Crime Pipe Bombs Suspect Cesar Sayoc of FL arrested. Radical Trump Supporter Sent Pipe Bombs to major Dems

Shh, no tears now. Only dreams.
I'm sure the new mexico compound people are going to tie in to this somehow. You know the ones training kids for school shootings who were let free by the fbi

Holy Shit. That does look exactly like their flag
This is bizarre, Melania rambling about whatever her scheduled programming speach was about rather than talking about the mail bombs as Trump should be

Not a good decision

The opioid epedemic affects more people
Trump at mic now

If he talks about opioids rather than the breaking news I'm gonna flip

Ok. Says he concluded a briefing, packages being examined and full weight being used to bring those responsible for the despicable acts to justice

Talking about need to unify, and acts or threats of politixal violence have no place in United States

Not a bad opening for him
A very worrying part is that there are people immediately calling for a false flag attack.

There CANNOT be people in the United States that would A) send bombs through the mail with the intent to kill someone or B) want to attack people or politicians on the other side of the political spectrum.

Nothing in the history of the United States has shown that someone would be capable of either of those.

Ergo, false flag from some slimy Dems.

Just another Sandy Hook, I bet half of these people getting bombs mailed to them aren't even real.
Yea. He had those liberals conned a long time
Those liberals in NY always knew he was a social climbing con man which is what they were constantly warning during the entire campaign. Even the man who ghostwrote his book Art of the Deal warned the world about him.

Btw hanging out with somebody at a cocktail party isn't the same thing as thinking they should be leader of the free world. The people in NYC who had known him their entire lives understood that but the rubes didn't.
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OK. CNN is using the same photo that shows a black ISIS flag on the device. Yet not one MSM outlet is talking about this, only people on social media.

That's crazy.
@zebby23 you count this as condemning? I do, although it was a bit short imo and they too quickly went back to the opioid conference that was scheduled
Trump at mic now

If he talks about opioids rather than the breaking news I'm gonna flip

Ok. Says he concluded a briefing, packages being examined and full weight being used to bring those responsible for the despicable acts to justice

Talking about need to unify, and acts or threats of politixal violence have no place in United States

Not a bad opening for him

Dude. This was a preplanned bill signing. Good grief
Dude. This was a preplanned bill signing. Good grief

Yep, but I still feel like this breaking news warranted more than a 4 minute cut in
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Photo I've seen of the so-called pipe bomb seems to have an ISIS flag on it. Yet I haven't seen that in any coverage. Is that a fake photo?


What's your source? You can probably determine if it's real based on source alone. Protip: If the word "Freedom" appears in the name of the source, the photo is fake.