Pan Ams-Kron Wins Brown Belt Absolute

johil d'o

Thought Warrior
Jun 24, 2002
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He defeated Chris Moriarty by armbar. He tapped all of his other opponents too. That's quite an achievement. Big congratulations to Kron.

I believe he is competing in the brown belt medio division tomorrow.

If he wins that, I'll bet Rickson gives him a black belt tomorrow evening. Just my guess...
or more likely rickson will have him dominate in the mundials as a brown belt once more before promoting him. kron isn't allowed to lose
I realize that Rickson (the best ever?) and Jacare (the best teacher ever?) know what they're doing...but how are Kron and Chris still brown belts?!
I realize that Rickson (the best ever?) and Jacare (the best teacher ever?) know what they're doing...but how are Kron and Chris still brown belts?!

Pride and standards being kept!

sorry for the double post, the brouser said my first post didnt work........?
or more likely rickson will have him dominate in the mundials as a brown belt once more before promoting him. kron isn't allowed to lose

Not sure what you mean, really. The kid is only what, 19?? I bet he loses matches as a black belt eventually, for what it's worth.
the way Kron went thru Cameron, he should definitely be a black belt. He is so quick, so smooth and he just never gives up ANYTHING... he's not a brown belt, he's an elite black belt.
My roomate for the Pan Ams fights Kron tomorrow. Fernando Bernardino. Should be a good match.
at black belt Kron will have little success... in his medio class there is Marcelinho Garcia, Andre Galvao, and Murilo Santana... only easy opponents eh? hehe
Pride and standards kept,

IDK man, I think that at some level it is "sandbagging" if you are holding someone's belt back so they can win major tournaments. Granted that there is a long term strategy involved if one wants to enter the world of Professional MMA, but it is still a bit shady.

I always thought that any division less then Black belt, absolute, and "advanced" is sort of just a contest among instructors for who holds the student's rank back the most.

A guy I know won the Mundials at Blue belt this year (2007). He should have been a purple belt long before that tournament, and It was sort of a joke that he was still a blue belt "but only till after the worlds"

That said those guys at that level (champions at major tournaments in any division) are truly dedicated athletes.
at black belt Kron will have little success... in his medio class there is Marcelinho Garcia, Andre Galvao, and Murilo Santana... only easy opponents eh? hehe

That is if Marcello competes anymore.
Not sure what you mean, really. The kid is only what, 19?? I bet he loses matches as a black belt eventually, for what it's worth.

what i mean is there's a lot of pressure on him. ofcourse he'll lose against top comp as a blackbelt now, which is probably why he won't get it yet.
IDK man, I think that at some level it is "sandbagging" if you are holding someone's belt back so they can win major tournaments. Granted that there is a long term strategy involved if one wants to enter the world of Professional MMA, but it is still a bit shady.

I always thought that any division less then Black belt, absolute, and "advanced" is sort of just a contest among instructors for who holds the student's rank back the most.

A guy I know won the Mundials at Blue belt this year (2007). He should have been a purple belt long before that tournament, and It was sort of a joke that he was still a blue belt "but only till after the worlds"

That said those guys at that level (champions at major tournaments in any division) are truly dedicated athletes.

Please consider this, that it is not sandbagging, but a problem of promoting others too soon.

There are distinct differences to the games played by the different belts. May I suggest the top instructors do a correct service to be patient and give their top students all the proper tools to embody the high standards of their art.

Kron has time to continue to perfect his art. He would struggle at the Black Belt level now, but on the course he is on in time he will shine there too. Why rush it? It is the correct way to build a consistant champion. Others that follow the same path will provide competition and there is where the standards are met and those individuals then raise the bar once again.

Dont aspire to get the belt, be the quality that belt requires!
We have a guy who has been tappin every body lately, even a 22 year old Black Belt a couple of weeks ago. But consider his game as a whole, yes he is smokin ! and we all have great respect for his work ethic and his scientific approach to his prep and training.

But a guy needs to test it against competition, show up at a specific time in front of a crowd against someone who is also on for that moment. He got a silver medal yesturday at the Pan-ams at his belt level.

I would have wanted to promote him to his next belt, but competition and the standards say: "Lets consider how he can be even better"
Rickson doesn't have a reputation for being belt happy. Why is anyone surprised that he isn't in a rush to promote Kron?
heres a quote from Rickson i got from about his status. this was taken after he won the pan ams too.

"Although Kron is doing everything he should be doing, or in other words, is giving his best, I think I'll still keep him at brown for awhile, at the Worlds he'll still be at brown. I'm doing this because when he gets to black, there's no going back, and I want him to face the top black belts with maximum experience,"
Rickson doesn't have a reputation for being belt happy. Why is anyone surprised that he isn't in a rush to promote Kron?

not to mention that he has nothing to gain by it, it's not as though people are suddenly gonna start praising Rickson as a brilliant BJJ practicioner/instructor based on the performance of his students!