Elections Official Sherdawg Presidential debate round 1 PbP

Who won the debate

  • I plan to vote Biden, and think Biden won

    Votes: 10 5.7%
  • I’m (honestly) undecided, and think Biden won

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • I plan to vote Trump, and think Biden won

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • I plan to vote Trump, and think Trump won

    Votes: 96 54.9%
  • I’m (honestly) undecided, and think Trump won

    Votes: 38 21.7%
  • I plan to vote Biden, and think Trump won

    Votes: 25 14.3%

  • Total voters

@Jack V Savage

“LOL no”

Is this a hack poll? Are NBC news GOP hacks? Are the registered Democrats GOP hacks?

I’m confused.
Poll needs an "other" option.

RFK Jr. won.

Even if you didn't watch his debate counterprogram, which I did, the two choices on the CNN debate were acting like third graders and didn't get into any serious substantive policy discussion.

They both looked like idiots. One only spoke in the most extreme terms with absolutely no nuance while constantly lying. The other looked like he was too old and cognitively diminished to even know what was going on and should be nowhere near any elected office.

RFK Jr. spoke in far deeper detail about his policy positions and dove deeper into his rationale and moral considerations.

TL;DR: If you objectively watched the CNN debate, you clearly saw two terrible options. If you watched "therealdebate",, you saw a mature, diplomatic statesman who clearly seems like a better option than both.

Full disclosure: I'm voting Jill Stein. Trump, Biden and RFK Jr. all take the pro-genocide stance on Israel, which is an immediate deal breaker for me. At least Trump and RFK Jr. will try to negotiate an end to the Ukraine war.

Bidens foreign policy is terrible on every conflict.

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Most of the people on the Democrat side are worried about his electability rather than any inability to do the job, that's why they want him to step down for someone younger like Harris. Big mistake IMO, Harris got blown out of the water in the 2020 primary for a reason. No one really makes sense four months out from the election, swapping out Biden plays right into Trump's hands.

Look at the poll @Rob Battisti posted a bit ago (post #2684). It specifically asks about Joe's mental capabilities to serve as POTUS, not to get elected. 41% of registered Dems (HIS OWN PARTY!) don't think him capable. Again, not of getting elected again. Of DOING THE JOB. Take all registered voters and it's over 70%.

I'm not saying you're doing it intentionally like Hack Savage (who's melting down so badly over this he put me on ignore--as he transparently projects his sheer dishonesty onto me and uses that as his excuse to hide from the truth)--but it isn't an honest look to try to spin what people actually think after seeing Joe look like that.

I'm not arguing they should swap in Harris. She's wildly unpopular and would have no shot to win. IMO the Dems are f*cked barring something crazy happening. There's still time for that but it's running out.

This is a an election of choices i want nothing to do with.
I think he's old and sleepy, its natural for someone who is 82. I don't think he has dementia or anything like that and I think inferring as much from some public appearances is ill advised.

I've seen plenty of "old and sleepy" people in my lifetime. The only person I vividly remember who did that mouth agape, staring into space thing that Joe was doing the other night was my mother who did in fact have dementia.
This mentality is how we ended up with Biden vs Trump in the first place.

Keep voting for the lesser of two evils and you'll soon find yourself deciding between Satan and Hitler.

The Republicans and Democrats have had plenty of time to prove themselves worthy of governing. They both failed.

They're not going to get any better until people prove that they are capable of rejecting both and picking another option.
I've seen plenty of "old and sleepy" people in my lifetime. The only person I vividly remember who did that mouth agape, staring into space thing that Joe was doing the other night was my mother who did in fact have dementia.
I love how “old and sleepy” doesn’t mean “in cognitive decline”.
I've seen plenty of "old and sleepy" people in my lifetime. The only person I vividly remember who did that mouth agape, staring into space thing that Joe was doing the other night was my mother who did in fact have dementia.

Yep my Grandparents had Dementia too, Biden kept making faces like my Gramps used to when he was slipping hard. The panic wrestling desperately trying to spin this ITT is hilarious. The jig is up.
Yep my Grandparents had Dementia too, Biden kept making faces like my Gramps used to when he was slipping hard. The panic wrestling desperately trying to spin this ITT is hilarious. The jig is up.
My wife worked with dementia patients a long while, the lack of ability to emote was her biggest red flag.

Now, it could have been the Botox, but less likely.
Most of the people on the Democrat side are worried about his electability rather than any inability to do the job, that's why they want him to step down for someone younger like Harris. Big mistake IMO, Harris got blown out of the water in the 2020 primary for a reason. No one really makes sense four months out from the election, swapping out Biden plays right into Trump's hands.
Biden is the only one at this point who can beat Trump, given the timing of all this. Also, there is no way Biden will lose to Trump either. So I don't know why they're panicking.
This mentality is how we ended up with Biden vs Trump in the first place.

Keep voting for the lesser of two evils and you'll soon find yourself deciding between Satan and Hitler.

The Republicans and Democrats have had plenty of time to prove themselves worthy of governing. They both failed.

They're not going to get any better until people prove that they are capable of rejecting both and picking another option.

Tricky. Satan's Jacked and has better songs - sorry, Herr Wagner - but Hitler's fashion Swag is Over 9,000. And I just get lost in his eyes...😍

Joking aside: absolutely nothing you or I or anyone else can do will change the Two Party System. It's locked down tighter than the Epstein Client List. Vote for a third party candidate if you want but it will have as much impact on reality as my disturbing fantasies involving Sydney Sweeny*

*Which is a good thing, of course. The poor girl's done nothing to deserve that.:eek:
replace him with somebody that can beat Trump
I think you can't see the forest through the trees on this because of Trump.

Democrats went all in on Biden in 2020, because he had the "best chance of beating Trump" That was a lie. They all could have beat Trump in 2020, minus chakra spell worshipper Marianne Willamson, the rest of the field had a great chance. This mindset, this mania, over defeating Trump is supposed to absolve our leaders of their responsibility to their constituents and ensure to their donors they can win elections.

I am reading your posts here and you seem to be on the right track but I couldn't disagree with you more on that notion of finding someone who can beat Trump as a key priority.

It isnt, it doesn't have to be, this is partially why we currently have a vegetable backed by a shadowy unelected conglomerate making all the decisions, while our country is in a shambles. This is wrong and level headed Dems such as yourself have a responsibility to wake up the rest of the clan and focus on holding elected officials to govern and lead at the highest levels, first and foremost. Leave the fkkn politics out and give us the best and brightest and the votes will come. I fear the DNC has shot themselves in both feet here.

I personally have zero allegiance to either party and am undecided, or as @Rob Battisti put it, I am voting for myself. With that being said, ANY Democrat who comes forward and condemns this Biden fiasco and tells the truth without pandering to far left progressives has my vote. It is there, will anyone want it or are they just worried about making the owner/donor class happy? This is what we should be looking at.