Overeem's weight


Dec 15, 2012
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What do you believe Overeem to be weighing around about now? More interestingly, come fight week do you think he will be coming close to 265 to combat the weight advantage Big Foot Silva usually enjoys?
about tree fiddy.

but for real isn't he normally under 265 by a few pounds. too lazy to check.
264 lbs give or take.

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Reem did weigh 263 against Lesnar.
In the interview he did with Rousey awhile back, he said he was 275-280 before the Lesnar fight. Don't recall if he actually dieted down or cut that weight, but he does have to make some sort of effort to make the HW limit come fight time.
What do you believe Overeem to be weighing around about now? More interestingly, come fight week do you think he will be coming close to 265 to combat the weight advantage Big Foot Silva usually enjoys?

i think reem will still be way stronger , even with weighing less
Bigfoot's struggled with smaller, faster heavyweights, so it might not hurt the Reem to come in a little lighter than usual.
he really crafted his body didn't he

does he cut to just under 265 or is he generally around that weight?
He will let us know in his awesome thereem.com videos I'm sure.
I'd say about 255 hard to keep so much muscle with out the JUICE.
My guess is he'll be 255-258. When these guys get off the gas it's only natural they're gonna drop some weight. Carwin was like 280 and more ripped pre-UFC, and over time he just keeps getting lighter and less ripped. It won't be as noticeable with Reem in that it's a shorter period of time (and Reem's younger) but I don't think he'll be 265.
Hasn't he always weighed around 250-255? He is a tall muscular dude but he doesn't strike me as a guy who is as naturally thick as Lesnar, Mir, and Carwin. Shit, Carwin's 6'0 ass got to 270 easily with the Lesnar fight. Overeem is 3 inches taller and I doubt he ever made 270.
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Apparently he said in his hearing that:

-He's bigger than he is before
-He's hired a new nutritionist
Hopefully ~250, no point for him to come in real heavy and gas early in this fight.
264 lbs give or take.

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Reem did weigh 263 against Lesnar.

Yeah, but he was wearing jeans, shoes and a fat belt buckle for his weigh in.

No way he's cutting water weight to make 265. Probably does lose a bit of weight during his training camp, but can't see him missing weight anytime soon.
Related question: has a heavyweight ever missed weight? Can't recall it, though I'm sure it's happened somewhere along the line.
Getting bigger isn't gonna make him a better fighter. It might make him hit a little harder and able to take a better hit, but considering that striking is his forte, his speed could take a dip by getting bigger and that would hinder himself as a fighter.

We'll know come fight night, I guess... I wouldn't assume that he's gotten much bigger, though.
My guess is probably more likely to happen. Since he was facing allegations of steroid use he will come in around his normal weight 263-265 to avoid more interest on the issue. He will train extremely hard to achieve his goals just look at the mans body he is dedicated to training and self image. He seems to be a driven man in all his interviews K-1 pedigree and such. Why kick a man when he is down we will see come fight day. Personally I am not sure wether his story was legit but I have no doubt a man with his dedication to training could achieve a body like that without the help of steroids, they only can get you so far....
280 and cutting, he wasn't that much smaller than the 340lbs Sapp in that tug if war video.

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