Omoplatta -- Nogi?


Feb 14, 2005
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was in clas today training and i train strictly Gi training. We were working on Omoplattas and doing repition. Were supposed to grab the belt to make the turn smoothly. If you were doing no gi would you just pivot on your heel or is there a place you should grab?

Just crossed through my mind when i was training.
You can also hook his leg with your arm to aid your turn.

Alternatively, you can shove his face away (using that as another means to help you turn).
like sherdog mutt said, push on his head, then grab around his waist.
I usually finish my omoplatas with a half nelson. Makes it pretty hard to escape.
Sherdog_Mutt said:
You can also hook his leg with your arm to aid your turn.

Alternatively, you can shove his face away (using that as another means to help you turn).
what he said
I don't like the pushing away of the head, obvious what you are doing, besides, just not pretty. If you have ever done that armbar drill where you spin underneath and armbar, left, right, left, right....I do the same motion. Just swing your leg up and spin on your back, actually you will want to swing up both legs somewhat, but emphasis on the "locking" leg. As an alternative, say I have a triangle and he is posturing and muscling out of it, reach between his legs and pull yourself back and to the side that his trapped arm is on, just like reaching under for an armbar but pull your head all the way to his knee. One more note: I personally find the best way to get in omoplata position no gi, is not to work an arm to the side, push the head, yadayadayada....but just throw up a crappy triangle, not even aiming for the triangle, unless he's oblivious to my obvious sub attempt, and as long as his head and arm is between my legs, plata.
Well you guys pretty much got it covered lol.
Sherdog_Mutt said:
You can also hook his leg with your arm to aid your turn.

Alternatively, you can shove his face away (using that as another means to help you turn).


grab the leg instead of the belt.