OPINION: Petr Yan was a paper champion- PAPER YAN

I don’t get This logic.. he was a paper champion who was in the process of dominating the current champion before a bad mental error… and then lost to him via the most boring strategy of all time, in a decision that is widely disagreed upon. This makes him a paper champion? You’re a fucking fool

It’s simple

He never beat a legit contender for the belt
Aldo never deserved to fight for 135 title. He was on a 2 fight losing streak. He was a hand picked match up to make Petr Yan look good
The context matters for that situation. It matters a lot. How did you score the Aldo vs moraes fight?
Wasn’t this the same guy who made the Khabib was never that good thread?
He got robbed against a human backpack.
The context matters for that situation. It matters a lot. How did you score the Aldo vs moraes fight?

Don’t remember I’d have to rewatch. But honestly don’t think it matters Aljo vs Sandhagen should have been for the title. Those were the guys who EARNED it.

Petr still needed a TOP 5 win to be considered in title contention.
It’s interesting to think about just how different opinion on this entire situation would be if Aljo/Sandhagen would have been the title fight instead. With his recognition as champ, people would have made relentless fun of Yan for fucking his title shot. Wouldn’t have been nearly as controversial with no title change. And people forget at the time most thought Aldo was in the twilight of his career and the move to BW was a bad move to stay relevant. I love Aldo, but that was definitely the general sentiment at the time.
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Don’t remember I’d have to rewatch. But honestly don’t think it matters Aljo vs Sandhagen should have been for the title. Those were the guys who EARNED it.

Petr still needed a TOP 5 win to be considered in title contention.
I mean there’s obviously a bit of marketing in the yan situation. His appeal as a champ is pretty obvious.

From a numbers/entertainment standpoint Aldo Vs Yan is clearly more attractive. I don’t doubt the cards were stacked to favor them.

Im not entirely following the logic of the sandhagan vs sterling pitch. When exactly did you want that fight? Sandhagan had already lost in quite a dominant way to sterling, and on top of that if you’re holding yans feet to the flames for Uriah being old, you certainly have to view sandhagan and his win over Edgar in a similar fashion.
Sterling was better even in the first fight, Yan only started winning when Sterling gassed. Overall Sterling is better than Yan
yan did get grapple fucked for 2 rounds while sterling lost rounds 4 and 5. Really close fight. I think yan can make some improvements on strategy and reload.
Im not entirely following the logic of the sandhagan vs sterling pitch. When exactly did you want that fight? Sandhagan had already lost in quite a dominant way to sterling, and on top of that if you’re holding yans feet to the flames for Uriah being old, you certainly have to view sandhagan and his win over Edgar in a similar fashion.

I’m saying the first Sandhagen/Sterling fight should have been for the vacant belt after Cejudo retired. They were the two most deserving contenders at the time and back then most people agreed.

I remember most we’re angry that Aldo was getting an undeserved titleshot
People on sherdog are infatuated with eastern Euros like they are some alpha breed. An American wrestler who posts tik toks and grew up wealthy just styled on Yan and grapple fucked him with ease
It was a very close fight just because that 1 round, at the end of the day Yan need to win another fight to be in the title contention again
He arguably won yesterday just depends how you score the first round

I had
I don’t get This logic.. he was a paper champion who was in the process of dominating the current champion before a bad mental error… and then lost to him via the most boring strategy of all time, in a decision that is widely disagreed upon. This makes him a paper champion? You’re a fucking fool

The actual boring strategy part can be debated forever. As for widely disagreed upon? Sherdog forums don't qualify for the wide part. 90% of media sites judged the fight for Sterling, 2 or 3 had it as a tie, and 1 random site probably ran by a Sherdogger gave it to Yan. We can quibble over how the fight wasn't exciting. But Sterling clearly won. Sherdog forums are the only place that this fight will ever be widely disagreed upon. And on here people are soured because they have so much hate for Sterling and gave him no chance. So that clouds their judgment to the point they have to turn a clear win into a debatable fight Sterling might have even lost.

Weird how so many people on here were rooting so hard for an illegal cheating fuck to win. Yan lost, and there's no debating that for 95% of the people who saw the fight.
I’m saying the first Sandhagen/Sterling fight should have been for the vacant belt after Cejudo retired. They were the two most deserving contenders at the time and back then most people agreed.

I remember most we’re angry that Aldo was getting an undeserved titleshot
I get what you’re saying now. Understood.

Yeah idk. I guess it was a coin flip to me at the time. I liked the Aldo title shot though I remember it being highly controversial. It’s easy to make this argument now that yan has lost and we’ve seen how it’s played out but I remember the forum being pretty divided about it at the time.

The funny thing is people were upset about Aldo, I remember no one, and I really mean “no one” being upset about yan. He was viewed pretty widely as a complete monster who easily deserved it.
I still say Yan has mental issues. Not necessarily crazy, but just not all there. It showed when he accosted and bullied that obviously mentally ill street person in the lead up to the first fight.

Then it showed again in the first fight. He appeared to have the fight in the bag. And he committed an egregious foul after the ref warned him Aljo was down. So for the last 13 months he obsessed over the loss. I couldn’t believe all the rhetoric about being the real champion he spewed. He literally refused to accept any responsibility for losing a fight he should have been able to coast to a win on. Without the knee he would have already had 3 rounds on 2 judges scorecards.

Then he comes out with his usual slow start in the rematch. Which lost him that fight as it turns out. And immediately he’s right back to I won that fight, I was robbed, blah blah blah. The guy just refuses to accept any responsibility and instead acts like he’s a victim. Does that remind you of anybody?

He’s obviously elite. But that dude needs to screw his head on straight and quit drinking the kool-aid. Now he’s back to being a contender. He never did follow up his vacant title win. Then fell short again after winning the IC fight. I just wonder if he’s going to obsess the same way about this loss? It hasn’t started out well.
The funny thing is people were upset about Aldo, I remember no one, and I really mean “no one” being upset about yan. He was viewed pretty widely as a complete monster who easily deserved it.

That just fan bias. Petr was popular that’s why he leapfrogged everyone but on sheer merit Aljo and Sandhagen deserved the titleshot more