no. I can hardly zercher off the floor. :icon_chee

I was just saying that it could probably help you out of the hole if you are flexible enough.
i would recommend takin time off but youve already done that