Opinion: The stockton slap is completely disprectful and should be booed not encouraged

Where I'm from people like you get slapped - Nick Diaz
These Conor fans.....
TS: Slow day on Sherdog...hmmmm, let's see if I can think of something to be upset/offended by.
I really hope he tries to Stockton Slap our hope Conor so that Conor can counter and knock his gang banging ass unconscious.

That would be probably even better than Aldo getting KTFOd
well allow me to retort:

TS: Slow day on Sherdog...hmmmm, let's see if I can think of something to be upset/offended by.

I'm not trying to get offended its disrepectful. Just like spitting on another fighter is. Both have the same purpose to annoy and humiliate the opponent
People like you get Stockton slapped​
Good ol fashion butt-humping is disrespectful but should be encouraged.
I can't tell if its Connor or that guy from gta 5 who bangs your wife .. What's his name... Ido Portal?
I know there's a lot of Nayt fans on here and also Nick Diaz fans but the stockton slap is completely disrespectful and fans should stop encouraging it. It's only purpose is to humiliate the other fighter not to inflict damage or score points. There's also the chance that an eye could get poked from it and since theres more force in it than a normal eye poke it could blind a fighter. In my opinion a point should be deducted for that kind of action.

. Am I the only person that thinks this?
stfu Dublin and stop posting those Conor Nuthugging threats we already know you are up his arse.
Slaps should be booed but not the Stockton slaps.
Ok I get that and on some level you're right but a slap will never do the damage that even a light jab will do. Its just to humiliate the opponent and its not in the spirit of the sport.
Its done in a position where the other person can defend and both are ready to throw punches. THe criticism would be valid if the other person was on the ground. I think Jones pushing onto DC's head while he was on the cage was disrespectful
Slapping is ok IMO. More people should start using it. Its just another technique. Shit talking during the fight on the other hand should be banned IMO.