Old rigger start on weight pile

Wooo hooooo 30 minute warm up full body and 30 burpies 5 sets calf raises pull ups sit ups n more I've always performed best hot and about a hour in.

Bench press max day!!
295 pull off 9 seconds
10 minute break
250 with towel x1 easy
Don't think I had 280 put it in first gear for the first time since I started lifting though n it felt great.

True max 275 PR
Training max 265

5 sets rolling db Tri extension

1 set 50 rope pushdowns

100 yes's 100 no's neck work

4 sets of cable ab work

Ordered my neck harness, dip rings and knee sleeves yesterday.
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Couldn't figure out a lifting plan for today so just winged it. Picking Up Weight.

10 minute warm up pc chain specific and calf's

Dead lift

Suitcase deadlift barbell
135x3 each side

315x5 sets
Been using coc gripper by my bed most nights hands are blowing up from muscle memory but grip was fatigued going into this workout.... Toast after

Hammer curls X3
Ezbar curlsx1 AMRAP like 23
A year and a half ago I crawled outa bed the first time in 2 weeks and went to the gym and started deadlifting 45lb off a cable machine trying to strengthen my back enough to avoid surgery after a couple 2 years of pain. Deads did what chiropractors and physical therapy couldn't. I'm proud of the progress I made from a fractured neck and slipped disc in my lower back 2 tore tendons in my knee. No surgerys just hard work and keeping "ease into it" on the front of my mind. Been itching to throw some real weight on the bar but easing into it seems to be working so I'll just take my time. Keep lifting stay strong brothers
A year and a half ago I crawled outa bed the first time in 2 weeks and went to the gym and started deadlifting 45lb off a cable machine trying to strengthen my back enough to avoid surgery after a couple 2 years of pain. Deads did what chiropractors and physical therapy couldn't. I'm proud of the progress I made from a fractured neck and slipped disc in my lower back 2 tore tendons in my knee. No surgerys just hard work and keeping "ease into it" on the front of my mind. Been itching to throw some real weight on the bar but easing into it seems to be working so I'll just take my time. Keep lifting stay strong brothers

With a broken freakin neck! Dang!
Being lazy today on my lunch break but tomorrow starts a new 6 week cycle so I figured I'd journal.

Push my bench into to 300's kinda high goal and Im not Shure how my body's going to react to the power bench program I'm using. But I wanna shoot 1s and 2's

Goal #2
Get comfortable squating over 300 pounds for reps. Going to squat twice a week, focus more on front squats and add box squats into the program while still using the 5x progressive overload as a base for my back squat

Goal #3 build more muscle in my posterior chain. Moving deadlifting to only once a week as I keep the progressive overload moving. Adding heavier good mornings to squat day and adding more one leg, and stiff leg deadlift.

Do more conditioning circuit work.
By only deadlifting once a week I think I'll be recoverd enough for more conditioning.

Goal #5 build more muscle in my neck and hands. Bought a coc 200lb gripper and a neck harness.

Motivated for tomarow!!!
Week 1 day 1 upper

Bench press
Good second pause on all that

Close grip bench

BB rows
155x8x5 sets

Circuit - skull crushers - power rack curls -
Rope face pulls... Between 9 and 15 reps 4 sets

Rope crunches 3x15

Lat pulldowns 3x9

Toes to bar hanging leg raises x 10

Neck work
100 yes's
100 no's
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Week 1. Conditioning #1

No plan but after about 10 minutes of moving around

1-10 pyramid
Kettlebell swings
Burpies multiple variations
BW squats
Water birds
Ab wheel

Did some hard pacing tryed to keep my heart rate at about where it is on a steep hike. Lasted the length of Ministry's latest album. Wouldn't really recommend the album
Week 1. Conditioning #1

No plan but after about 10 minutes of moving around

1-10 pyramid
Kettlebell swings
Burpies multiple variations
BW squats
Water birds
Ab wheel

Did some hard pacing tryed to keep my heart rate at about where it is on a steep hike. Lasted the length of Ministry's latest album. Wouldn't really recommend the album
If I were to start with a kettle bell weight, what do you think would be good for beginners? Now keep in mind I’m a smaller framed guy. And what is a water bird?
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If I were to start with a kettle bell weight, what do you think would be good for beginners? Now keep in mind I’m a smaller framed guy. And what is a water bird?
You could do alot with two 25lb or 30lb kettlebells. And a water bird is touching the floor in front of you while one leg goes up behind you. Really targets the hamstring
Week 1 upper body #2

Bench press
Really focusing on form, slow decline n explosive up with a long pause on chest. Adjusted volume up from program

One arm DB row

Standing overhead press

Face pull from the low pulley
Super set with Y raises
15reps 3 sets

Rope pushdowns x 50
Week 1. Lower body #2

Sumo deadlift
280x5x3 sets

Work schedule forced a less than perfect split so deadlift volume is going down lower body accessory work going up

Front squats

Between legs Rope pull throughs
3 sets of 15

DB One leg deadlifts
80lb 2 sets of 6

Kb swings
3 sets
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Week 2. Upper body #1

Bench press

BB rows

Db incline press SS face pulls
20-20-15 reps

Rolling tricep extension
20-5-5 reps

Rack curls

325lb shrugs 5sets of 15

Tri pushdowns 3x12

Abs. Felt like I could have went all day. Probly did to much
week2 upper body#2

Bench Press

DB row

Strict press SS lat pulldownsx9

Close grip bench (hands in smooth)
140x 12-12-9-9
Super set with hammer curls

Rope pushdownx50
Curls x50

Knee feels better. Weight 220 that's up 15 since I started a little dirty but alot of muscle memory. I look a like I'm logging again minus the callused hands