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Elections Official Sherdawg Presidential debate round 1 PbP

Who won the debate

  • I plan to vote Biden, and think Biden won

    Votes: 10 5.8%
  • I’m (honestly) undecided, and think Biden won

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I plan to vote Trump, and think Biden won

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • I plan to vote Trump, and think Trump won

    Votes: 94 54.7%
  • I’m (honestly) undecided, and think Trump won

    Votes: 38 22.1%
  • I plan to vote Biden, and think Trump won

    Votes: 25 14.5%

  • Total voters
Where has he been required to make a decision in moments whether or not to fire off nuclear weapons at an adversary using the football?

That is a distinct and real possibility or else we wouldn't have a football for the president to use!!

You guys are whistling in the dark.

Also, whether or not supporting a genocide against the Palestinians who are more in the right than the Israelis are is good governance is up for debate obviously

Personally, it's one of the worst things I've ever seen in my lifetime.

Do you think Biden is qualified to launch nuclear weapons in the middle of the night while he's in the state he was in during the debate?

I don't believe anybody honest can answer yes to that question.
I would imagine each night is treated as hardcore recovery for him during sleep and he's possibly heavily medicated.

There may already be delineated responsibilities for if "the call" comes in overnight.
I keep seeing people saying both sucked, Biden because he's senile followed by 'but Trump kept lying'. I haven't seen anyone say what he was lying about, can someone fill me in so I don't have to watch the whole debate.

Or is it like a snopes version of Trump lying?

Trump: the sky is blue

Snopes: Technically, the short wavelengths that scatter across the sky correspond to the colours blue AND violet, making the real colour of the sky a bluish purple. For this reason we rate Trumps claim 'Mostly False'

I had been posting the same thing earlier in the thread, now much just posting about the fallout and Biden implosion, which is lulz

I hope you do look at the fact checks, like by the AP, they are hilariously biased. Just look at this one by the AP. @HereticBD i saw you also just respond to him, you should look at this too, it is pretty funny

Just look at the first two opening paragraphs. Even from the start of the article, they frame it completely different. What, so Biden is OK to be a salesman, use hyperbole, "who leans into things", etc, where are Trump simply lies.

Trump falsely represented the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as a relatively small number of people who were ushered in by police and misstated the strength of the economy during his administration.

Biden, who tends to lean more on exaggerations and embellishments rather than outright lies, misrepresented the cost of insulin and overstated what Trump said about using disinfectant to address COVID. Here’s a look at the false and misleading claims on Thursday night by the two candidates.

Then if you mostly go through the article, they try to bring up Trump minimizing 1/6 as much they can. Meanwhile try to fact check his economy, of course they immediately talk about COVID, Trump specifically says PRIOR to COVID when he talks about the economy. Then they fail to mention energy prices, sustained inflation, etc.

just look at this beauty

THE FACTS: That’s not accurate.

Trump has used that line at rallies, but it has no basis in fact. Biden actually wants to prevent tax increases on anyone making less than $400,000, which is the vast majority of taxpayers.

More importantly, Biden’s budget proposal does not increase taxes as much as Trump claims, though the increases are focused on corporations and the wealthy.

they can't flat out say Biden won't increase your taxes, just that he WANTS, he has several times said he WONT. And they say "as much as Trump claims" ? he didn't even claim an amount! LOL

This one about climate, there is actually no fact being debated. It is literally all opinion.


TRUMP, touting his environmental record, said that “during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever” and that he supports “immaculate” air and water.

THE FACTS: That’s far from the whole story. During his presidency, Trump rolled back some provisions of the Clean Water Act, eased regulations on coal, oil and gas companies and pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord. When wildfires struck California in 2020, Trump dismissed the scientific consensus that climate change had played a role. Trump also dismissed scientists’ warnings about climate change and routinely proposed deep cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency. Those reductions were blocked by Democratic and Republican lawmakers.

The Paris Climate accords are retarded. And the other points are just opinion that these agencies, which thanks to Trump are now going to be called into question and how much money is wasted with them, thanks to the Chevron case.

I had posted earlier that Trump had a great EO for water in Cali and Arizona, which they mention forest fires, etc. Newsom blocked it, was going to the courts until Trump left office. No mention of that in the fact check.

It is all just spin. Trump was on point and literally is causing the entire democrat party and media to implode lol
I keep seeing people saying both sucked, Biden because he's senile followed by 'but Trump kept lying'. I haven't seen anyone say what he was lying about, can someone fill me in so I don't have to watch the whole debate.

Or is it like a snopes version of Trump lying?

Trump: the sky is blue

Snopes: Technically, the short wavelengths that scatter across the sky correspond to the colours blue AND violet, making the real colour of the sky a bluish purple. For this reason we rate Trumps claim 'Mostly False'
Yes, the "fact checks" are snopes style horse shit.

They were "he said we were paying all the NATO defense when the US was only paying 75%". Another was saying he's let in 18 million illegals and then gave the reported number of 11.4 million,

The others were "food hasn't doubled or tripled" as if people don't already know how much they're spending

Also pretty rich that they try to "fact check" when they're in the middle of the biggest lie that the president doesn't have dementia.
I am curious about that poll of 154 political science "experts" brought up during the debate.

Who were they? And what was the rationale behind the rankings?
An alert criminal and profound narcissist who lies about elections being fake and undermines our own democracy to save his precious ego you mean?

And who riles up the very lowest and scummiest elements in our country and emboldens them devaluing every human relationship in this country? Opening.the door to people like green and boebert to come out of their trailer parks and lead the county to the dump?

If you can't see.it it's because you are like it. And you are.

Yeah man... That's a hard pass from me without staring that he plans to gut viable necessary government programs too.

That these are our two candidates is just emblematic of the crisis of meaning that we are facing and also the degradation and decline of the american empire.
Look, you're allowed to pass on Trump. Bottom line is, it's him or Biden. Most people are gonna go with the guy who has a pulse.

And I can't help but laugh at you pointing to two loons in the Republican party "rising up" like it's some epidemic, but ignore the absolute shit show on the other side, involving "the squad" who basically hate America and the west in general, and have positions in government because their bat shit ideologies have been catered to.
Look, you're allowed to pass on Trump. Bottom line is, it's him or Biden. Most people are gonna go with the guy who has a pulse.

And I can't help but laugh at you pointing to two loons in the Republican party "rising up" like it's some epidemic, but ignore the absolute shit show on the other side, involving "the squad" who basically hate America and the west in general, and have positions in government because their bat shit ideologies have been catered to.
It's not just them. He opened the door to them. There's more crap like that coming.

Even the trailer park trash in America feels emboldened because Trump is just like them.

I make a distinction between trailer park people with dignity and trailer Park, trash... Trump emboldens trailer park trash.

And he wants to gut really important institutions that protect consumers from fraud and he wants to gut the education system and he wants to gut regulations that protect the environment which are already way too lacking and causing people to die early deaths.

But mainly he degrades the entire country morally.

But also I think it's only because of the cowardice of Democrats and the sophists like Jack apologizing for these guys that makes it so Biden is maybe a necessary candidate, but I don't think it's too late to change people's minds, which is why I'm speaking out.

I would trust Biden to be in a coma and his cabinet to do a better job than Trump.
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I would trust Biden to be in a coma and his cabinet to do a better job than Trump.
Well, then you're an idiot.

The only reason Trump is where he is, is because of the Democrats' ineptitude and people remembering how much better they had it under Trump. Things were better under Trump. That's just a fact.

It's also funny that you bring up lying, like it's some kind of deal breaker, and yet, this entire "shock and awe" over Biden's condition, is because you were LIED to by Democrats about his condition...for YEARS. But yeah, that dastardly Trump and all his lying is unfit...

Bottom line, there's two choices, and anyone with half a brain cell can see who the better option is. Hint: It's not the aloof old man without a clue we all saw on Thursday.
Well, then you're an idiot.

The only reason Trump is where he is, is because of the Democrats' ineptitude and people remembering how much better they had it under Trump. Things were better under Trump. That's just a fact.

It's also funny that you bring up lying, like it's some kind of deal breaker, and yet, this entire "shock and awe" over Biden's condition, is because you were LIED to by Democrats about his condition...for YEARS. But yeah, that dastardly Trump and all his lying is unfit...
Well yeah but I stand against Biden. So are you mistaking consistency for hypocrisy?

And I've already made the point that SOME of this is the Democrats fault. We couldn't have Trump if the Democrats were doing their job and not being assholes and idiots. We had the choice to vote Bernie in... and if we had the country would be in a profoundly better place. But we chose the lower scummy versions on the Democrats side and Trump won.

I really like Kyle kalinski of secular talk for a variety of reasons even though i disagree with him on a lot of issues

When Trump hit the scene, he used to make the case that all of the dignified talk and stability was a bunch of b******* anyway and we were better off without it.

He just did a segment comparing a debate from many years ago to today and said he was wrong and was naive and had no idea the degradation that Trump would bring about
... but he did it.

A lot of people in the country never had any dignity or civility and so they don't know what's missing. They don't know the layers of character that builds that comes through in really difficult situations. They don't understand what a life of meaning and principle feels like to live and the power it holds . They're just seeing someone low like them in office, but the rest of us see a profound loss.

As far as lying goes, Biden is also a liar. He's just not near the level of the liar that Trump is.
And I've already made the point that SOME of this is the Democrats fault.
No. ALL. Trump does not have a magical power that leaves the majority of voters wanting him back. There's a solid 30% of Trumpers who would stick by him no matter what. The rest of the folks turning to him, are absolutely frustrated with the Dems, because they haven't done anything for them and have made their lives worse.

If the Democrats were merely competent in how they govern, Trump would be a distant memory. You're in this shit, because the Democrats are THAT bad. Biden has a lower approval rating than Trump at this time in their Presidency, because he's even worse. People are turning to Trump, because the Dems have turned away from them, and care about little else but their progressive pet projects that benefit nobody, while shouting "Racist!" and "Sexist!" at anyone who doesn't get on board with their bullshit.
No. ALL. Trump does not have a magical power that leaves the majority of voters wanting him back. There's a solid 30% of Trumpers who would stick by him no matter what. The rest of the folks turning to him, are absolutely frustrated with the Dems, because they haven't done anything for them and have made their lives worse.

If the Democrats were merely competent in how they govern, Trump would be a distant memory. You're in this shit, because the Democrats are THAT bad. Biden has a lower approval rating than Trump at this time in their Presidency, because he's even worse. People are turning to Trump, because the Dems have turned away from them, and care about little else but their progressive pet projects that benefit nobody, while shouting "Racist!" and "Sexist!" at anyone who doesn't get on board with their bullshit.
Its as if you didn't read my post and just came in hard anyway pretending I was against every point you made in a hard way.

So lame.
Its as if you didn't read my post and just came in hard anyway pretending I was against every point you made in a hard way.

So lame.
You're entire point is Biden > Trump under any and all circumstances, including Biden being friggin' comatose. I'm refuting that absurd notion, and telling you that the reason Trump is up is because Biden and his merry band of retards are so, so much worse. Something you absolutely refuse to see, because you're in the same type of denial others are about Biden's health. It's just broader. Instead of laughably saying that Biden is just fine and shouldn't have his ineptitude held against him, you're saying that about the entire party, as if they've been so great despite Biden's mental problems.

The Dems are Biden, dude. Clueless and aloof.
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It shows the comparison that one political party will acknowledge that their nominee isn't as speedy as he once was, but as long as he's telling the truth and his leadership is sound, we're going to keep progressing.

The other political party believes that their nominee is incapable of doing anything wrong regardless of the evidence they can plainly see with their own eyes.

That's what it has to do with it.

democrats aren't liberals anymore and only care about accumulating power for their agenda, which is totalitarianism masquerading as inclusion, sustainability, and sharing and caring.

your party once cared about liberty, individual rights, freedom of speech, scientific debate, and american values. now you're all about catering to ugly resentful communist freaks who hate america and want a commie revolution. how can you not see this?

Cuban is getting roasted for that.
Happy to field this one:

So you know how you guys are shitting your pants over how out of it Biden looks? Well so are we, but we're also applying the same logic to Trump. You know, the guy who has multi-minute rants where he drone on about batteries being so large they sink boats, forcing you to choose between electrocution and jumping towards a shark?

Well democrats don't turn a blind eye to that like you chuds. They look at Bidens gaffes and compare them to trumps equally retarded statements. Then they remind themselves at what a shitty job trump did, and realize that Biden could be a complete mess and still be the better option than your orange god.

It's not that hard to work through. You just have to be honest with yourself.

nice try comparing donny's highly captivating campfire stories of sharks, batteries, and shampoos to joe's demented rambling. one man wouldn't be qualified to run a taco stand and the other you get a laugh out of while roasting marshmallows.
democrats aren't liberals anymore and only care about accumulating power for their agenda, which is totalitarianism masquerading as inclusion, sustainability, and sharing and caring.

your party once cared about liberty, individual rights, freedom of speech, scientific debate, and american values. now you're all about catering to ugly resentful communist freaks who hate america and want a commie revolution. how can you not see this?

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

Cuban is getting roasted for that.

And he's still laughing all the way to the bank. But, because he chooses not to vote for someone who rawdogged a porn star while his wife was at home nursing their newborn son, is a reason to hate on his decision though.
Factually, it will be Trump or Biden. They're both old. One has been a great president, and the other was previously one of the worst presidents we've ever had, tried to overthrow the gov't when he lost, and has a psychotic agenda for a next term.

Whenever partisans don't like economic stats, they always say that they're faked to help the president. And that's insane because the agencies that collect data are staffed with non-political hires with different preferences, and businesses and other policymakers rely on the accuracy of those numbers. If any director tried to order something like that, you'd immediately have a bunch of whistleblowers, and it would be a huge scandal. And it goes like that for a lot of agencies. We as a country rely on competent, good-faith data collection and general job performance. If Trump and Heritage get their way, that's over. We already have radical rightists controlling the courts. And he's talking about weaponizing the DOJ (which he also tried to do in his last term). I called it here last time that he'd tried to stay in power if he lost but that he'd fail. It's far less clear to me now that he'd be unsuccessful in his attempt to overturn democracy and constitutional governance. Partisans will dismiss that, but this is based on his own proposals and those of the Heritage Foundation, which generally sets the agenda for the GOP.

The economy was booming under Trump you sad little liar.
And he's still laughing all the way to the bank. But, because he chooses not to vote for someone who rawdogged a porn star while his wife was at home nursing their newborn son, is a reason to hate on his decision though.
"He's rich so we should listen to him"

What a goofy take.
You're entire point is Biden > Trump under any and all circumstances, including Biden being friggin' comatose. I'm refuting that absurd notion, and telling you that the reason Trump is up is because Biden and his merry band of retards are so, so much worse. Something you absolutely refuse to see, because you're in the same type of denial others are about Biden's health. It's just broader. Instead of laughably saying that Biden is just fine and shouldn't have his ineptitude held against him, you're saying that about the entire party, as if they've been so great despite Biden's mental problems.

The Dems are Biden, dude. Clueless and aloof.
No, that's not my entire point that Biden is better than Trump. But Biden is better than Trump. But neither are fit for the presidency.